Customer Service Bibliography

Creating Positive Customer Service Experiences in a Challenging Environment
Presented at MLA Annual Conference, 12 October 2006 by
Stacy Brooks, The Detroit Public Library
Steven K. Bowers, Detroit Area Library Network
Laura Mancini, Oakland County Libraries
Karen Tubolino, John D. Dingell VA Medical Center Library
Cathy Wolford, Benson Ford Research Center
Brown, L. C. (2006, April). Go fish: Seattle’s Pike Place Fish Market offers inspiration for
exceptional customer service. American Association of Law Libraries Spectrum, 10(6),
Brown, L. C. & Layne, B. (2005, April). Lessons from the ice cream parlor: Four goals to
improve customer service and individual attitudes. American Association of Law
Libraries Spectrum, 9(6), 6-7.
Coffman, S. (1998). What if you ran your library like a bookstore? American Libraries,
29(3), 40-6.
Covey Leadership Library (Covey Leadership Center). (1995) Max & Max, unleashing potential
in people...and dogs [Motion Picture]. (Available from Covey Leadership Center, 3507
North University Ave, Provo, UT 84604)
de Stricker, U. (2006). The Customer is Always Right: Building and Teaching Client
Relationship Tools. Retrieved June 18, 2006, from SirsiDynix Institute web site:
Evenson, R. (2005). Customer Service Training 101: Quick and easy techniques that get
great results. New York: AMACOM.
Feinberg, R. (1998). B&N: The new college library. Library Journal, 123(1), 49-51.
Goodman, G. S. (2000). Monitoring, measuring and managing customer service. San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Hermon, P., Nitecki, D., Danuta, A., & Altman, E. (1999). Service quality and customer
satisfaction: An assessment and future directions. Journal of Academic
Librarianship, (25)1, 9-17.
Hyman, K. (1999). Customer service and the "Rule of 1965." American Libraries, 30(9),
Lee, F. (2004) If Disney ran your hospital: 9 ½ things you would do differently.
MT: Second River Press.
Lisker, P. (2000, July/Aug). The ties that bind: Creating great customer service. Public
Libraries, 39(4), 190-2.
MacMillan, K. (2005, November). Generating goodwill: Turning no into yes. There’s more to
service with a smile that meets the eye. American Libraries, 36(10), 48-9.
Martin, W. B. (1993). Quality customer service. Menlo Park, CA: Crisp.
McLaughlin, C. S. (1999, Sept/Oct). SHINE--Simply Helping is Not Enough: A
customer campaign that worked. Public Libraries, 38(5), 316-18.
O'English, L. (2001, May). Delivering satisfaction and service quality. Journal of
Academic Librarianship, 27(3), 236.
Ojala, M. (2006, July/Aug). Customer service, information professional and library 2.0.
Online, 30(4), 5.
Quinn, B. (1997, September). Adapting service quality concepts to academic libraries.
The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 23, 359-69.
Raymond, J. (1998). Librarians have little to fear from bookstores. Library Journal,
123(15), 41-2.
Sanders, B. (1995). Fabled service: ordinary acts, extraordinary outcomes. San Francisco:
Schachter, D. (2006, August). The true value of customer service. Information Outlook, 10(8),
Talley, M. & Axelroth, J. (2001) Talking about customer service. Retrieved September
28, 2006 from Special Library Association web site
Wagner, D. (2006, Spring). Satisfaction begins at home. MIT Sloan Management Review,
47(3), 5.
Weinstein, T. (2005, March). Live…at your Local Library. American Libraries, 36(3), 31.
Williams, J. F. (2002). Shaping the experience library. American Libraries, 33(4), 70-2.
Wishnack, S. (n.d.) Providing meaningful and memorable customer service: Here’s a road map
to making it happen. Retrieved August 30, 2006 from
Zemke, R. (2003). Delivering knock your socks off service. New York: Performance Research