Intervention Strategies Activities to Encourage Crossing Midline

Intervention Strategies
Activities to Encourage Crossing Midline
Crossing midline refers to the student’s ability to cross his or her arms or legs over the midline of the body.
The midline is an imaginary line that runs through the body, cutting it in half from head to toe.
Students with midline crossing difficulties exhibit this by: piecing diagonal letters, turning body when writing or
drawing and switches hand dominance based on which side of the body items are presented.
Students need to be able to coordinate both hands together in the middle of their body before they can cross midline.
The following activities help coordinate both hands in midline.
carry heavy objects with two hands
sharpen pencil with manual sharpener
paper cutting
paper tearing
wind wind-up toys
Midline Crossing Activities
When completing these tasks, place objects in a location that requires the student to reach across their body.
pop-it beads
nuts and bolts
Lego® blocks
sewing cards
Simon Says
roll PlayDough or clay with both hands
bead/button stringing
do mixing bowl activities
card game
two-handed mitts (two gloves sewn together so that the hands move together to complete the task)
erasing the board
sorting activities
Velcro® blocks
Revised 9/2013