Biology 2 First Semester Final Exam Review Guide Chapter 1 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology 1. Define the following words: sagittal transverse distal coronal anterior medial posterior lateral proximal cephalic gluteal pedal femoral oral superior inferior 2. What is the difference between anatomy and physiology? Give an example of each. 3. List the items that are essential to maintaining life. 4. List, from simplest to complex, the levels of organization of the body. 5. Describe anatomical position. 6. Explain the parts of the axial and appendicular skeleton. 7. For each cavity, list what organs occupy the cavity. a. cranial cavity d. abdominal cavity b. vertebral cavity e. pelvic cavity c. thoracic cavity f. orbital cavity 8. What is homeostasis? How is it maintained by positive and negative feedback? Chapter 5 Tissues 1. Name the 4 different types of tissues and their function. Which have a rich blood supply? What are the two parts that tissues are made of? What is the basement membrane and extracellular matrix? 2. What is the difference between tissues that are simple and those that are stratified? 3. Describe adipose tissue. 4. List the 4 types of membranes, their general characteristic, and location in the body. 5. Describe the different types of muscles (striated, voluntary, number of nuclei, type of relaxation, neurotransmitters, etc). Use muscle notes. 6. Distinguish between a tendon and ligament. What are they made of? 7. What is the difference in shape between columnar, cuboidal, and squamous cells? 8. Name the parts of the blood. 9. What type of tissues reproduce easily? 10. Describe loose connective tissue and dense connective tissue. Chapter 6 Skin and the Integumentary System 1. List the functions of the skin. 2. The skin is made of 2 distinct layers and one that is not a true layer. Tell the location of each layer and the type of tissues or cells each contain. 3. How does the body conserve heat or release heat? 4. Describe the reproduction of skin cells. 5. What is the relationship between melanocytes and skin color? 6. Describe keratinization and what layer it occurs in. Describe the layer of skin at the surface. 7. Describe the different types of sweat glands. 8. What is associated with wound healing? 9. What is melanin and its role in skin color? Chapter 7 Skeletal System 1. Define the following: Abduction Flexion Adduction Extension Pronation Rotation Supination Dorsiflexion Circumduction Plantar flexion 2. Describe the bones of the hands and feet. 3. What bones make up the axial and appendicular skeleton? 4. What is the difference between an osteocytes, osteoclasts, and osteoblasts? 5. List the main types of joints, their ability to move, and examples. List the different types of synovial joints, movement type, and location. 6. Explain the difference between intramembranous bones and endochondral bones. 7. What is the longest bone in the body? 8. What is the name for the heel bone and the kneecap? 9. List the main parts of the bone (e.g. diaphysis) and their location. 10. Describe bone development in a long bone. Use the following: primary and secondary ossification, epiphyseal plate, spongy bone, and compact bone 11. Name the different vertebrae and their location. 12. What act as shock absorbers? 13. Describe the structure of the different vertebrae and its importance to their function. Ex: Atlas and Axis for rotation of head. 14. Explain lacunae, Haversian Canals, osteon, lamella, Volkman canals, and canaliculi. Chapter 8 Muscles 1. What is a sarcomere? Describe the different parts (A band, I band, etc). 2. What is actin and myosin? 3. How do the cross bridges attach to the actin? 4. Explain the following Calcium Lactic acid formation Prime mover ATP Troponin Latent period ADP tropomyosin Recruitment Acetylcholine Twitch Creatine phosphate Oxygen Debt muscle tone acetylcholinsterase Muscle cramp Antagonist creatine phosphokinase All or none response Synergist 5. How does a muscle know when to contract? 6. How does it know to relax? 7. What are myofibrils made of? 8. What happens when a nerve impulse reaches the end of the neuron? Label and define the different parts of the picture. 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Explain the importance of cell respiration in muscle contraction.