AP Government and Political Science Websites

Study Aid Website Links for AP Gov, Political Science and Economics
AP Government and Political Science Websites
http://faculty.washington.edu/alvin/PolBib.htm (Political science and public affairs
reference and web resources- MANY, MANY GOVT LINKS and RESOURCES)
http://www.gpoaccess.gov/gmanual/index.html (U.S. Government Manual- great
resource for knowing the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government)
http://www.findlaw.com/ (Learn about every type of U.S. law)
http://www.census.gov/prod/www/statistical-abstract-1995_2000.html (Statistical
Abstract of the United States)
http://www.lib.washington.edu/mcnews/opposingviews/ (Pro & Con approaches to
political issues)
http://www.ontheissues.org/Issues.htm (information on issues, think tanks and public
policy: every political leader on every public policy issue)
http://www.publicagenda.org/ (guide to various issues and press releases)
Political Science Textbook Notes and Help Link
Economics Useful Links List
http://phoenix.liunet.edu/~uroy/internet.htm (a plethora of useful economics and
business related websites)
http://rfe.org/ (offers statistics and other valuable economic information. Go
to "Complete Contents" link on website)