Frankenstein Test Review

Frankenstein Test Review
English I
1. Review the allusions to The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and the story of Prometheus and how both
apply to the novel.
2. Review the characteristics of Romantic Literature and Gothic Literature. Do these characteristics apply
to the novel? What is a Romantic Hero? Who is the novel’s Romantic Hero?
3. Review Literary Terms:
Theme, symbolism, allusion, archetype/stock character, static character, dynamic character, setting,
mood, frame tale
4. Review Vocabulary Terms:
Solicitude, eloquence, imbued, intreaties, physiognomy, infallible, magistrate, approbation, pinnacles,
despondence, tenement, vestige, succor, sanguinary, precipices, crags, auguries, portend, diabolical,
5. Review Quotes from our discussion handouts. 1. Speaker 2. Context 3. Significance
6. Be sure that you are familiar with the following characters and places:
Victor Frankenstein, William Frankenstein, Alphonse Frankenstein, Elizabeth, Prof. Waldman, Prof.
Krempe, Justine Moritz, DeLacey, Felix, Agatha, Safie, Robert Walton, Mrs. Saville, Geneva,
Ingolstadt, Ireland, London, St. Petersburg, Russia
Here are 2 sample Multiple Choice questions so you know what to expect on the test:
How did Elizabeth come to live with the Frankensteins?
A. She was left on their doorstep by her poor mother.
B. Victor mother asked the peasants she lived with for permission to raise her.
C. She was adopted from an orphanage.
D. She was the daughter of Alphonse Frankenstein’s dead friend.
How did Frankenstein feel when his experiment succeeded, and the creature came to life?
A. He was thrilled.
B. He was horrified and disgusted.
C. He was excited, but scared.
D. He felt omnipotent.