Twenty Days in Sumer

Name: _____________________________________________Date: ____________
Roman Roulette
Directions: Complete one assignment from each letter in “Roman” listed below. By the end of
this unit, you must turn in your five activities together in a folder. Completion of extra
assignments will be counted as extra credit (10 points each, limit of three). Color in the box of
each activity that you complete it. Please return this form in the same folder as your selected
Your project is due at the end of class on Wednesday, December 11, 2013.
Create a crossword
puzzle using at least
12 vocabulary words
from this unit. Create
it online at
(choose criss-cross
Create a Bubble Map
that describes Julius
Caesar. Put at least 12
Write a two paragraph
journal entry from the
perspective of a plebeian
who is looking to gain
more rights in the Roman
Make a foldable with
at least 10 of the
vocabulary words
from this unit
Make a cartoon strip
illustrating a Roman
legion preparing for
battle. This will take
some research to
Create a Double
Bubble and compare
and contrast the
Romans and the
Greeks. Use at least
15 points.
For each letter in
Ancient Rome, write a
well-thought out word
that describes this
Create an
advertisement for
one a product or
invention that the
Ancient Romans
Take on the role of a
judge and research one
of the laws written on
the Twelve Tables.
Write a summary
describing why you
think the law was fair or
Write a three
paragraph biography
on Julius Caesar.
Make a collage of
pictures that illustrate
what life was like in
Ancient Rome.
Create a Wanted
Poster for the Roman
Emperor of your
choice. See Mr.
Vanadore for specific
Make a fake Fakebook
page (on the computer)
for Constantine,
Theodosius, and
Diocletian. Print out
your finished product.
(computer required)
Create 2 political
cartoons about the rein of
Julius Caesar. One
should be for Caesar and
his regime and the other
Write 10 interview
questions that you
would ask Augustus
Caesar if you met
him. Include the
answers you think he
would give.
Pretend you are a
newspaper reporter on a
latifundia. Write a
newspaper article
describing what you see.
Create an illustrated
timeline of the Punic
Wars. Use at least
ten dates about the
Punic Wars on your
timeline. Include 5
other world events
that were happening
around the same
Imagine an image that
took place during the
last moments of Julius
Caesar. Draw your
picture on a piece of
paper, labeling the
items in your scene.
Create a Day Planner
for someone living
during the Roman
Empire. See Mr.
Vanadore for specific
Construct a “frequently
asked questions”
document, brochure, or
handout about why the
Roman Empire
collapsed. Also, put the
answers to these
Design a rap, song,
or poem that looks at
the fall of the Roman
Empire. This needs
at least 2-3 verses
and a chorus.
Create a recruitment
poster for the Roman
army during the Punic
Create a city map of
Rome during the Pax
Romana period.
Create a Flow Map that
illustrates Rome’s move
from a republic to an
empire. Use at least 10
Draw or create a model
of the Roman
Colosseum. Label the
different areas of the