Digestive System Grou p & lndividual Activity checklist oup Activitv: Each person in your group must research the following organs involved in the digestive process. They are listed below in sections (1-5). **Use your class notes, textbook, brain pop & class packet to define each of the vocabulary words. n part f : Each member will define and explain the function of the organ in regards to the digestive system. The definitions should be thorough for all the vocabulary words relating to that particular section. 1. Mouth Vocabulary: teeth, salivary glands, carbohydrates, bolis, amylase, pharynx, epiglottis, esophagus, peristalsis. 2. Stomach: Vocabulary: Hydrochloric acid, pepsin, protein, chyme, pylorus, mucus 3. Small lntestine Vocabulary: digestive enzymes, fat, villi, nutrients, bile, Duodenum, Jejunum, llleum 4, large Intestine: Vocabulary: water vitamins, solid waste, rectum, Ascending colon, Descending coton, Transverse colon 5. Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas Vocabulary: Produce, bile, stored, fats, produce, enzymes, carbohydrates, proteins, glycogen ! 2: Upon completion of part 1, each group member will share his/her section information with the rest of the group so that the entire group understands the function of each organ as it relates to the digestion process. Use the provided Part worksheet to record (write down) the shared information. After sharing all of the acquired information with your group members-all members should be able to fully descr,ibe the mechanical and chemical processes of digestion using all the vocabulary listed above. I part g: This part is a oroup effort! Get the directions for the Activity: Mapping the Digestive System and complete @ ! Part 4: This part is individuoÊeoch person must do this partl Build a paper modelof the digestive system that looks like the pictures in the classroom. Each section of your paper model should be colored so that it looks similar to the picture. Cut out each part carefully and tape ¡t to the outline. Parts must be taped down in the proper order beginning with the pancreas. I part S: This oartis individual-each person will work at his/her own pace, Do the saliva experiment and the tommy the torso activity. Can you successfully put Tommy back together? ff o.¡-Q' This oartis individuqL Complete the Pathway of Digestion -ordering exercise & Facts WS **When completed, staple all individual worksheets together to turn in as a packet, with this sheet as a cover sheet to help indicate that you have completed parts 1-6 1. Mouth I Vocabulary: teeth, salivary glands, carbohydrates, bolis, amylase, pharynx, epiglottis, esophagus, peristalsis. ) 2. Stomach: Vocabulary: Hydrochloric acid, pepsin, protein, chyme, pylorus, mucus 3. Small Intestine vocabulary: digestive enzymes, fat, villi, nutrients, bile, Duodenum, Jejunum, illeum 4. Large lntestine: Vocabulary: water vitamins, solid waste, rectum, Ascending colon, Descending colon, Transverse colon 5. Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas Ij Vocabulary: Produce, bile, stored, fats, produce, enzymes, carbohydrates, proteins, glycogen ) Name(s): Pathwav of D¡eest¡o râcê the L0 steps in the pathway of digestion in the correct order Undigested liquid food paste has turned into solid waste Food moves into the stomach Food is swallowed and moves through the esophagus Solid waste leaves the body through the anus Food is chewed and mixes with saliva Water is removed from the undigested food Food moves into a long tube called the small intestine Undigested food moves into the large intestine Food is broken down into a liquid paste as it is mixed with acids Nutrients are absorbed into the blood by the villi in the small intestine L. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9, L0. Facts: l. fhe esophagus is about _lnches long 7. tood is moved through the esophagus stomach and intestine through 3. Rbout or cups of Saliva is produced each day. hours all food is emptied from the stomach into the 4-Swithin- to b.1Qver-%ofdigestionandabsorptiontakesplaceinthe -L intestine is'[]¡the small feet in length and _ t'fne large intestine is about ¡nches in diameter and _ !O:''s function is to absorb inch in diameter feet in length. and salts and to elimínate Paper Model *.^dsr *f fi+* #rp*rxr F,*ësâ'.*ì*$ 4¡6gg ef*srt ä",Söre# Sxf*sfis*r .$* ,B' of Digestive System firl*tÌ *f+*v*ek .*" l"reg+ Ï¡r+*s,tl*r* $" {iv*,¡"'{:î*pa s$x¡¡n }***} Poncreos Small Intestine EsophcAus Stomoch Liver 6ollblodder Large fntestine Appendix ,/ Rectum Anus