Mitosis and Asexual Reproduction

Mitosis and Asexual Reproduction Notes
A. Terms:
1. Cell Cycle: ________________________________________________________
______________________________division results in formation of new
individuals of the species
___________________________________ division results in replacement
of old or damaged cells
2. Mitosis: __________________________________________________________
3. Cytokinesis: _______________________________________________________
4. Asexual Reproduction: _______________________________________________
5. Chromatin: ________________________________________________________
6. Chromosomes: _____________________________________________________
B: There are 5 phases in Mitosis: 1. __________________, 2) _____________________
3) _______________________, 4) _____________________, 5) ___________________
1. Interphase: _______________________________________________________
Cells ________________________________________ in size by producing more
nucleic acids, proteins, and cellular organelles
but they can’t be seen
Nucleus of the cell is contained within the ________________________________
_______________________________________ are present and duplicate themselves
Draw Interphase:
2. Prophase:
 Double chromosomes become visible - _____________________________
Chromosomes are
Draw a Chromosome Below:
At the beginning, _______________________________ move to opposite poles
Aster (star shaped fibers) extend = microtubules
___________________________________________________ (to centromere
to pull away chromatids to opposite sides of the cell)
By the end, the __________________________________________________
have disappeared
Draw Prophase below:
3. Metaphase:
 Centromeres line up on the ___________________________________
(middle=metaphase plate)
By the end, the centromeres __________________________________________
Half of each chromosome goes to the opposite side of the cell
Draw Metaphase Below:
4. Anaphase:
 __________________________________________________________________
Movement is accomplished by the microtubules
Movement occurs by shortening of the microtubules
Draw Anaphase Below:
5. Telophase:
 Chromosomes ___________________ and return to previous shape (threadlike)
Draw Telophase Below: (two cells are identical)
***NOTE*** Cytokinesis___________________________________________
I Punched My Aunt Tilly
C. Mitosis in plants: Same as in animals except…
Plants have _______________________________________ spindle fibers take
their place
Asters do not form
Cell wall _________________________________________because it is too rigid
__________________________________divides the cell into two
D. Protein that causes cells to go through the cell cycle is called: ___________________
II. Asexual Reproduction:
 Occurs only through the process of Mitosis
 ____________________________________________________________________
A. Where can asexual reproduction be found?
a. ________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________
B. There are 5 different types of asexual reproduction:
a. Budding:_________________________________________________;
new individuals develop from buds
ex – yeast & hydra
b. Binary Fission: Most simple form of asexual reproduction;
c. Spore Formation: Single specialized cells that germinate when released
from parent. Usually covered by a protective coating for preservation.
d. Regeneration: Ability to _______________________________________
ex – hyrda, planaria, starfish, the bad guy from Terminator 2
e. Vegetative Reproduction: Refers to roots, stems, and leaves. Cells divide
then differentiate to produce the same organism
f. _____________________________________
Mitosis Quiz
Name: ______________________________________
A. What happens during Interphase? ___________________________________
B. What happens during Prophase? ____________________________________
C. What happens during Metaphase? ___________________________________
D. What happens during Anaphase? ____________________________________
E. What happens during Telophase? ___________________________________