當一個老師並不是枯燥的事,你可以在過程中獲 得許多來自各方的友誼,而隨著年齡增長更能建 立一個聯結多代學生的群,無論在學習研究上或 人生道路上都是豐富的,所以清除你常有的抱怨 自大又自悲的心情,廣泛的自我努力進修,同時 具備興趣的研究一下教育,那麼下一個 Great Teacher 就是你了。 An Outline For Teaching In Junior High School 阿祥之淺談國中教育與 因應原理 The Parsing Elements in education : Mercy Humor Personality Oedipus triangle Individuality Hospitality Characteristics Knowledge Prejudice Curiosity Logic Flexible Psychology Psychoanalysis Aspects of education Always smiling Be Strong enough Be Hearted Be Elegant Be Patient Be Passionate Be Frank Be Pro Be Concrete Be Creative Be Anything Environment and you : Concerning and Familiar with Perception Calibration Adjustment Pondering and Merging Party Career guidance : What u wanna to be ? What’s ur ability and capability ? What u learning now? Study hard? How is ur health ? Interested in what u doing ? Loyal to education? Making a decision ? How to and where to learn the tricks ?(see into my website) http://educationpro.39cafe.net/ or http://home.kimo.com.tw/ How to run ur life ? Money and gift Philosophy is important Dynamic observation Build ur philosophy The Analysis What is a child ? What is data? What is estimation? What is rating ? What is sorting? What is ranking? What is a family? What is generality ? What is growing and development? What is manners? What is consulting? What is punishment? What is activity? (see photos of my stedents) What is parenting?(see webresource) What is dignity? What is bushes and trivials? What is negative? What is tolerance? What is mood? What is multi-intelligence? (see multi-intelligence) What is violence? What is maniac? What is communication? Thinking with logic? What is CRM? What is the real strategy for facing parents of student? What is talk、discuss、and dispute with? How to talk with parents of ur students? How to announce? Case study (get website) Tools Database : Projects (see hot to know) Books Movies Hobby Website ftp server Food Medical Story Extended knowledge Joke Current news Hardware : Camera TV CD Computer PDA Mobile phone Rod Toy Elctronics (products) Transceiver Equipments of school Firmware : Strategy Activity Violence Game Language & programming Email Joke Music Story News Humor Chinese kung-fu Sports Miscellaneous Software : Psychology Educational theory Body-building Nutrition Real softwarez : 3d : maya,formz,eias,lightwave,amapi,cinema4D, 3dmax,archicad,zbrush,strata3d, shade, bryce, … 2d graphics : freehand,ilstrator,coreldraw,painter… image composition : photoshop,livepicture,xres… digital video : premiere, after effect music :rebirth ,cubase,performer,digital performer,band in a box ,protools … networking : Timbuktu,webstar,apache,hotline… web : flashMX, dreamweaverMX, livemotion, fireworksMX,imageready, golive …. science : starry night , chemoffice, mac molecular … programming : LOGO, C++, javascipt,lingo, cgi, php, asp, html, xml , prolog, lisp …. Tool : … Resource (see aspects of education) Question time Tha nks for ur attendance