Unit 9 The “Hero” Called Frankenstein


Unit 9 The “Hero” Called Frankenstein

I. Vocabulary and Derivatives

Fill in each blank with the correct word. fascinated 1 The little boy was f ted by his new toy. He couldn’t take his eyes off it. murdered 2 The police discovered that the man had not actually killed himself. Instead, he had been m red. hatred 3 Anita’s h d of dogs began when she was bitten badly by one in her childhood. elements 4 According to Matilda, the most important e ts of a wedding include a church, a big cake, and roses. incredible 5 It is i e that Patrick is only wearing a T-shirt in this cold weather. He must be crazy. exploring 6 The scientists are e ring ways to live longer. They are doing experiments to find out the answer.

Misfortunes 7 Kat was late for school, and she left her purse on the bus. This illustrates the saying that “M es never come alone.” creature 8 A dragon is an imaginary c e. It is not a real animal that can be found in the world. depression 9 Ryan fell into d n when he was informed that his application for the job had been turned down. revenge 10 The Spartan king declared war on Troy in r e for the

Trojan prince’s taking the king’s wife away. title 11 The t e of the album “E = MC 2 ” is inspired by Einstein’s great theory. grave 12 After the man died, his family dug a g e for him near their house. responsibility 13 Teachers have the ( responsible ) for looking after children when these children are in the school. tragic 14 The ( tragedy ) fire led to hundreds of deaths. fright 15 Many people began to scream in ( frightened ) when they saw a huge lion in the park.

II. Cloze Test

Choose the correct answer to fill in each blank.

My Dear sister,

Our ship is now at the North Pole. We are surrounded by nothing but ice and snow, and we cannot move on. So, I now have time to write you this letter and tell you a horrifying story.

Last week, we saved a dying man, whose name was Victor Frankenstein. When he was able to speak, he told us he had been following a monster 1 to the

North Pole. Frankenstein said that although he had succeeded in creating living things, the result had been a giant, frightening monster! In fear, Frankenstein 2 in horror after seeing his horrible creation. The following day, the monster

disappeared. Later, Frankenstein found his brother had been killed by the monster.

Feeling very guilty, Frankenstein blamed himself 3 his brother’s death. He thought that if he had not created the monster, his brother might 4 a long life.

Just when Frankenstein felt a deep sadness, the monster 5 . 6 that he had been hated for his appearance, the monster asked Frankenstein to create a female for him. At first, Frankenstein agreed, but he 7 his mind later because he was afraid that the two would have children and bring more evil into the world. The monster got so angry 8 what Frankenstein had done that he killed

Frankenstein’s wife and best friend. 9 the tragedy he had caused,

Frankenstein decided that he had to take the monster’s life. 10 , Frankenstein died before he could do this. My dear sister, you may wonder what had happened to the monster. Let me tell you about it in my next letter to you.

Yours ever,


( C )1 (A)by the way (B)on the way (C)all the way (D)in the way

( B )2 (A)ran along (B)ran away (C)ran around (D)ran over

( A )3 (A)for (B)of (C)on (D)with

( A )4 (A)have lived

(C)not have lived

( D )5 (A)turned around

(C)turned on

(B)have been lived

(D)not have been lived

(B)turned to

(D)turned up

( C )6 (A)He says (B)He said (C)Saying

( A )7 (A)changed (B)crossed (C)lost

( B )8 (A)with (B)about (C)against




( A )9 (A)To end (B)To forgive (C)Finishing (D)Forgiving

( D )10 (A)Therefore (B)Besides (C)Fortunately (D)However

III. Making Sentences

A. Read the following passage, and then complete the sentences by using the given pattern.

If + S


+ had (+ not) + V


-en/been . . . ,



+ would/could/might/should (+ not) + have + V


-en/been . . .

It was not my day yesterday. I got up late, so I missed the first bus. While I was waiting for the next bus, it began to rain. Because I didn’t have an umbrella with me,

I got wet. Half an hour later, I stepped into my classroom. My teacher immediately punished me for being late. Then, in English class, our teacher gave us a test. Because

I hadn’t studied hard for it, I didn’t pass the test. After school, I went to a bookstore, and I found an interesting book there. However, I couldn’t buy it because I didn’t have enough money. Finally, I decided to go home. I really hoped that the next day would be a better one.

1 If I had got up early/had not got up late , I would not have missed the first bus.

2 If I had had an umbrella with me , I might not have gotten so wet.

3 If I had not been late/had been on time , my teacher would not have

punished me.

4 If I had studied hard, I would have passed the (English) test .

5 If I had had enough money, I could have bought the interesting book .

B. Rewrite the following sentences by using the given pattern.





-ing . . . , S + V


. . .

1 Because he was attracted by the game, Leo buried himself in it all day.

Attracted by the game, Leo buried himself in it all day .

2 When the earth is seen from the moon, it looks like a blue ball.

Seen from the moon, the earth looks like a blue ball.

3 Because Jenny loved the dress so much, she decided to buy it.

→ Loving the dress so much, Jenny decided to buy it.

4 When the mouse saw the cat, the mouse ran off.

Seeing the cat, the mouse ran off.

5 Because Sally enjoys reading, she has bought a lot of books.

Enjoying reading, Sally has bought a lot of books.

IV. Translation

Translate the following Chinese sentences into English.







Pouring out his heart to Elle, Tim asked her to marry him.


Someone broke into the laboratory in the dead of night , and stole a dead body that was meant for an experiment.





Burying herself in her studies all day, Lisa has no time to go out with any boys.



If you had gone to bed early last night, you would not have nodded off in class this morning.



You need to be responsible for your acts; otherwise, you will probably lead/live a miserable life.



The/That old man mistook the criminal for a police officer.

V. Reading Comprehension

Read the following article and choose the correct answer to each question or statement.

Who Really Created Frankenstein?

Many people know the story of Dr. Frankenstein and his horrible creation.

However, only a few seem to know who really created the story.

The person who wrote Frankenstein was Mary Shelley, the wife of the famous

British poet, Percy Bysshe Shelley. In the summer of 1816, she traveled to

Switzerland with her husband and friends to visit another famous poet, Lord Byron.

The weather was bad during their visit, so everyone stayed in at Byron’s house and told stories.

One evening, Byron challenged his guests to come up with a scary story. That night, Mary had a frightening dream. She dreamed of a doctor sitting next to a scary monster. When she woke up, she developed the dream into a story right away. The next evening, she presented the story to the guests at Byron’s, and it later became the novel Frankenstein.

When the novel was published in 1818, it was not popular with some readers, who called it horrible and shocking. However, it became more and more popular with people around the world in the years that followed. The novel, thus, became a success in the eyes of many. Who would ever expect that the horror story was written by a quiet, nineteen-year-old woman?

( A )1 is the author of the novel Frankenstein.

(A)Mary Shelley

(C)Lord Byron

(B)Percy Bysshe Shelley

(D)Dr. Frankenstein himself

( B )2 Which of the following statements about Mary Shelley is true?

(A)Lord Byron, a famous British poet, is her husband.

(B)When she visited Switzerland in 1816, the weather there was bad.

(C)She was Frankenstein’s horrible creation.

(D)She forgot the frightening dream right after she woke up.

( A )3 Which of the following statements about the novel Frankenstein is true?

(A)The novel itself is much more well-known than its author.

(B)The author published it in his/her mid-twenties.

(C)After being published in 1818, the novel became less and less popular in the years that followed.

(D)It is based on a true event that happened in 1816.

( D )4 The word “ ” is NOT suitable to describe the author of Frankenstein when the book was published.

(A)young (B)imaginative (C)quiet (D)scary
