Bondi Beach Precinct Minutes MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 14th AUGUST 2006 SUMMARY OF MOTIONS PASSED 1. MOTION: MAJOR EVENTS & SAFETY COMMITTEE That a Bondi Beach precinct representative be included in the composition of the Major Events and Safety Committee Moved Margaret McNiven (from report) Seconded Chris Maltby Carried 2. MOTION: IHAP”S That Bondi Beach Precinct expresses its opposition to the concept of IHAP (Independent Hearing Assessment Panel) as it undermines the local democracy Motion Moved Moved Chris Maltby Seconded Jurrian Plesman Carried BONDI BEACH PRECINCT MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON SUNDAY 14th AUGUST 2006 AT 7.30 PM AT THE BONDI BEACH PUBLIC SCHOOL 1. ATTENDANCE Participants 19 as recorded on the Attendance Register + Councillors Council Representatives Nicole Stevens, Bobbi McIlwraith Councilors in attendance John Wakefield, Joy Clayton, Invitees 2. APOLOGIES Margaret McNiven - Safety & Traffic Representative, Rob Puflett - DA Representative, Cr Dominic Wy Kanak, Anne Stuez 3. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING HELD ON 13th February 2006 Motion Moved Jurriaan Plesman Seconded Joe Murphy That the minutes be adopted subject to the following amendments Motion Moved Paul Paech Seconded Mathew Pulford Carried That as part of the upgrade of the Hall St Council investigate and if possible additional traffic control measures in Consett & Chambers Ave including closure to Hall St traffic 4. CORRESPONDENCE Received: Homeless person Joy Clayton E-waste day Prue Cancian Sam Fiszman Park John Wakefield Family Bike day John Wakefield Rajani Enderby Cox Ave Joy Clayton Rajani Enderby x2 Chris Maltby x2 Pavement Glenyare Ave Jurriaan Plesman Mora Main x2 S Moore Rajani Enderby x2 Ben Henderson Chris Maltby x2 Cathy Hoyle Backpackers - ABCTV Marilyn Flax National Tree Day Mora Main Environment Levy Mora Main & Nikki Carey Bondi Pavilion Friends Will Jones Prue Cancian Footpath DA36 Sir Sally Burrows Thomas Mitchell Joy Clayton Michael Mcgregor Minutes/Agenda Nicole Stevens (Community Liaison Coordinator) Christmas/NYE Nicole Stevens (Community Liaison Coordinator) Greenlinks Project Nicole Stevens (Community Liaison Coordinator) Council Meetings Automatic Villages - Hall St Max Siano Marilyn Flax John Wakefield Chris Maltby x2 Nicole Stevens (Community Liaison Coordinator) Beach Rd Hotel Marilyn Flax Rajani Enderby x2 Chris Maltby Jaohn Wakefield Dr Paul Oosterhuis Events/Safety & Traffic Prue Cancian per Margaret McNiven Sent: 5. MATTERS ARISING RESPONSES ON OLD MOTIONS MOTION: 80 HALL ST DA That Bondi Beach precinct condemns in the strongest possible terms the application at 80 Hall St for Liquor licenses up to 12 PM outdoor seating bar facilities relocating waste storage and pick up to Cox St Motion Moved Matthew Pulford Seconded John Cocking Carried MOTION: 34-36 HALL ST DA That Bondi Beach precinct does not support the need for the lift overrun above the parapet. Motion Moved John Cocking Seconded Rob Puflett Carried MOTION: 6- 8 JACQUES AVE Bondi Beach precinct expresses its opposition to the deletion of shutters on windows, imposed to minimise noise impacts, on surrounding environs. Motion Moved Mathew Pulford Seconded Chris Maltby Carried 6. REPORTS/PRESENTATIONS 6.1 Police Report Constable O'Brien reported that Eastern suburbs police are concerned about robbery offences taking place in the local area, especially in ground floor units. Residents were reminded to always lock windows in units. Constable O'Brien handed out information on personal safety tips to reduce the likelihood of becoming a victim of robbery and emphasised the need to contact police immediately on 000 if a robbery has taken place. Marilyn Flax expressed her concerns about the noise she and her fellow residents experienced in their units. Constable O'Brien recommended that she contact Bob Cairns to discuss her and her neighbour's noise problems. The first step in the process of dealing with noise is to get a noise abatement order. It is best to start this process prior to the busy summer time for police. The city to surf was a great success on Sunday. There were over 63,000 people at the Beach and there were no incidents recorded. The precinct would like to thank the police the RTA and the council for such a great event. Congratulations were also expressed to the Waverley Council team, one of whom was the Mayor, who entered the City to Surf event. 6.2. Waverley Traffic Committee As Margaret McNiven was not in attendance she supplied a written report to the precinct that had been emailed prior to the meeting. There was a request for a pedestrian crossing from the meeting at a safe distance from 7 ways roundabout. Cr John Wakefield, Chair of the Waverley Traffic Committee explained that it is difficult to get approval for a roundabout. A range of conditions need to apply before a warrant is issued to allow for a pedestrian crossing. 6.3 Waverley Major Events and Safety Committee New terms of reference have been established to broaden the composition and to strengthen the conditions of the committee. Representatives on the Committee will include: two combined precincts representatives, a youth representative, 2 community representatives, business representatives, and the formalising of police representation. With an enhanced committee it is expected that funding for various projects may be forthcoming from the Attorney Generals Dept. eg. “ Wake up Waverley” Concern was expressed by Margaret in her report that there was no guarantee that a representative from the Bondi precinct or from the Bondi area would be on the Committee. Motion Moved Margaret McNiven (from report) Seconded Chris Maltby That a Bondi Beach precinct representative be included in the composition of the Major Events and Safety Committee 6.4 Bondi Place Managers Report The Council was introducing a new communications strategy which would include a quarterly newsletter on events in Bondi with the first newsletter announcing “Spring into Bondi”. There will be a weblink on Bondi Beach place issues, emails to the precinct email list, and range of leaflets produced on events occurring over the spring and summer seasons. Upcoming events in Bondi include School holiday program, Festival of the Winds, street theatre, colourful flags along Campbell Pde. and Sculpture by the Sea. 7. COUNCILS HOMELESS PERSONS PROTOCOL Discussion about the general thrust of the Councils' Homeless Persons Protocol. It is not an offence for a homeless person to be in a public place. There was also specific discussion about the homeless person residing at south Bondi headland. Council and the local church has approached him to move into more appropriate accommodation but it is proving difficult. There was also discussion about the problems encountered by the Council at Boonara Ave. This was not covered by the homeless protocol as it was on private property. Changes to the Health Act have made it possible for the Council to intervene in the removing of rubbish if there is a public health risk. Nicole will arrange for the relevant Council officer to speak at our next meeting on the Protocol. 8. BONDI DEVELOPMENTS 8.1 Hall St upgrades The Hall St upgrade will be starting once Energy Australia has finished upgrading the electricity in the area. The project will be in two stages. Stage 1 will involve the upgrading of the pavements along Halls St which will occur before Christmas. Stage 2 will be the Hall St/Glenayre/Cox Avenue intersection which will occur after January 2007 8.2 Campbell Pde Upgrade update At the last Federal election the Federal Government promised $2m for the upgrade of east Campbell Pde. Council has also committed $11/2m to this project The concept plans for Stage 1 & 2 of the project is currently being considered by the Council. The plans will go on exhibition shortly. The funds need to be spent before the end of the year so precinct members are alerted to the need to review plans and send suggestions and comments back to the Council quickly. 8.3 Christmas/NYE Events Update Bobbi McIlwraith reported that the Event model as outlined by her at our April meeting was subsequently approved by the Council. Following on from this approval the model was put out for tender for 3yrs. A report recommending a tenderer will go to Council's meeting on Tuesday 15th August. The Management plan which involves, the performers and sound arrangements among other issues are still flexible each year. The management plan will be considered 6 months prior to each event. The financial structure and detail on the overall event will be decided in Sept. The consultation plan, which includes consultation with the precincts and the Major Events & Safety Committee, is included in the Management plan. Issues surrounding Dudley Page Reserve need more consultation with the Water Board. 9. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS Beach Rd Hotel Beach Rd Hotel has lodged an application to vary their DA conditions which prevent entry of patrons to the upstairs bar after 11pm. Discussion about how this would impact on the overall numbers of patrons at the hotel and the neighbourhood. Independent Hearing Assessment Panel (IHAP) Barry Dubois had been approached by the Bondi View in relation to the introduction of IHAP at Waverley Council. The Council at its meeting on Tuesday 15th August will determine whether to introduce such panels to consider contentious and non-conforming DA's. The process involves selecting and appointing a range of “independent experts” in the field including architects, lawyers as well as community representatives to hear and consider the case for and against a DA. Proponents and opponents can present their case to these panels for consideration. Once they are considered a report will be forwarded to Councillors for final decision at a future Council meeting. Concern was expressed by the precinct about the so called “independence” of the so called “experts”. The precinct also objected to the diminished role of elected representatives in this process impacting adversely on the democratic process of Council. Panel members would be appointed unlike elected representatives who have to answer to the community concern about inappropriate or non-conforming development at an election. Also of concern was the added cost that this process would impose on Council and therefore residents and ratepayers. Motion Moved Chris Maltby Seconded Jurriaan Plesman Carried That Bondi Beach Precinct expresses its opposition to the concept of IHAP as it undermines the local democracy Bondi Beach Playground Concept plans were handed out. The BBQ area was to be moved outside the fenced area. There were also some changes to the design that will better delineate the areas between the toddlers play and play area for older children. Ray Neeson was concerned about providing area in the broader Bondi park for helicopter access and a handball area both of which had been lost through the reconfiguration of the Pavilion and the skate board rink. 10. GENERAL BUSINESS No General Business NEXT MEETING October 9 2006 The next meeting will take place 7.3.0 PM – 9.30PM Monday 9tth October 2006 at Library Bondi Beach Public School There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.30 PM.