BODY ORGANIZATION PACKET MEDICAL TERMS PRACTICE: Break down the following medical terms: underline the word root, square the suffix distal proximal inferior superior anterior medial supination plantar lateral elevation rotation flexion pronation abduction posterior adduction depression retraction Extra practice: label with body org terms BODY PLANES: label and define Term Distal Proximal Medial Lateral Inferior Superior Anterior Posterior Flexion Extension Abduction Adduction Pronation Supination Elevation Depression Protraction Retraction Plantarflexion Dorsiflexion Inversion Eversion Horizontal adduction Horizontal abduction Internal rotation External rotation Circumduction Suffix al (pertaining to) Word root Dist/o (far) Definition (use book) Away from point of attachment to the trunk ---------------- ------------------------- Increasing angle at a joint Abduct( movement away from midline) Adduct(movement toward midline) ----------------- Prefix inPrefix e--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pronat (palms down) Supinate (palms up) Elevat (to raise up) Depress (to bring down) -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action of bringing scapula away from midline Action of bringing scapula towards midline action of decreasing angle at ankle (on heels) Bringing heels in towards midline Bringing heels away from midline Movement in the transverse plane toward midline Movement in transverse plane away from midline Rotating limb towards the body Rotating limb away from body Moving in circular pattern MEDICAL ABBREVIATIONS: Abbreviation Definition ant bil BIN, bin DOA FROM lat LLQ Abbreviation Definition LUQ N/C prn RLQ ROM RUQ BODY ORGANIZATION VOCAB: use your book to define the following Term Definition Term Cell Muscle cell Tissue Epithelial cells Organs respiration System Anatomical position Cell Membrane Directional terms Nucleus Sagittal plane Cytoplasm Frontal/coronal plane Transverse plane Nerve cell BODY CAVITIES: Label and list each body part within the cavity definition REGIONS OF THE ABDOMINAL CAVITY: 4 QUADRANTS OF ABDOMINAL CAVITY: label and list the structures of each 1. WHY ARE REGIONS USED? 2. Label the regions of the body THE STYSTEMS Body system Name Digestive Circulatory/Cardiovascular Lymphatic Respiratory Integumentary Nervous Endocrine Muscular Skeletal Reproductive –male Reproductive – female urinary THE CELL Major Structures Major Functions