Digestive-Excret Flip Book

1. Digestive System
 Digestive System- is an organ system that converts food to a form
useful to the body.
 Digestion- is the changing of food you eat into substances the body
can use.
2. Mouth Digestion begins in the mouth.
 Teeth cut and grind food into smaller pieces.
 The tongue moves food to the back of the throat so you can
swallow it.
 Saliva moistens and softens food (99% of saliva is water)
3. Esophagus Muscular tube that pushes food down into the stomach.
 Located behind the trachea.
4. Stomach Located above the waist in between the lower ribs, just below
 Muscular sac that collects food and churns it.
 Glands secrete juices that break down protein.
5. Small Intestine 20 feet long
 Coiled tube like organ
 Absorbs the digestive nutrients
 Nutrients are used for growth, energy, and repair
 Most digestion takes place in the Duodenum ( 1st section of small
6. Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas Liver- Produces bile substance that aids in the digestion of fat.
 Gallbladder- small saclike organ that stores bile. Releases bile as
small intestine needs it.
 Pancreas- Organ that produces enzymes released directly in the
small intestine (starches, protein, and fat)
7. Large Intestine Part of excretory system
 Colon- large intestine
 Remains of food that your body can’t digest pass into the colon
 Lining of the colon absorbs most of the liquid from undigested
 Solid left is called feces
8. Anus When large intestine is full nerve signals muscles in the walls of
the colon to contract.
 This action pushes feces through the anus and out of the body
 Takes 18-30 hours for food you eat to pass through the digestive
 Indigestion- Upset stomach
 Diarrhea- Watery feces
 Ulcers- Sores on the interior of the stomach or small intestine
 Cirrhosis- destruction of the liver tissue, usually due to alcohol
 Gallstones- Mineral crystals in the gallbladder
 Kidney stones- Like gallstones, mineral crystals block urine from
leaving the kidney
 Appendicitis- Inflammation of the appendix
 Hemorrhoids- Swelling of the veins at the opening of the anus
 Colon Cancer- Growth of abnormal cells in the colon.
 Eat a variety of foods
 Eat complete meals- Breakfast is especially important
 Do not rush your meals
 Chew your food thoroughly
 Drink plenty of water- 6-8 eight ounce glasses a day
 See your dentist regularly
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