課程大綱及進度表 開課系所 會碩一、二 開課學年 98 學年 開課學期 上 課程名稱(中文) 高級管理會計 課程名稱(英文) Advanced Managerial Accounting 課程碼 R1102 R170210 分班碼 先修科目或先備能力 Financial Accounting 學分數 3 開課教師 王萬成 e-mail wangw@mail.ncku.edu.tw 電話 X53430 Office Hours By appointment 課程概述 COURSE DESCRIPTION In this course, I will primarily focus on two parts. In the first part, I will focus on a broad review of the foundation for the research in financial accounting. In other words, the major points will include the following subjects. 1. Accounting in an ideal setting. Here, present-value-based accounting is natural. 2. An introduction to the concept of information asymmetry and resulting problems of adverse selection and moral hazard. 3. The environment in which financial accounting and reporting operates. To achieve the above objectives, the subjects will include the following: 教學目標 PURPOSE The purpose of this course is to equip student with the basic knowledge of current accounting research. This includes the foundation of the accounting information as a decision variable in equity valuation, the demand and supply of accounting information, accounting in political settings. To achieve this objective, the students are expected to have basic knowledge in economics, information economics, economics, and finance. 授課課程大綱明細 1. Accounting Under Ideal Conditions 2. The Decision Usefulness Approach to Financial Reporting 3. Efficient Securities Markets 4. The Information Approach to Decision Usefulness 5. The Measurement Approach to Decision Usefulness 6. Measurement Applications 7. Economic Consequences and Positive Accounting Theory 8. An Analysis of Conflict 9. Executive Compensation 10. Earnings Management Standard Setting: Economic Issues 11. Standard Setting: Political Issues 參考書目 Scott, W. Financial Accounting Theory 5th edition. Scarborough, Ontario: Prentice Hall Cananda Inc. (滄海) 課程要求 評量方式 1. Midterm: 35% 2. Final: 35% 3. Class participation: 30%. 課程網址 http://iteach.ncku.edu.tw/ 助教資訊 備註