CHY4U West & the World Student Learning Module: War & Revolution 1900-1945 Part I: Research & Works Cited for SLM Due: _______________________ Conduct research using at least 3 sources based on one of the topics listed below that will be used to create a Macromedia Breeze Learning Module that will be viewed by the rest of the class. Include your research notes, works cited for your research and images, visuals, audio, etc that you will include in your Powerpoint. Part II: Powerpoint Student Learning Module Due: _______________________ The next step is to develop a Powerpoint of about 15-20 slides that effectively tells the story about your topic. You may use music, video, primary documents, timelines, etc to enhance your presentation. Part III: Script for Narration of PPT Due: _______________________ Before you add the audio narration to the Powerpoint you will submit a script for approval. Your script will be printed next to the slides like the example shown in class. Part IV: Completed SLM Due: _______________________ List of Possible Topics Russian Revolution Tsar Nicholas II Mysteries around Anastasia Romanov Dynasty Vladimir Lenin Leon Trotsky Joseph Stalin Bloody Sunday Marxism-Leninism Causes of Russian Revolution The Revolution Rasputin February Revolution World War I Woodrow Wilson, 14 Points League of Nations Treaty of Versailles Trench Warfare Schlieffen Plan Role of Women Battles Canada’s Role War Technology Causes of WWI The Balkans Interwar Period & World War II The Holocaust Fascism Soviet Purges Great Famine Stalin Mussolini Hitler Trotsky Picasso Churchill Hiroshima Battles Pearl Harbor Spanish Civil War Topic of Your Choice (in consultation with Instructor): ____________________________________ Part I Research Notes Template Type: (Highlight Applicable) Internet Book Audio Video Encyclopedia Primary Document Citation: Use in Powerpoint Journal Other Include notes of possible uses in PPT and ideas about possible images to support information Notes: Individual Source Assessment Tool Level 4: Excellent Source, Notes are Coherent, Ideas for PPT Added show foresight & creativity, Source is Cited Properly. Level 3: Useful Source, Notes are Coherent, Ideas for PPT Added, Source is Cited Properly. Level 2: Source lacks substance, Notes are Disorganized, Ideas for PPT Added show little creativity, Citation needs work. Level 1: Source is weak, Notes will not help the development of the PPT, PPT ideas are limited, improper citation.