Management Information Systems

CS 270-001
Management Information Systems
Fall 2011
Calendar Description
Types, sources and uses of data in organizations. The steps required and the types of
equipment available to store and recover data. Analysis of the steps required in the
development of a data processing system. Feasibility studies and system analysis
techniques. Introduction to data base systems. Management of data processing systems.
Prerequisite: CS 100 or CS 110, and ENGL 100
Xuguang Chen, 351-1482,
Lecture time and location
4:00pm – 5:15pm, Tuesday and Thursday at CL431
Office hours
9:30am - 11:00am Tuesday and Thursday at CS308.15
1:30pm - 3:30pm Tuesday and Thursday at CK210.6
Other time by appointment
Alan Dennis, Barbara Wixom, Roberta Roth, Systems Analysis and Design, 4th Edition, Wiley
Mark Distribution
20% assignments, up to 4
15% quizzes, open-book, up to 5
20% midterm, closed-book, time and location are TBA
40% final, closed-book, time and location are TBA
5% participation
Other dates
Lecture Outline
System analysis and information systems development
Project selection and project management
Requirements determination
Use case analysis
Process modeling
Data modeling
System design
Architecture design, user interface design
Program design
Data storage design,
Transition to the new system
Movement to objects
Instructor Discretionary Marks
The instructor reserves the right to adjust grades (up or down, individually and/or by class)
by 5%. Please note that the purpose of such adjustments is to match the Grading System
and Descriptions given in the University of Regina Undergraduate Calendar. Other than that,
your grades will TOTALLY depend on your own performance, including such as your
assignments, quizzes, exams, attendance checks, and so on.
You are expected to attend all scheduled lectures. It is the responsibility of the students to
well organize their class schedules so as to ensure their attendance. Attendance check will
be taken by various means and at varying times in each class, and lateness and absence will
be noted. Your participation will be primarily evaluated by the attendance check. Students
who are persistently tardy or absent or who persistently neglect academic work may be
subject to disciplinary actions.
Important Notes
The dates, schedule, requirements etc. are tentative. Changes, if needed, will be
announced in class.
Any student with a disability who may need accommodations should discuss with the
course instructor after contacting the Coordinator of the Disability Resource Office, RC
251.15, at 585-4631. Without the agreement, please do not expect any accommodations
to be made for assignments, tests, or exams without at least two weeks written notice.
Early Referral Program: If your instructor feels that you may benefit from additional
support in undertaking university-level course work, he may forward your name to the
Early Referral Program. You will be contacted and offered an appointment with an
advisor to help you benefit from resources available on campus.
See for more information.
Students should have the required course textbook. Additional materials beyond the
textbooks will be used and will be provided via different ways, for example, handwritings
done on the blackboard in class.
Quizzes are open-book. You can use the textbook, lecture notes, and/or any other
materials. However, the use of any electronic devices, any materials (such as quizzes,
assignments, and/or exams) ever used in any former semester of CS270, and/or
communicating with other students is NOT allowed.
If a student has to miss a quiz, in principle, there will be NO make-up quiz arranged,
but that portion of the final grade will be automatically added to the weight of the final
Midterm exam and final exam are closed-book. The use of textbooks, lecture notes, any
other materials, and/or any electronic devices during exams is not allowed. Also, you are
NOT allowed to communicate with other students. Backpacks, book, pencil cases, and/or
other accessories must be placed in designated areas during exams. Your answers must
be easily LEGIBLE. Anything that CANNOT be read will NOT be marked.
Any student who fails to write the midterm exam due to medical reasons, a legitimate
medical certification from a doctor must be provided to the instructor before a makeup for the midterm exam can be arranged. If missed due to any other reason, in
principle, there will be NO make-up arranged, but that portion of the final grade will
be automatically added to the weight of the final examination.
Any student who fails to write the final exam for some legitimate documented
reasons must immediately notify their respective dean and request a deferred exam.
Due dates will be given with the assignments. Assignments must be handed in the class
in person. Late assignments are NOT accepted due to ANY reason but partially complete
assignments will be awarded partial marks.
Keep your marked assignments and midterm exam to verify the grader mark entry. Keep
a copy of any program submission with the date of completion.
All assignments should contain your name, student number, assignment number on the
first page. Assignments must be easily LEGIBLE. Anything that CANNOT be read will
NOT be marked
If you have a concern about the marking, attach a note to the front of the assignment
identifying the problem and resubmit it.
Plagiarism is not acceptable, but co-operation on assignments before writing up is
Class Communication
Important dates and events will usually be announced in class, and meanwhile, if needed,
may be posted on URCourses or sent via email of URCourses to all of students. Other
information for example marks, lecture notes, and exercises will also be posted on
URCourses with or without notice when available. Therefore, please remember to check
URCourses regularly. If you want to contact with the instructor via email, please use your
email account of URCourses for class communication. Emails from other accounts,
especially free web-based accounts, will be deleted without being read.