Cellular Respiration Project – “Create your own board game”

Cellular Respiration Project – “Create your own board game”
1. In a group of 2 or 3, plan out your board game
2. The game must include the following pathways:
a. Glycolysis
b. Oxidative Decarboxylation
c. Krebs Cycle
d. Oxidative Phosphorylation (Electron Transfer System)
3. Be sure to include:
a. ATP (ADP)
b. NADH (NAD+)
c. Names of all the compounds
d. CO2
e. CoA
f. H2O
g. FADH (FAD+)
h. Coenzyme Q
i. Cytochrome b
4. Marks will be given for:
a. Cycles complete and in logical order
b. All compounds of the cycles added
c. Creativity, neatness
d. Easy to play
5. The games will be evaluated by peers and Ms. Gaudet and a blended mark will be
6. Boards due: Monday, March 8