Chapter 23 Review Sheet

Review Sheet for Chapter 23: World War II
Lesson 1:
1. Treaty of Versailles
2. Affects of treaty of Versailles on Germany
3. Weimar Republic
4. Benito Mussolini
5. Facism
6. dictatorship
7. totalitarian regime
8. Adolf Hitler
9. National Socialist German Workers Party
10. Munich Beer Hall Putsch
11. Mein Kampf
12. Aryan
13. lebensraum
14. Reichstag
15. Der Fuhrer
16. Francisco Franco
17. Neutrality Act of 1936
18. Vladimir Lenin
19. Joseph Stalin
20. Manchuria
21. Italy invades _______________________.
22. Nationalists
23. Republicans
24. Rhineland
25. appeasement
26. Anschluss
27. Sudentenland
28. Neville Chamberlain
29. "Peace of our time"
30. Winston Churchill
Lesson 2:
1. Nazi-Soviet Pact (non-aggression pact)
2. Why did each nation agree to the pact?
3. How did World War II start?
4. blitzkrieg
5. Allies
6. Sitzkrieg or phony war
7. Ardennes Forest
8. Maginot Line
9. evacuation at Dunkirk
10. Vichy France
11. Charles de Gaulle
12. British Royal Air Force
13. Luftwaffe
14. Battle of Britain
15. Edward R. Murrow
16. Japanese troops massacred 200,000 to 300,000 in the capital at _____________
17. Axis Powers
18. 1941- Japan takes control of __________________________________ (Vietnam, Laos,
19. Hideki Tojo- Prime Minister
Lesson 3
1. isolationism
2. liberal
3. conservative
4. pacifist
5. Neutrality Act 1935
6. Intervention
7. Quarantine Speech
8. cash and carry
9. "arsenal of democracy
10. Lend-Lease Act
11. Atlantic Charter
12. Roosevelt froze _________________________________________ in the United States
13. When did Pearl Harbor attack take place?
Lesson 4
1. Four Freedoms
2. mobilize
3. George C. Marshall
4. G.I.'s
5. What roles did women play in the war effort?
6. Henry Kaiser and liberty ships
7. cost-plus system
8. Coca-Cola
9. Rosie the Riveter
10. What was the main reason women entered the workforce?
11. Office of War Information
12. What problems did women face as they entered the workforce.
13. National War Labor Board
14. Smith-Connelly Act
15. Manhattan Project
16. Tuskegee Airmen
17. How were African Americans treated in the military?
18. A. Philip Randolph
19. Double V Campaign
20. Bracero Program
21. zoot suit riots
22. code talkers