Reg. No.: L-'-----'-----'-----.L-.L-.L-.L-..l.-..l.---'----'-----' I Question P aper Code: 96023 M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, FEBRUARYIMARCH 2014. Elective DBA 1725/DBA 1743 - MANAGERIAL BEHAVIOUR AND EFFECTIVENESS (Regula t ion s 2007/2009) Maximum : 100 marks Time: Three hours Answer ALL questions. PART A - (10 x 2 = 20 marks ) 1. What is Behaviour? 2. Define Managerial Job. 3. Write short note on Recruitment. 4. What is meant by 360 degree Performance Appraisal? 5. Define Managerial Effectiveness. 6. What is meant by Optimizer? 7. Write short note on Organizational Climate. 8. What is meant by Democratic Managerial Style? 9. Write short note on Career Repetition. 10. Define Knowledge Management. PART B - (5 x 16 = 80 marks ) 11. (a) Elaborate the major/minor dimensions of Managerial Jobs. Or (b) Differentiate effective and ineffective Managerial Job Behaviour. 12. (a) Explain the conce pt and application of Balanced Scorecard. Or 13. (b ) Enumerate the different techniques in Managerial Skill Development. (a) Examine the Person, Proces s , Product approaches Effectiveness. of Managerial Or 14. (b) Differentiate the private and Government practices in the Management of Managerial effectiveness. (a) Elucidate how Organizational Climate affects managerial effective ness. Or 15. (b) Explain the role of Managerial styles Effectiveness. (a) Discuss the steps for fostering creativity. In determining Managerial Or (b) Elaborate the concept of Negotiation skills and its application Managerial Effectiveness. 2 In 96023