Ancient Rome Unit Test

Name:________________________ Date:______________________ Ancient Rome Unit Test Multiple Choice: Circle the Correct Answer. (2 Pts each) (1) Which Emperor brought Christianity to Rome? (a) Theodosius (b) Constantine (c) Augustus Caesar (d) Julius Caesar (2) The cult of Isis was related to what other culture? (a) Egyptian (b) Indian (c) Phoenician (d) Chinese (3) Which of the following was NOT one of the four main Good Emperors? (a) Trajan (b) Hadrian (c) Julius Caesar (d) Marcus Aurelius (4) Of the four options, which was NOT one of he Triumvirates of Rome? (a) Augustus Caesar (b) Antony (c) Nero (d) Lepidus (5) Julius Caesar died by (a) Suicide (b) Murdered by Augustus Caesar (c) Drowning at sea (d) Stabbed by senators (6) Marius changed the way Roman armies were formed by (a) Paying the army (b) Allowing women to join (c) Forcing people from all social classes to join (d) Creating a minimum age for people being required to join the army (7) During the Second Punic War (a) Rome started the war, believing Carthage would attack soon enough (b) Rome burned down the city of Carthage (c) General Scipio of Rome defeated General Hannibal of Carthage (d) Carthage tried to seize the Strait of Messina (8) When Rome conquered other nations they would (a) Not allow them to keep their own religion (b) Allow people to gain partial or full citizenship (c) Force other nations to learn Latin (d) Use phalanxes to conquer those nations (9) The Roman government changed across time from (a) A republic to an empire (b) A theocracy to an empire (c) An empire to a monarchy (d) A dictatorship to a republic (10) How did Pontius Pilate affect religion in the Roman Empire? (a) He traveled to preach Christianity (b) He believed he was a god (c) He arrested Jesus and crucified him (d) He created the split in Judaism and Christianity True and False Write “true” or “false” and correct any statements that are false. (2 pts each) (11) The Roman religion (before Christianity) would incorporate gods from other nations. (12) Julius Caesar changed his name to Augustus Caesar, meaning “Majestic One.” (13) Gracchus and Gracchus were tribunes who wanted to help the wealthy gain more wealth in return for the wealth’s votes. (14) Nero led a slave rebellion of 70,000 slaves, but was killed by the Roman army along with 6,000 other slaves. (15) There was a split in Christianity to form the Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church simply based on the structure of the church. Matching: Select the correct answer from the right side with the term on the left and write the letter from the right side on the blank on the left. (1 pt. each) _______16. Sect _______ 17. Martyr _______ 18. Pax Romana _______ 19. Triumvirate _______20. Legions _______21. Plebeians _______ 22. Republic _______ 23. Indemnity _______24. Consuls _______ 25. Diaspora _______ 26. Twelve Tables _______ 27. Tribunes _______ 28. Messiah _______ 29. Patricians (A) A government in which citizens elect the leaders (B) Smaller units of soldiers that could easily move around larger armies (C) An official who represented the plebeians (D) A savior promised by the Hebrew prophets, who would bring peace (E) Payment for damages or losses (F) Officials who headed the executive branch (G) A subgroup with distinct beliefs within a larger religious group (H) The list of Roman laws that emphasized retaliation and fairness (I) The spreading of communities of Jews outside their original homeland (J) A member of the wealthy aristocratic class (K) A three-­person ruling group (L) A person who suffers or dies for a belief (M) A citizen who was not an aristocrat (N) This was a time of peace in the Roman Empire Short Answer: (30) Write a PARAGRAPH (6 sentences) giving at least 3 reasons why the Roman Empire fell. (6 pts) (31) Choose 2 Roman gods/goddesses, describe their power AND their affect on the daily lives of Romans. (4 pts) (32) Label the following on the map provided below (6 pts total): Rome (the city) Apennines Mediterranean Sea Carthage Gaul Color the Roman Empire at its greatest size 