Chapter 23 SECTION 3 Do Now Analyze this image in your own words and discuss with a partner what you think it means. Your text here Goals and Objectives SWBAT In their own words explain, analyze and synthesize 1. Why there was a commitment to wide spread isolationism in the 1930's? 2. How Roosevelt balanced American isolationism with the need to intervene in the war? 3. What did the United States do to prepare for the war in 1940 and 1941? Today’s Class -Background PowerPoint -Research with iPads -Chart of provisions, amendments and revisions -Class discussion Background People who do not believe in the use of military force are known as ______Pacifists_______. _____Cash-and-Carry_______ became the United States policy towards countries in war that wanted to purchase American goods. Congress allowed the U.S. to send weapons to Great Britain regardless of their ability to pay through the passing of the ______Lend-Lease Act__________. _____The Atlantic Charter________ proclaimed the United States and Britain’s shared goals of opposing Hitler and his allies. Research Get into your groups. Take out your iPads. Begin researching your assigned Neutrality Act, 1935, 1936 or 1937. Next, create a chart showing the provision of the acts, the revision and amendments. List the reasons for each provision, revision and amendment. Neutrality Acts Neutrality Acts of 1935 Neutrality Acts of 1936 Neutrality Acts of 1937 Think Pair Share Were the Neutrality Acts truly “neutral”? Closure