Key Terms - Anterior translation – forward (anterior) movement of a limb, relative to the joint on which it acts Anteversion – a forward bending or angulation of a bone or organ (1) Articulation – a joint in the body (2) Closed Chain – weight bearing activity, such as squats or push-ups Extension – the stretching or straightening out of a joint (2) External Rotation – movement of a ball and socket joint so the limb moves outward (2) Flexion – the act of bending a joint (2) Genu recurvatum – knees bowed back, hyperextension (1) Genu varum – “bow legged”, laterally angled displacement of the tibia and femur at the knee (1) Internal Rotation – movement of a ball and socket joint so the limb moves inward (2) Lateral – further away from the midline of the body (2) Ligament – a thick band of fibrous tissue that connects the bones at a joint and forms the joint capsule (2) Medial - nearer to the central midline of the body or center of origin (2) Open Chain – non-weight bearing activity, such as leg extension or triceps extension Tendon – a strong band of connective tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone (2) Valgus Force/Stress – a lateral force applied toward the body’s midline (medially) (1) Varus Force/Stress – a medial force applied from the body’s midline outward (laterally) (1)