Bondi Beach Precinct Minutes


Bondi Beach Precinct Minutes




1. MOTION:TREES IN BONDI BEACH Moved Margaret Mc Niven Seconded Rob Puflett


That Council implement a tree planting and maintenance program in the Bondi Basin which: a) Selects suitable native species for planting as outlined in the Tree Management Plan (TMP) b) installs physical barriers to protect the trees from vandalism c) involves the community in the maintenance program with a household “adopt-a-tree” scheme d) maintains an adequate maintenance regime for the ongoing survival of the trees planted

2. MOTION:HAKOAH CLUB Moved Paul Paech Seconded Jurrian Plesman Carried

That Bondi Beach Precinct express its alarm that Council a) failed to acknowledge the need for further consultation with the precinct before granting a 2 year temporary 24hr licence to the Hakoah club b) approved the temporary 24hr licence despite the officers report which recommended rejection

3. MOTION:MACCABI CLUB Moved Rob Puflett Seconded Brad Hughes Carried

That Bondi Beach Precinct a) opposes the proposed DA for the Maccabi club as a gross and inappropriate overdevelopment on an open space zone which adjoins a residential zone. b) requests that there is an on-site meeting with the owners of the Club and residents as soon as practicable c)That Rob Puflett our DA representative would write to the Council outlining the precincts concerns

4. MOTION:RAVESIS HOTEL Moved Paul Paech Seconded Rob Puflett Carried

That Bondi Beach Precinct opposes the extension of Ravesis hotel and the relocation of the gaming machines to the ground floor at street level in Hall St.

5. MOTION:RAVESIS HOTEL Moved Paul Moore Seconded Rob Puflett Carried

That Bondi Beach Precinct supports the extension of the trial period for conditions 3, 4 & 5 for and opposes the s96 modifications to DA 138/01

6. MOTION:64 LAMROCK AVEL Moved Katrina Friedlander Seconded Rob Puflett

That Bondi Beach Precinct opposes the DA for the conversion of 64 Lamrock Ave to a backpacker on the following grounds: it is counter to the SEPP 10 boarding house zoning, it would increase noise and parking and would adversely impact on the amenity of the area.





Participants 16 as recorded on the Attendance Register + other attendees listed below

Council Representatives Nicole Stevens, Bobbi McIlwraith, Tony Reed

Councilors in attendance John Wakefield, Joy Clayton, Dominic Wy Kanak

Invitees Brendan Saul promoter, Mark Delaney Beach Rd Hotel


Barry Dubois, Convenor, Chris Maltby


Motion Moved Margaret Mc Niven Seconded Rob Puflett Carried

That the minutes be adopted



Hall St Improvements Prue Cancian

George Newhouse x 4

Peter O'Hara x 2

Rajani Enderby x 3

Paul Paech

Sava Pinney x 2

Ian Johnson x 2

Trees Rajani x2

Adrienne ( Brighton Blvde)

Nikki Heywood ( Nth Bondi/ Warners) x2

Prue Cancian (Tree Management Plan)

Peter O'Hara (“ “ “ )

DA Notification 11/10/06 Chris Maltby

18/10/06 ‘’ ‘’

25/10/06 ‘’ ‘’

01/11/06 ‘’ ‘’

08/11/06 ‘’ ‘’

22/11/06 ‘’ ‘’

29/11/06 ‘’ ‘’

06/12/06 “ “

10/12/06 “ “

Backpacker Tourism Ian Johnton

Chris Maltby

FoBP Meeting Prue Cancian

E- waste Mora Main

Nicole Stevens

Council Parking Rory O'connor

Chris Maltby

Recreational Needs Mora Main (Councillor)

Beach Rd Hotel Chris Maltby

Dr Paul Oosterhuis x 2

Maccabi Club Rob Puflett

Chris Maltby

Hakoah 24 hrs John Wakefield x2

Chris Maltby x 2

Paul Paech

George Newhouse

Rajani Enderby

Mora Main x 2

Rory O'Connor

Precinct Notification Nicole Stevens

Precinct Minutes “ “

Precinct Agenda “ “’

Automatic Council, DCC meetings August & Sept

Campbell Pde Rachel Trigg x2

Marilyn Flax x 3

Chris Maltby x2


Margaret McNiven Waverley Traffic Committee



MOTION: Beach Rd Hotel DA

That Bondi Beach Precinct opposes the Beach Rd Hotel’s extended area for outdoor smoking due to the undesired effect it would have on noise and local amenity. That the current DA if accepted would reverse much of the good work that has been achieved by the Council in the

Land and Environment Court with the Beach Rd hotel.

Motion Moved Jurrian Plesman Seconded Alex Kiss Carried


That Council increase the geographical notification area/households when there is a commercial residential interface.

Motion Moved Miriam Houseman Seconded Chris Maltby Motion Carried

RESPONSE: from P Brennan, Director Planning & Environmental Services

The precinct's motions have been noted. Item 1 will be taken into consideration at the time of assessment of the application . Item 2 , the notification and advertising of the DA referred to was considered appropriate and in accordance with Council's policy. By way of comment,

Council tends to notify the owners/occupiers of many more premises than usually required.


6.1. Waverley Traffic Committee

Ben Buckler The Ben Buckler traffic study and its recommendations came before the Traffic

Committee The decision of the Committee was that the following changes be made to the Ben

Buckler peninsular

(a) Convert Hastings Pde, between 139 Hastings Pde and Bay St to one-way southbound

(b) Convert Bay St to a one-way westbound

(c) Hastings Pde between Bay St & the cul-de-sac at the southern end be two-way

2 A two-way section on Hastings Pde be retained, between Campbell Pde & 139 Hastings Pde

3 Changes to traffic flow be subject to the submission of a Traffic Management Plan to the satisfaction of the RTA

4 Residents of Hastings Pde, Bay St & Brighton Blve to be notified of the changes

5 a detailed plan of the changes be presented to the committee for its consideration

This decision was saved and excepted for consideration at the Community, Housing,

Environmental Services & Public Works Committee meeting held on 5 December 2006. The changes from the Traffic Committee were adopted with the provision that the Council write to all residents of Hastings Parade, Bay Street and Brighton Boulevard indicating the proposed changes before they are implementation.

40KMaximum Speed The 40 KPH maximum speed decision made by the Waverley Traffic

Committee quite a long time ago was already a request from the Precinct and has full support by the Precinct pedestrians and drivers alike.

With holiday shopping, summer crowds and school holidays variously commenced, the 40

KPH implementation is an urgent matter on the agenda of the next Bondi Beach Precinct

Meeting, one week from today (Monday 11th December).

Consequently Margaret requested a report be prepared for the precinct meeting regarding the implementation of the 40 KPH maximum speed decision made by the Waverley Traffic

Committee? The report can be sent by email for distribution through the Precinct group, as well as summarised at the meeting.

School Safety The school safety physical improvements have already made a great improvement to pedestrian safety. Enforcement of the 40 KPH School Zone speed limit will improve the benefits of the works completed to date.

A lingering source of reduced safety at our schools is irregular parking: a) Double/triple parking as children are dropped off or picked up, and b) Specifically near Galilee the senior students from across the road parking improperly, including partly or fully over the pedestrian crossings. This causes small children to be unseen when crossing on the safer pedestrian breaks and crossing. Parents with strollers containing younger children are forced to use unsafe breaks between parked cars to cross to the school.

Margaret requested the Committee decide on ways to educate and engage the drivers in compliance with parking before the end of this year? The increase in summer care programs means that school zone safety is a year-round need, no longer confined to the formal school year.

A repeat of the education/enforcement/engagement process at the beginning of the new 2007 school year should be incorporated as part of the annual plan of road and pedestrian safety at school sites.

Margaret asks the Committee to please feel free to make suggestions to the Precinct members as to how residents and businesses might assist with road and pedestrian safety for our school zones.

7 ways Concern was expressed about the cobblestones around Warners and Glenyare Ave.

The Access Committee will discuss this issue at its February meeting. The cobblestones on the footpaths in Gould and Warners have been removed.

Roscoe St – Councillor Kanak asked about the changed parking in Roscoe St. All the parking has been turned over to the police. Councillor Kanak was requesting a drop off and pick up zone for the night markets stall holders. He will consult with the police.

6.2 Waverley Major Events and Safety Committee

New terms of reference have been established to broaden the composition and to strengthen the conditions of the committee. The combined precincts representatives on the Committee are

Peter Lynch from Bondi Junction precinct and Peter Quartly from Nth Bondi precinct. Bondi

Beach precinct has no representative. However if an issue affects a particular precinct or group then they will be invited to attend.

With an enhanced committee it is expected that funding for various projects may be forthcoming such as “Night without a fight” and community safety audits


Discussion about tree planting and maintenance in the Bondi basin. Council has adopted a new

Tree Management Plan (TMP)and will conduct public information sessions outlining the plan during 2007.

Motion Moved Margaret Mc Niven Seconded Rob Puflett Carried

That Council implement a tree planting and maintenance program in the Bondi Basin which:

a) Selects suitable native species for planting as outlined in the Tree Management Plan (TMP) b) installs physical barriers to protect the trees from vandalism c) involves the community in the maintenance program with a household “adopt-a-tree” scheme d) maintains an adequate maintenance regime for the ongoing survival of the trees planted


8.1 Hall St upgrades

Deferred to the February meeting as finalised plans are not available.

8.2 Campbell Pde Design Plans

Presentation by Tony Reed of the design plans for the Campbell Pde upgrade. Landscaping would include native under storey planting. The trees suggested at this stage are Norfolk pines and cabbage tree palms. Concern was expressed about the need for ongoing care and maintenance of the trees which would include cages around the trees

The footpath was to be washed pebble crete with a wider section for the footpath at the bus stop behind Hall St for public busking. There will be a formal seating area that is skateboard proof. Lighting will be banner and pole and not solar powered. There will be a human barrier in the centre media strip and water sensitive design rainwater capture. The cycleway will be retained. There will be no changes to the number of parking places.

The RTA has determined that all right hand turn waiting bays will be retained. There will be greater access points to the beach & park with a breach in the wall opposite Curlewis St and a wombat crossing over Park Drive.

Time frame. The consultation period finishes 7th February. Expressions of interest will be called for over Christmas. Ongoing maintenance will be included as part of the tender.

Detailed design will be finished in February with a report prepared for the February Council meeting. The Council will also find out in February if Federal funding for stage 3 of Campbell

Pde is available. Construction will take place in April. Issues concerning the car park will be addressed in the Bondi Beach Plan of Management which is scheduled to be considered next year (2007).

8.3 Christmas/NYE Events Update

Bobbi McIlwraith reported that the Event model for Xmas & New included the Safe Summer

Initiative; Bondi Summer Campaign, which included an education, transport and safety program: Sober Santa alcohol free Christmas 6 AM – 8 PM and roaming Police security at

Tamarama and Bronte. Between Christmas and New Years Eve – Circus works.

Event Management, which included: Xmas Day 10am – 10 PM event within Bondi Pavilion;

NYE - Bondi Beach - Baseman Jack, and Bob Sinclair are just some of the performers with

15,000 tickets going on sale today: Dudley Page 6PM – 1AM is a family friendly ticketed event which is fenced with rides and bar facilities.

The branding would be “My Bondi”. Road closures and additional buses will be provided on


The Noise hot line is 1300 369 227.


Hakoah Club

Concern was expressed by precinct members that Council at its Development Control

Committee (DCC) meeting of 28th November determined to grant the Hakoah club a section

96 alteration to its DA 81/03 s53 (hours of operation from 8.00am and 1.00 am Mondays to

Saturdays inclusive, and 8.00 am to midnight on Sundays, inclusive) to a two year temporary

24hr license once the club occupies its new premises. This decision was contrary to the

officers recommendation for a refusal. Amendments to defer the decision until there was a discussion or presentation at the precinct meeting was defeated.

Councillors in attendance at the precinct were asked to explain which way they voted and the reasons for their vote to precinct members.

Councillor Joy Clayton argued that there was no objections lodged by the community and the club offered a range of services for the young, mature and the elderly. Currently the licence is available to 1 AM. Councillor Clayton voted for the 24hr licence. Councillor John Wakefield was concerned that the licence is for a future development that has not yet been submitted to

Council. It is a bad precedent to establish. The officer's also recommended refusal. Councillor

Dominic Wy Kanak as well as the other Greens Councillors voted against the proposal as it was not in the public interest. His main concerns were the adverse impacts that extended trading would have on the amenity of Bondi residents and the community in general.

Concern within the community is that the Hakoah club will outsource its club functions to the

Maccabi Club with its proposed redevelopment and that the alcohol function will be transferred to Double Bay.

Motion Moved Paul Paech Seconded Jurrian Plesman Carried

That Bondi Beach Precinct express its alarm that Council a) failed to acknowledge the need for further consultation with the precinct before granting a 2 year temporary 24hr licence to the Hakoah club b) approved the temporary 24hr licence despite the officers report which recommended rejection

105 Wellington St - Maccabi Club

The Maccabi Club proposal is for 4500 square metres of gym, child care and recreation facilities with 105 car spaces. This represents an FSR of 1:1 on land zoned 'Open Space'. Rob will lodge an objection on behalf of the precinct and asked precinct members to sign the petition he passed around objecting to the DA.

Motion Moved Rob Puflett Seconded Brad Hughes Carried

That Bondi Beach Precinct a) opposes the proposed DA for the Maccabi club as a gross and inappropriate overdevelopment on an open space zone which adjoins a residential zone. b) requests that there is an on-site meeting with the owners of the Club and residents as soon as practicable c)That Rob Puflett our DA representative would write to the Council outlining the precincts concerns

Ravesis's Hotel

There are two DA's before the DCC 12th December meeting. DA468/06 Alterations and additions and DA 138/01 s96 modification to amend Condition 3, 4 & 5 to remove the trial period.

The Alterations to Ravesi's hotel include:

Basement level - converting the lounge and gaming area to storage/back of house space with minimal internal works.

Ground floor – Extend the hotel operation into the adjoining two retail shops and use this as a lounge and bar area with gaming machine

First Floor – Deletion of 4 hotel rooms over the existing shops to provide bar area as an extension of existing hotel.

Second Floor level provision for condensers on new roof parapet walling adjacent to 10 Hall


Motion Moved Paul Paech Seconded Rob Puflett Carried

That Bondi Beach Precinct oppose the extension of Ravesis hotel and the relocation of the gaming machines to the ground floor at street level in Hall St.

The s96 moderations involve hours of operation and in the hotel and dining area as well as the opening of the bi-fold windows in Campbell Pde & Hall St.

Motion Moved Paul Moore Seconded Rob Puflett Carried

That Bondi Beach Precinct supports the extension of the trial period for conditions 3, 4 & 5 for and opposes the s96 modifications to DA 138/01

38 Hastings Pde – Appeal for this DA is to be heard on 7th & 8th February. Currently there are people living at the site. There is a new DA which is similar. The most recent DA is 4 – 5 storeys with 2 cafes, car spaces with 8 1 or 2 bedroom units.

64 Lamrock

Motion Moved Katrina Friedlander Seconded Rob Puflett

That Bondi Beach Precinct opposes the DA for the conversion of 64 Lamrock Ave to a backpacker on the following grounds: it is counter to the SEPP 10 boarding house zoning; it would increase noise and parking and would adversely impact on the amenity of the area.


No General Business

NEXT MEETING Monday 12 February 2007 place 7.3.0 PM – 9.30PM at Library Bondi

Beach Public School.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.30 PM. A celebration for the holiday season was held after the meeting.
