課程大綱及進度表 開課系所 交通管理系 開課學年 98 開課學期 上學期 課程名稱(中文) 物流資訊管理 課程名稱(英文) Logistics Information Management 課程碼 H542100 分班碼 先修科目或先備能力 None 學分數 3 開課教師 林珮珺 e-mail peichunl@mail.ncku.edu.tw 電話 53222 Office Hours To be announced 課程概述 This course is designed to make the students knowledgeable of fundamentals underlying the design, implementation, control, evaluation and strategic use of modern, computer-based information systems that support all facets of work in logistics and distribution 教學目標 to explain the meaning of terms used to describe common techniques and concepts in business information systems in logistics and distribution; to successfully use at least two supply chain modeling and simulation software; to describe the ways in which computers are and will be used in business and management. . These concepts include telecommunications, electronic commerce, data warehousing and mining, artificial intelligence, and future directions of computer-based information systems, especially in logistics and distribution.; to identify and suggest appropriate responses to managerial and organizational issues stemming from development, implementation, and use of computer-based logistics information systems. 授課課程大綱明細 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Introduction to Logistics Information Barcode Evaluating Web Site Quality Using Logistics Sites e-Commerce and e-Supply Chains Collaborative Commerce and CPFR WMS Modeling and Simulation ERP and e-Business Business Information Systems 參考書目 1. Management Information Systems, (2004), 4th edition by Oz, E.. 2. Operations and process management (2006) by Slack, N., Chambers, S., Johnston, R., & Betts, A. 3. Simulation with ARENA (2003) by Kelton, W. D., Sadowski, R. P., & Sturrock, D. T. 4. Lawrence, Jennings, Reynolds. Enterprise Resource Planning in Distribution (2005) by F. Barry Lawrence F. Barry Lawrence. 課程要求 Student evaluation will be done on the basis of exams and term projects. Student attendance and participation in all lectures and sections is expected and required. 評量方式 課程網址 http://iteach.ncku.edu.tw/ 助教資訊 備註 Exam 1: 20% Exam 2: 20% Term projects: 60%