Hypothesis, Independent, Dependent Variables Worksheet Identify the type of hypothesis for each of the statements listed by placing the appropriate letter next to each statement. In the space below each statement, write the independent and dependent variable. Types of Hypothesis A. Directional hypothesis B. Non Directional hypothesis C. Null hypothesis D. Not a hypothesis as stated Statements: 1. First-born infants have higher concentrations of estrogens and progesterone in umbilical cord blood than do later-born infants. Independent Variable: Birth order Dependent Variable: Hormones 2. There is no relationship between participation in prenatal classed and the health outcome of infants. Independent Variable: Prenatal Classes Dependent Variable: Health Outcomes 3. Nursing students are increasingly interested in obtaining advanced degrees. Answer: A 4. Nurse practitioners have more job mobility than do other registered nurses. Independent Variable: level of education Dependent Variable: job mobility 5. A person’s age is related to his or her difficulty in accessing health care. Independent Variable: Age Dependent Variable: Accessing health care 6. Glaucoma can be effectively screened by means of tonometry. A 7. Increased noise levels result in increased anxiety among hospitalized patients. Independent Variable: Noise Dependent Variable: anxiety 8. Media exposure of the health hazards of smoking is unrelated to the public’s smoking habits. Independent Variable: Media exposure Dependent Variable: Smoking habits 9. Nurses’ job satisfaction is correlated with levels of occupational stress. Independent Variable: Job satisfaction Dependent Variable: occupational stress 10. The primary reason that nurse participate in continuing education programs is for professional advancement. A C D B D C B D