Scientific Method Skills

Scientific Method Skills Used
by Undergraduate Students
(to be completed at end of internship and/or end of research project)
This instrument is to be used for outcomes assessment only. It is not intended as part of your evaluation of this student
employee. It will not become part of their employment or student records. Records of your responses will be kept
anonymous with respect to the student. Please return the completed form to the Academic Program Coordinator. Thank
you for your cooperation in assessing our educational effectiveness.
Supervisor Name
Date of Assessment
Student Name
Student Classification
Degree Program Option
Steps of the Scientific Method *
1. Able to ask a question
2. Do background research
3. Construct a hypothesis
4. Design an experiment to test the hypothesis
5. Test the hypothesis
6. Analyze data from experiment
7. Draw conclusions from analysis
8. Communicate results
0 Does not require the use of any steps of the scientific method
* Please note that many different work-related activities can use one or more steps of the
scientific method even though they are not part of an actual “experiment”.
Please describe each activity or responsibility of your student employee.
help with scouting and decision making on approximately 20,000 acres of cropland
OR effectively communicate field observations to a grower
Continue on reverse side if necessary
Please indicate which, if any, of the
steps of the scientific method listed
above you think are used in each
1, 2, 7, 8
Please describe each activity or responsibility of your student employee.
Please indicate which, if any, of the
steps of the scientific method listed
above you think are used in each