An article for your parish magazine. If you would like an electronic version please contact The Rev’d Canon Graham Hedger INTRODUCING THE CENTENARY FUND – A NEW FUND FOR A NEW CENTURY On 29th March Bishop David and the Dean launched the Centenary Fund in the presence of the Archbishop of Canterbury. Brochures explaining what the fund is and how people can support it are in all the churches throughout the diocese. But even before you read one of them here are the answers to the five most asked questions. What is the Centenary Fund? In celebration of the first one hundred years of the diocese and to create a meaningful legacy for future generations the Diocesan Board of finance has established the Centenary fund. This is an endowment fund where the interest is used to fund projects through small grants. Instead of a short term fund this will grow and grow in the coming years as more people contribute towards it. Why? This is a fund to support church based community projects such projects, frequently in partnership with other organisations and churches is a demonstration of the love and compassion that we have for fellow beings. What projects will it support? The fund is available to support projects that help serve the local community. It might be the adaptation of a church and church hall for more community use, or a project that supports a particular group in the community, or an innovative children’s or youth project. Applications must be by an Anglican organisation but partnership working with others is encouraged. Why use the SCF? Rather than trying to reinvent the wheel, the DBF has decided to work with the Suffolk Community Foundation. Over recent years the Foundation has developed endowment funds in excess of £4M. Last year it allocated grants of £1.6M to community groups throughout Suffolk. The Foundation has developed an expertise in managing such funds. It also has experienced grants officers who will be able to support groups as they make applications and advise the Grants Panel (made up of people appointed by the Bishop) which will make the final decision about which projects get funded. This is a much more cost effective solution than the diocese trying to do the work. How can I give? If the Fund is to succeed it will require income. Individuals can give, either on a one off basis or by standing order. PCCs can make a contribution. Remember the Fund in your will. Legacies are very important for the future work of the church. It may be that in your parish there is a charitable trust that is dormant or struggling to make grants. It is possible that the trust could be wound up with the agreement of the Charity commission and the funds placed in the Centenary Fund. Full details about the Fund and how to support it are in the information pack in your local church and also on the Suffolk Community Foundation website