Thornhill Primary School – Home/School Links During this half term the children in Year 5 will be looking at the following areas SUMMER 2 – Centenary Celebrations – Class focus 1935-1945 – WW2 Curriculum Area English Areas to be taught in school Possible Activities to be done at home Reading & writing– a range of non-fiction and fiction: - Stories from other cultures - Glossary / Appendix / Index - Dictionary / Thesaurus - Link to centenary celebrations (1935-1945) Diary of Anne Frank Reading at home every night. Please ensure the reading diary is signed by a parent/guardian. Reading diaries will be checked in class on Mondays and Fridays. Reading - Understanding and exploring the meaning of words. Identify how structure and language contribute to meaning. Using retrieval, deduction and inference in a comprehension lesson. Give justified opinions on a text. Weekly spellings – given out on Tuesday in yellow books for test on following Monday. The book must return on Mondays with a parent/guardian signature. Please support your child with their spellings as much as you can. Writing – we will be writing a range of fiction and non-fiction texts, identifying audience and purpose. Using appropriate grammar and vocabulary and using paragraphs precisely. To proof read writing and to use a range of devices to interest the reader. Grammar – 1 specific lesson per week Spelling – 1 specific spelling rule per week plus weekly spellings, which will be practised in class every day during the week. Reading the class text at home. Weekly help with homework. Homework is given out on Fridays for the following Thursday. The book must be signed by a parent/guardian and a comment if you wish. I am happy to support with homework during the week if your child requires help. Please support your child with their homework where you can. Some useful websites: Maths We will be focussing on Four Rules – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Children will work on accurate and effective methods for each to then apply to problem solving. We will also be focussing on learning our timestables off by heart and improving our mental maths. We are making a big focus on knowing our number bonds quickly and accurately. The children will have 10 maths facts to learn each week too. Number work – up to 1,000,000 – to be able to count forwards and backwards in steps of 10, round to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10,000, 100,000. Read, write and compare numbers. Order decimals. Use brackets / Use rounding to check answers Language – square number, prime number, multiple, factor, cube number Weekly help with homework. Homework is given out on Fridays for the following Thursday. The book must be signed by a parent/guardian and a comment if you wish. I am happy to support with homework during the week if your child requires help. Please support your child with their homework where you can. Learning timestables – children need to know up to 10x10 off by heart and be able to answer questions quickly. Please support your child with learning their timestables. Our focus will be x6 x7 x8 x9 Maths facts – practise at home. Some useful websites: Fractions – add and subtract fractions / multiply proper fractions and mixed numbers Solve fraction and percentage problems Measurement – to know conversions and apply to problems inc imperial measurements, time conversions and volume Science Earth and Space / Forces Research on the internet. Creating posters on the subject. Describing the movements of the Earth, Sun and Moon. Understand night and day and the seasons. Understanding different forces – gravity, air resistance, water resistance, friction. Look at levers, pulleys and gears Computing E-safety – To learn what ‘spam’ is and importance of citing all sources they use for research for a presentation. Using the internet to search different topics. Presenting information through a variety of Microsoft programs – WORD, EXCEL, PUBLISHER, POWERPOINT. Teaching the children to use the internet safely and ways to narrow searches to get more specific information. Help them to understand what spam emails are and how to avoid them. Using the internet to support homework. Using Microsoft programmes at home. Religious Education Judaism – link to centenary decade – connection with WW2 Use the internet to research Judaism Visit the local library to read books about Judaism To discuss the persecution of the Jews in WW2 Geography OS MAPS - Use the 8 points of a compass, 4 & 6 figure grid references, symbols and key (inc. OS maps) to build knowledge of the UK and wider world. Using atlases and globes at home. Look at OS maps Use the internet to understand how to read OS Maps Research on WW2 / Bring in books from home History Centenary celebrations – study between 1935-1945 – WW2 This year is our school centenary so each class is looking at a decade in the past 100 years – ours is 1935-1945. We will be creating all our class displays on this decade and creating a class project, so any information children can find about this decade would be useful. We will link our Art / DT / Literacy / Science / Computing to this topic. Design and Technology Physical Education Design and construction – link to centenary celebrations Cricket with Mrs Davis Encouraging children to keep fit and exercise after school, as well as having a healthy diet. Gymnastics with Mrs Redfearn. Music Taught by Mrs Coulls Listening to and enjoying music at home Encouraging children to develop their singing. Playing musical instruments. Art and Design Link to Centenary celebrations Languages French - To be taught by a specialist teacher. Proposed Educational Visits TBC Class Teacher………Miss Overfield……Head teacher ……Mrs Green…….. Practise what the children have learnt in school at home.