Roman Empire Chapter 6 Section 2 Directions: Read pages 146-152 in the World History textbook, as you read answer the following questions. 1. Why was one fourth of the Roman society without work and poor? 2. What caused the first civil war in the Roman Republic . 3. How did generals like Cornelius and Marius gain the loyalty of their soldiers ? 4. List the members of the the first triumvirate of Rome. 5. List the steps Julius Caesar took to become named dictator for life. 6. List five of Caesar’s Reforms that made him popular with the people. 7. Who murdered Caesar? Why did they do it? 8. List the members of the second triumvirate of Rome. 9. Why did Mark Antony and Octavian fight each other? How is Cleopatra involved? 10. How did Octavian become the First Emperor of the Roman Empire? What did he change his name to? 11. What happened during the Pax Romana? How long did it last? 12. What was Rome’s economy based on? 13. What was the name of the most important trade route in the Roman empire? 14. How did the Roman Army spread the Roman way of life to non-Romans? 15. Describe how Augustus created a sound Government. 16. List the 5 Good Emperors and the 3 Bad Emperors of Rome. 17. What is the virtue of gravitas? 18. How were Roman children named? 19. What was a gladiator? 20. Describe the Roman religion. 21. How did “bread and circus” keep the poor from getting discontent?