Bondi Beach Precinct Minutes MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 4th JUNE 2006 SUMMARY OF MOTIONS PASSED 1. MOTION: 80 HALL ST DA That Bondi Beach precinct condemns in the strongest possible terms the application at 80 Hall St for Liquor licenses up to 12 PM outdoor seating bar facilities relocating waste storage and pick up to Cox St Motion Moved Matthew Pulford Seconded John Cocking Carried 2. MOTION: 34-36 HALL ST DA That Bondi Beach precinct does not support the need for the lift overrun above the parapet. Motion Moved John Cocking Seconded Rob Puflett Carried 3. MOTION: 6- 8 JACQUES AVE Bondi Beach precinct expresses its opposition to the deletion of shutters on windows, imposed to minimise noise impacts, on surrounding environs. Motion Moved Mathew Pulford Seconded Chris Maltby Carried 17/07/06 – all motions forwarded to Peter Brennan, Director Planning & Environmental Services, Waverley Council (N. Stevens, Community Liaison) BONDI BEACH PRECINCT MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON SUNDAY 4th JUNE 2006 AT 3.00 PM HELD AT BONDI PAVILION 1. ATTENDANCE Participants 23 as recorded on the Attendance Register + Councillors Council Representatives Nicole Stevens, Alison Jones, Geoff Reinhardt Councilors in attendance John Wakefield, Dominic Wy Kanak, Joy Clayton, Invitees 2. APOLOGIES Margaret McNiven - Safety & Traffic Representative, Fiona O'Brien Police representative, Mark Delaney, Mr & Mrs Piu, Mr & Mrs Thompson, Maria Michels 3. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING HELD ON 13th February 2006 The minutes were accepted. Moved Rob Puflett Seconded Chris Maltby Carried 4. CORRESPONDENCE Received: Glenyare/Roscoe St Tree Jurriaan Plesman Felicity Biggs Barry Dubois Prue per Sharon & Andy Coastal Walk Fire Barry Dubois Bondi Waste Marilyn Flax Chris Maltby Barry Dubois Matt Pulford John Wakefield x 2 Dominic Wy Kanak x 2 Shopping Trolley Tracker Dominic Wy Kanak Traffic/Safety Report Prue per Margaret Mc Niven Norman Andrews House Mora Main Bondi Pavilion Friends Will Jones Barry Dubois Greenlinks Nicole Stevens ( Community Liaison) Bondi Rd Consultation Prue, per Nicole Stevens Strat Title Laws Marilyn Flax (x 3) Chris Maltby Jurriaan Plesman x 3 Cathy Hoyle x 2 Julica Junge John Sullivan Ian Johnson Prue Cancian Minutes/Agenda Nicole Stevens (Community Liaison) Council Audit Barry Dubois Council Meetings Automatic Mora Main (change of date re Anzac Day) Car Wash Heather Cusworth Chris Maltby Di Riddell Land Tax Mike Danzey World Enviro Day Will Jones Prue Cancian Sent: 5. MATTERS ARISING RESPONSES ON OLD MOTIONS MOTION: YAHOO EMAIL LIST That the position of moderator/s be elected by the precinct Moved Katherine Harvey Seconded Andrew Grace Lost (In favour 6, Against 13) 6. REPORTS/PRESENTATIONS 6.1 Waverley Family Bike Fair (Alison Jones Environmental Projects Officer) Alison informed the precinct of Waverley Council's inaugural Family Bike Fair at the back of the Pavilion as an initiative of the Council's Sustainable Transport policy. A range of activities will take place including stalls and bike info, bike skills tests, bike hire, bike repairs and a mini bike tours every half hour from 9 AM – 12 PM. The tours will be around Wairora, Blair, Glenayr, Cox and Lamrock streets ending back at the Pavilion. A competition and raffle will be held with 5 bikes similar to the Mayoral bike to be won. The whole of the municipality will be leafleted about the event with the area on the bike route leafleted about the ride. There will be marshals on the route and the police will be involved to ensure the ride is safe. It is set to be a great day. 6.2. Waverley Traffic Committee As Margaret McNiven was not in attendance John Wakefield as the Chair of the Traffic Committee presented a report. Sydney buses plans to introduce articulated buses (bendy buses) on the L82 route. As a consequence there will be a number of bus stops that need to be extended which will result in the loss of a number of parking places. The most significant loss of parking places is at the North Bondi terminus with a loss of 3 parking spaces. The concern is that this doesn't impact on the serviceability of the shops and the maintenance of pedestrian safety. The RTA is intending to put in traffic lights at the Ocean St and Bondi Road. 6.3 Waverley Safety Committee Barry talked about the last Council audit where a number of safety issues were reported, such as footpath problems, which have subsequently been repaired. He also had discussion with the Council regarding the homeless person at south Bondi. He has found out that Council has a Homeless Protocol and he has asked the relevant officer from Council to speak on the issue at our next meeting. 6.4 Hall St upgrades – Councillor John Wakefield - Chair of Waverley Traffic Committee John Wakefield presented the plans for the Hall St upgrade. The plans showed four options for the upgrade at the Halls St/Glenyare end discussed as well as the treatment of the full length of Hall St. Option A & B contained a small square at the Hall St/Glenayre end with two way entrance to Hall St and loss of parking on this corner. Option C& D Deflected traffic from Hall St. Within each of these two options there was a set of two options for residents access/egress from a Hall st mixed residential and commercial site to either Hall or to Cox Ave. Thus giving the four options as Option A - Small square at the Hall St/Glenayre end with two way entrance to Hall St and loss of parking on this corner. Residents access/egress from a Hall St mixed residential and commercial site to Hall St. Option B Small square at the Hall St/Glenayre end with two way entrance to Hall St and loss of parking on this corner. Residents access/egress from a Hall st mixed residential and commercial site to Cox Ave. Option C Deflected traffic from O'Brien St into Hall St with residents access/egress from a Hall St mixed residential and commercial site to Hall St. Option D Deflected traffic from O'Brien St into Hall St with residents access/egress from a Hall St mixed residential and commercial site to Cox Ave. There was overwhelming support for the traffic calming aspects of the plan with more support for the small square option (ie Option A & B) 14 votes in favour and no support for C&D. The entrance & egress option was more evenly divided with 7 votes for Option A (exit in to Hall St) and B option (exit into Cox Ave) gaining 6 votes Other items of discussion were the desire that consideration of other streets, particularly Consett Ave, being closed off, the desire to retain grassed areas at the Cox & Hall St square and to have trees planted rather than all paved space. There was concern that by paving the public space there was more potential for it to be commercialised into cafe/dining spaces. Concern was also expressed about the accuracy of the diagrams in relation to the driveway entrance into the residential flat dwelling. 7. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS Status of Past DA's The Westfield Bank development has a deferred commencement. The Wairora St Police Station DA is still in the L& E Court. 80 Hall St Motion Moved Matthew Pulford Seconded John Cocking Carried That Bondi Beach precinct condemns in the strongest possible terms the application at 80 Hall St for Liquor licenses up to 12 PM outdoor seating bar facilities relocating waste storage and pick up to Cox St 34- 36 Hall St Motion Moved John Cocking Seconded Rob Puflett Carried That Bondi Beach precinct does not support the need for the lift overrun above the parapet. 6-8 Jacques Ave Motion Moved Mathew Pulford Seconded Chris Maltby Carried Bondi Beach precinct expresses its opposition to the deletion of shutters on windows, imposed to minimise noise impacts, on surrounding environs. Discussion on a range of developments included 66 or 64 Lamrock attempt for the conversion of Boarding House contrary to zoning. Wallace Pde/Military Rd – Bed & breakfast 78 Campbell Pde – additional 13 seats (Montezuma's) 27 Hall s 96 additional 18 internal seats Rob Puflett declared of interest in the DA at 105 Ramsgate Ave. The DA will involve a hearing by in the L & E Court between Rob Puflett and Waverley Council. 8. COMMENTS TO THE MEDIA BY PRECINCT EXECUTIVES Mathew Pulford raised concerns about the quotes in the Wentworth Courier from Barry Dubois regarding John Wakefield and rubbish in the Bondi Basin. Mathew called on precinct executive members before speaking to the media to discuss their comments with at least one other member of the precinct executive. Currently there is no Council precinct policy or rules on executive members speaking to the media. Mathew drew the precincts attention to defamation laws where lowering anyones reputation can be seen as defamation. Mathew argued that John Wakefield has done more than anyone to support adequate waste collection services in Bondi basin. Mathew called on Barry to apologise to John. Barry in his right of reply stated that he was misquoted in the Courier. He said that when he spoke to the Courier he said that the issue was not discussed at the precinct and he had no comment in his capacity as Bondi Beach Precinct Convenor. Barry did state that he felt that the problem with the Councillors for Bondi was that they were bound by their party's decisions and didn't directly represent the community like an independent representative. Barry felt that John Wakefield has been an asset to Waverley and that the community pressure combined with John's advocacy on waste in Bondi has resulted in a god outcome for Bondi. Barry said he didn't set out to offend John and he apologised to John. Joy Clayton. Bondi, ward Liberal Councillor, responded by saying that she has never been told what to do by her party and whatever she does is for the community. John Wakefield, Bondi ward Labor Councillor stated that the Labor party made decisions in the community's interest by their caucus members and that were binding on all members of the caucus. The Greens was structured on autonomous local groups with grassroots democracy and consensus decisionmaking when making decisions in the best interests of the local community. 9. STRATA TITLE LAWS – NON SMOKING Marilyn Flax outlined her particular situation of persistent smoke entering her apartment block, via air vents, from residents below. Tobacco smoke is a unique problem unlike noise complaints that can be enforced by the police, or hazardous chemicals that can be prosecuted. Attempts to curb cigarette smoke can be made under s117 Strata Title Act or by mediation hearing in the Tribunal. Tobacco has no objective measure for toxicity because there is no objective standard for safe exposure. Marilyn then asked for comments and called for people to see her after the meeting to set up a focus group to address this issue and look for solutions. 10. GENERAL BUSINESS The Council is look at managing backpacker problems based on the City of Sydney protocols being established. NEXT MEETING August 14th 2006 The next meeting will take place 7.3.0 PM – 9.30PM Monday 14th August 2006 at Library Bondi Beach Public School There being no further business, the meeting closed at 5.15 PM.