8.7 National Neutrality Debate

The 1930s National Neutrality Debate
A. Stimson Doctrine
Response to Japan in Manchuria
B. Historic Tradition of Neutrality [Washington,
Jefferson, Monroe]
C. Nye Committee “merchants of death”
D. Neutrality Act 1935
President can proclaim a state of war & forbid
munitions sales to either side. US citizens travel on
belligerent ships at their own risk. Response to Italy
in Ethiopia.
D. Neutrality Act 1936
Additional provision of no loans or credit to
Response to Spanish Civil War
E. Neutrality Act 1937
Authorized President to designate cash and carry
Travel on belligerent ships unlawful
F. Quarantine Speech
Response to Panay incident
“The peace, the freedom, the security of ninety
per cent of the population of the world is being
jeopardized by the remaining ten per cent who
are threatening a breakdown of all
international order and law. Surely the ninety
per cent who want to live in peace under law
and in accordance with moral standards that
have received almost universal acceptance
through the centuries, can and must find some
way to make their will prevail.”
G. Neutrality Act of 1939 sell arms. Cash and carry
Time Line of Events
1931 Japan invades Manchuria
1934 Hitler in power in Germany
1935 Mussolini invades Ethiopia
1936 Spanish Civil War, Hitler occupies Rhineland
1937 Panay
1938 Anschluss in Austria, Munich Pact
1939 Soviet-German Pact, Invasion of Poland
1940 Fall of France, Burke Wadsworth, US Preparedness
Campaign, Destroyer Deal, Election of 1940, Axis
1941 Lend Lease, Battle of the Atlantic Feb-May, SeptGreer attack, Oct-Merchant ships armed, Seize Axis
shipping, June Germans attack USSR, Atlantic
Charter-August, Convoys-Sept