Chapters 31-36 Notecards - Due 3/23/16

Note Card List: Chapters 31-36
Chapter 31
1. Zimmermann Note
2. Fourteen Point Address
3. League of Nations
4. Committee of Public Information
5. Espionage Act of 1917
6. First Red Scare
7. Schenck vs United States
8. War Industries Board
9. Food Administration
10. Draft Act of 1917
11. Election of 1920
Chapter 32
12. Red Scare
13. Anti-foreignism
14. Palmer Raids
15. Sacco and Vanzetti
16. Emergency Quota Act of 1921
17. Immigration Act of 1924
18. 18th Amendment
19. Charles Lindbergh
20. John Dewey
21. Mafia and Al Capone
22. Speakeasies
23. Andrew Mellon and the Mellonites
24. Movies (talkies)
25. Charlie Chaplin
26. The Jazz Age
27. Margaret Sanger
28. Flappers
29. Harlem Renaissance
30. Marcus Garvey
31. The Lost Generation
32. Bull Market
33. Causes of the Depression
34. Scopes Trial
35. Great Migration
Dawes Act
Herbert Hoover
Agricultural Marketing Act
Hawley Smoot Tariff
Muscle Shoals Bill
Reconstruction Finance
49. Norris La Guardia Anti
Injunction Act
50. Bonus Army
51. Good Neighbor Policy
Chapter 34
52. Brain Trust
53. The New Deal
54. Relief, Recovery, Reform
55. Banking Holiday
56. The First Hundred Days
57. Glass Steagall Banking Act
58. FDIC
59. CCC
60. AAA
61. CWA
62. Henry (Kingfish) Long
63. WPA
64. PWA
65. Francis Townshend
66. NRA
67. Blue Eagle
68. Schechter Sick Chicken Case
69. Dust Bowl
70. Federal Securities Act
71. SEC
Chapter 33
36. Washington Disarmament Conference 72. TVA
73. Okies
37. Nine Power Treaty
74. FHA
38. Kellogg Briand Pact
75. Social Security
39. Fordney McCumber Tariff
40. Teapot Dome Scandal
76. National Labor Relations Board
77. Fair Labor and Standards Act
(Wages and Hours Bill)
78. Congress of Industrial Organization
79. Court Packing
80. John Maynard Keynes
Chapter 35
81. London Economic Conference
82. Good Neighbor Policy
83. Reciprocal Trade Agreements
84. Hull Note
85. Neutrality Act of 35/Neutrality Act
of 37/Neutrality of 39
86. Lend Lease Act
87. Cash and Carry
88. Appeasement
89. Non Aggression Pact
90. Pearl Harbor
Chapter 36
91. Korematsu v US
92. War Production Board
93. Office of Price Administration
94. War Labor Board
95. Smith Connally Anti Strike Act
97. Fair Employment Practices
98. Double V Campaign
99. Bracero program
100. Rosie the Riveter
101. Manhattan Project
102. Battle of Midway
103. Island Hopping
104. Battle of the Bulge
105. D-Day