Kuhn_Calculus_Sylabus - kuhnmath

AP Calculus
Lou Kuhn room 276
(512) 841-1734
Website: kuhnmath.wikispaces.com
Avid Binder
Avid Binder
Every class period during the first 10 minutes I will be checking that you have your homework completed
and in the math section of your AVID notebook. In order to be successful in this class, I have found that it
is extraordinarily important to stay organized.
Formative Assignments
Every class period during the first 10 minutes you will have a 10 question timed quiz. This will cover any
information that we have learned prior to that day. You will receive your quizzes back and graded the
next class period.
Summative Assignments
This category will be made up of quizzes, unit tests and rubric assignments. Students will have an
opportunity to resubmit once for each of these assignments. You can expect to have 1-2 summative grades
a week.
I am available in my room, 276, for tutoring, make-up work and test corrections at the following times:
Mon & Wed 4:18-5:00pm
1. Read your notes. There are some good explanations and examples.
2. Keep all notes, homework, and quizzes for reference. They will help on review problems and
well as 6 weeks exams, final exams, etc. You will need these when reviewing for the Fall and
Spring Final.
3. Spend sufficient time on your homework. Yes, the answers are on the internet, but a
completed homework assignment does you no good if you crash and burn on your test and
quizzes because you have not practiced.
4. Ask questions and come in for extra help. Do NOT be shy.
5. www.cramster.com for solutions to homework questions from the text.
6. http://patrickjmt.com for great videos of math problems being worked out step by step.