November Historical Fiction Reading PPt Student Rubric Name: Title: Author: 4 Meets the outcome Outcomes 3 Approaches the outcome 2 Shows initial understanding of the outcome Speaking and Listening 2.3 I can follow written and oral instructions 2.4 I can self and peer evaluate oral presentations knowing that volume, posture, body language, eye contact, etc. are important to consider 3.1 I can show good speaking and listening skills and can answer audience questions effectively - contained all of the required information - was able to self evaluate theirs and others’ presentations -fully understood what a good presentation entailed - standing straight -makes eye contact - voice strong, loud and clear, speaks with expression - audience enjoyed report - asked for and correctly answered questions Reading and Viewing 4.1 I can select “Just Right” books -was able to select a text that was just right for you Writing and Other Ways of Representing 9.1 I can produce a variety of writing forms such as cartoons, journal, stories, letters, etc. -knowledgeably used the PPt presentation to inform 10.1 I can understand that using correct spelling is important 10.3 acquire some exposure to the various technologies used for communicating to a variety of audiences for a range of purposes (videos, e-mail, word processing, audiotapes) 10.4 I can use the writing process effectively to improve my written work -no spelling errors Teacher Comment: -able to use PPt to communicate the information -all slides well edited 1 Experiencing difficulty with the outcome