English IV Honors - Siegel High School

Congratulations! Today is your day. You’re off to Great Places! You’re off and away!
Siegel High School
Course Syllabus
English IV
2014 - 2015
Instructor: B. Martz
Room Number: 113
Phone Number: (School) 904-3800 Ext. 29531
Email Address: martzb@rcschools.net
Availability: I am available to work with students both before and after school if scheduled appointments are
English IV is in the process of transitioning from a survey course of British literature to incorporate
more European writers. The curriculum is both reading and writing based and requires students to
complete assignments outside of class in order to be successful.
In addition to readings within the text, extensive outside reading may be chosen from the following:
 Grendel
 Canterbury Tales
 Frankenstein
 The Once and Future King
 Lord of the Flies
 An Ordinary Man
 Hamlet
 The Last Lecture
 Macbeth
 1984
 Dracula
*Students may be asked to purchase texts throughout the school year in order to complete reading assignments.
Please let me know if this is a problem for your student.
Occasionally I use movies to supplement the curriculum. Portions of the following movies may be used in my
 The Reduced Shakespeare Company
 Hamlet
 Dead Poets Society
 First Knight
 Macbeth
 Hotel Rwanda
 Beowulf
 The Canterbury Tales (Animated)
 1984
 A Knight’s Tale
 Troy
 13th Warrior
The following materials are required for this class:
 Appropriate Classroom Tools of the Trade: Pens, pencils, erasers, paper, etc.
 Three-ring binder (can be shared with other classes)
 Jump Drive (for use during research paper)
 Loose-leaf notebook paper (wide ruled preferred)
 2 pocket folder (must remain in the classroom)
 Novels for course study (TBA)
 Last Names:
A - I: Red pens or highlighter
J - N: Paper Towels
O – Z: 1 package of 4 x 6 lined index cards
General Guidelines:
1. As a senior, you MUST pass this class in order to graduate. Over the course of the year, you
can expect to write several papers, complete reading assignments outside of class, and engage
in outside research. The expectation is that you will be self-motivated, independent learners
with the ability to take responsibility for your work and put effort into each assignment.
2. We will read several novels and various plays. You are responsible for bringing a copy of your
novel to class every day while we are working with that novel. Some of the works are available
in your textbook. You will be responsible for purchasing the others.
3. You must read in this class. You cannot pass this class if you do not read. Remember, this
class is a requirement for graduation.
4. I assign several large assignments throughout the year, including some papers of varying
lengths. If you want to pass, you should complete the large projects, which means you will
need to do work OUTSIDE of school.
5. The research paper is of incredible importance. The state of Tennessee requires high school
seniors to complete a research paper as a requirement for graduation. This is not difficult. It is
simply a matter of following directions and setting aside the time needed to correctly complete
the paper.
6. You must complete the computer user agreement necessary for access to the school computers.
Some required classroom projects and the research paper require school computer use.
As a senior, we expect you to succeed with higher expectations than before. It is also my goal to help
prepare you for success outside of Siegel. Therefore, my make-up work and late work policies are very
strict. If you do not like them, do not miss class or fail to do you work.
1. Daily homework will not be accepted late if you were in class when it was assigned. If you are
absent on the date it is due, it must be turned in the day you return.
2. Projects and papers should never be turned in late- you have plenty of time to complete them.
However, each day a major assignment is late, points will be deducted (depending on the size and point
worth of the assignment). If late work becomes a chronic problem, you will lose this privilege and will
take a zero on late assignments. After five days, an assignment will not be accepted.
3. Sporting events and extracurricular activities are not a reason to turn in late work. You can email me
the assignment or place it in my mailbox in the front office before you leave for an activity.
4. You are responsible for obtaining and completing all make-up work assignments. County policy
gives students 5 days to complete missing assignments if absent for a legitimate reason. If you miss a
test or quiz, you must schedule a time to complete it- before or after school. If a student returns from
an absence on a test day that has previously been scheduled, they will be expected to take that test on
that day. This is non-negotiable.
5. If you cannot attend before or after school to complete a test or quiz, then you do not need to miss a
test of quiz.
I look forward to working with each of you. Your senior year is an exciting time. If you or your
parents should ever need anything, please do not hesitate to ask. I am more than willing to work with
each of you. Please complete the following portion of this form and return it to me as soon as possible.
Beth Martz
Please sign and return.
I have read and understand the policies and procedures as outlined by Ms. Martz for English IV.
Student signature
Parent or Guardian signature
Parent or Guardian Information:
Phone Numbers:
Best Time to Reach You at this Number:
Home Number: _____________________
Work Number: ______________________
Cell Number (optional): _______________
Email Address: __________________________________________
Does your child have access to a computer?
Does your child have access to the Internet?