1 Semi-Analytical Estimates of Permeability Obtained from Capillary Pressure Caroline Cécile Huet Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Géologie de Nancy (France) (2003) M.S., Texas A&M University (2005) Chair of Advisory Committee: Dr. Thomas A. Blasingame 1.1 Abstract The objective of this research is to develop and test a new concept for predicting permeability from routine rock properties. First, we develop a model predicting permeability as a function of capillary pressure. Our model, which is based on the work by Purcell,1 Burdine2 and Wyllie and Gardner 3models, is given by: k 10 .66 2 2 (1 S wi ) 3 3 1 1 dS*w .................................................................................................. (1) 2 0 pd Combining Eq. 1 and the Brooks and Corey4 model for capillary pressure, we obtain: k 10 .66 2 (1 S wi )3 3 1 ................................................................................................... (2) p2 2 d The correlation given by Eq. 2 could yield permeability from capillary pressure (and vice-versa). This model also has potential extensions to relative permeability (i.e., the Brooks and Corey4 relative permeability functions) — which should make correlations based on porosity, permeability, and irreducible saturation general tools for reservoir engineering problems where relative permeability data are not available. Our study is validated with a large range/variety of core samples in order to provide a representative data sample over several orders of magnitude in permeability. Rock permeabilities in our data set range from 0.04 to 8700 md, while porosities range from 0.3 to 34 percent. Our correlation appears to be valid for both sandstone and carbonate lithologies. The second part of this thesis considers a concept model, or "equation of state" for permeability. The premise of this permeability model is that "clean" pore systems will have a power law relation of permeability with porosity, while "shaly" systems will exhibit a non-power law (or perhaps even exponential) behavior. The concept model in equation form is given as: k a( c) b .......................................................................................................................................... (3) where c f ( , S wi , V sh , grain size, etc. and perhaps k ) The form given by Eq. 3 has some very appealing features — including the limiting "power law" form (for clean sand systems), as well as a form that mimics the exponential behavior (often found for "shaly" sand 2 systems). The obvious challenge is the calibration of the model — and in that sense, this work is investigational rather than definitive. 1.2 Objectives The overall objectives of this work are: To develop and validate a generalized relationship between permeability and capillary pressure; To develop specific correlations for permeability (k), capillary displacement pressure (pd), and the pore geometry factor () for the case of mercury (Hg) injection capillary pressure data; To attempt development of an "equation-of-state" for permeability. 1.3 Statement of the Problem This study focuses on permeability and its prediction — the first part of the derivation follows the work of Wyllie and Gardner.3 Their model describes the porous media as a bundle of capillary tubes featuring a random connection of pore spaces. Some of the assumptions made are: 1. Two-phase immiscible displacement; 2. One dimensional linear flow; 3. Darcy's law is a valid model to describe the fluid flow. The detailed derivation of the permeability-capillary pressure equations is given in Appendix A. The base relation of this derivation is: (similar to Wyllie and Gardner3) k 10 .66 2 n 2 (1 S wi ) 3 3 1 1 dS*w ................................................................................................... (4) 2 0 pd Brooks and Corey4 presented the following model for capillary pressure: 1 S S wi , ............................................................................................................................ (5) pc pd w 1 S wi where pd is the "displacement pressure" and is the "pore geometric factor" and S S wi S*w w ............................................................................................................................................ (6) 1 S wi It is worth noting that Li5 has also provided a derivation of a capillary pressure model using fractals which has Eq. 5 as a limiting form. Substituting Eq. 5 into Eq. 4, we have: k 10 .66 2 1 (1 S wi )3 3 .................................................................................................... (7) n p2 2 d According Wyllie and Gardner, and n are parameters that depend on the configurations of the porous 3 network. Although Wyllie and Gardner do not provide any mechanism to determine the parameters, they do mention that n is equal to or greater than one for a natural porous media. " is inserted to recognize the fact that flow through a tube of a radius r overemphasizes the impedance since it ignores the larger areas available 3 for flow at either side if the constrictions formed where tubes abut." Wyllie and Gardner assumed that is a constant for all pore sizes — however, they expected ≥ 1 and the magnitude of to be a function of the average shape of pores in the medium. Ali6 suggested the following models for computing and n: 1 and n 1 ............................................................................................................................................... (9) (1 S wi ) Substituting Eqs. 8 and 9 into 7 gives: k 10 .66 2 (1 S wi ) 4 2 1 .................................................................................................. (10) p2 2 d As an initial correlation model, we use k a1 1 ( pd ) a 3 (1 - S ) a4 a5 ................................................................................................. (11) wi a2 2 1.4 Validation To validate the model, we have used mercury injection capillary pressure data sets from the literature and industry sources (from the literature, we have selected cases from Purcell, 1 Archie,7 and Neasham8). Samples from sandstone and carbonate reservoirs are used — and we note that data obtained from synthetic rock samples were initially considered, but these were not used because we chose to only consider mercury injection capillary pressure data for this study. Approximately 120 data sets have been reviewed (with 89 data sets being used in our current work), with permeabilities ranging from 0.04 md to 8700 md and porosities ranging from 0.3 to 34 percent. Given core properties (k and ), capillary pressure data (pc-Sw profile), we applied the following steps: plot Sw versus pc, determine pd, Swi, and using the Brooks and Corey's model, use Eq. 7 to calculate the permeability (as consistency check), and calibrate/optimize the parameters in Eq. 11 using regression. Fig. 1, which presents the results of this optimization, indicates excellent agreement between the measured permeabilities and those calculated from Eq. 11. We note that the same equation was used to calculate the entire permeability range — from low permeability (tight gas sands) to unconsolidated sands. From our work to date, the generalized relation (Eq. 11) appears to be universally valid for different lithologies. We will continue the validation process with additional data — and strive to access as much data as possible, including variable lithologies. We will note that, at this point in our research, we intend to focus uniquely on mercury (Hg) 4 capillary pressure data sets — we will pursue all types of capillary pressure data (various fluid types e.g., gaswater, gas-oil, and water oil and various measurement techniques, e.g., centrifuge, porous plate, vapor desorption, etc.) for a general archive, but our primary focus (due to the availability and consistency of data) will be mercury capillary pressure data. Figure 1 — Permeability correlation based on mercury capillary pressure data. Note an excellent correlation of calculated permeability data over 7 log-scales of variation in permeability. 5 Figure 2 — Displacement pressure (pd) correlation — mercury pc data. correlation of data over 3 log-scales of displacement pressure Good We also correlate displacement pressure with permeability, porosity and irreducible saturation. Fig. 2 presents the results of our initial (power law) correlation model which shows a good correlation of data over 3 log-scales of displacement pressure. The initial correlation model is given as: pd b1 b2 k b3 (1 S wi )b4 .................................................................................................................. (12) We correlate pore geometric factor () with permeability, porosity, irreducible saturation and displacement pressure with the following model: c c1 c2 k c3 (1 S wi ) c4 pd 5 .............................................................................................................. (13) Fig. 3 presents the results of this relation. The average error is about 18 percent. 6 Figure 3 — Pore geometric factor () — mercury pc data. 1.5 Summary and Conclusions Permeability-Capillary Pressure Correlation: We have proposed, developed, and verified a new model to predict permeability from mercury capillary pressure data (Eq. 10). This equation is based on the relations of Purcell1, Burdine2, Brooks and Corey4 and Wyllie and Spangler.3 We also use the form of our new model to create a permeability correlation (Eq. 11) — which correlates permeability with: porosity (), irreducible wetting phase saturation (Swi), displacement pressure (pd), and the pore geometric factor (). We obtain very good agreement between the measured permeability values and those obtained from the optimized correlation. This correlation is a work in progress — and as we continue to add data, we also expect to continue to observe the strong correlation of the input variables with permeability via our proposed models (see Appendix A). The results to date suggest that the correlating properties of the porous media (k, , Swi, pd, and ) are not specifically dependent upon lithology — but rather, these properties uniquely quantify the fluid flow behavior of the porous medium. In that sense, we see this work as a generalized correlation for flow in porous materials — including soils, filters, sintered metals, bead packs, and porous rocks. We will continue to incorporate both sandstone and carbonate lithologies to validate the general model. Equation-of-State for Permeability: This is a concept model — and our goal is to provide a proof of concept for this model as a viable representation for permeability of porous rocks. This base "equation-of-state" (EOS) is given by Eq. 3. Our efforts to date illustrate that the form selected does provide an "envelope" of solutions — however, we will 7 continue to investigate the generality of this model, particularly for samples from a specific depositional sequence (assume similar primary and diagenetic processes for porosity, permeability, etc.). Proposal of a model as an "equation of state" (i.e., an implicit model representing all characteristics of permeability) is a bold (and perhaps unwise) step. However, as this is only a proposal, we recognize that refinements must be made — both to the model and the concept — and that, in the end, the proposed model may only become a correlation device (where tests to date confirm its utility as a correlation mechanism). 1.6 Future Efforts 1. Permeability prediction from capillary pressure: We require more data samples to validate and extend the proposed relation. We also need to include more data from carbonate systems. At present, this correlation uses only mercury injection data. In the future we can also validate the correlation using pc data obtained from other methods (e.g., porous plate and centrifuge) — our initial efforts confirm such a validation, but we need to continue and extend this effort. 2. General formulation of permeability: As noted above, we have proposed the following model (defined by Eq. 3) as an "equation of state" for permeability. Our goal is to utilize this relation as a universal model for permeability — however, our efforts to date have led to the use of this model as a regression model. Moreover, we have not been successful in generating an "implicit" formulation in permeability. For example, the following forms have been considered: k a( c) b where c c max erf( c1 c2 S wi c3 ... Vsh cn 1 ... k cn ) or c c max (1 exp( c1 c2 S wi c3 ... Vsh cn 1 ... k cn ) ) Our next steps will be to focus on the "c" function, and to assess the viability of trying to quantify and/or correlate this coefficient. In particular, we will use specialized sample data sets as the basis for correlation, then assess if the "implicit" forms of this relation (i.e., those including permeability, k) can be formulated. 8 1.7 Outline of the Thesis The outline of the proposed research thesis is as follows: Chapter I Introduction Research problem Research objectives Summary Chapter II Literature Review General concepts — capillary pressure, permeability Capillary pressure models Permeability correlations Chapter III Development of a Semi-Analytical Estimate of Permeability Obtained from Capillary Pressure Statement of the problem Capillary pressure model used for this development Correlation of permeability from capillary pressure Validation Chapter IV Development of an "Equation-of-State" for Permeability. Statement of the equation of state for permeability Data correlation using the equation of state for permeability Prediction of permeability using the equation of state for permeability Validation Chapter V Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations for Future Work Summary Conclusions Recommendations for future work Nomenclature References Appendices Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Vita Derivation of Permeability and Relative Permeability from Capillary Pressure Derivation of a Function for the Normalization of Capillary Pressure Curves. An Equation-of-State for Permeability. 9 REFERENCES 1. Purcell, W.R.: "Capillary Pressures-Their Measurement Using Mercury and the Calculation of Permeability", Trans. AIME, (1949), 186, 39 2. Burdine, N. T.: "Relative Permeability Calculations from Pore Size Distribution Data", Trans. AIME, (1953), 198, 71. 3. Wyllie, M.R.J., and Gardner, G.H.F.: "The Generalized Kozeny–Carman Equation: Part II," World Oil, (1958), 146(5): 210–228. 4. Brooks, R. H., and Corey, A. T.: "Properties of porous media affecting fluid flow." Journal Irrigation and Drainage Division ASCE. (1966) 92: 61-88. 5. Li, K. and Horne, R.N.: "Experimental Verification of Methods to Calculate Relative Permeability Using Capillary Pressure Data," Paper SPE 76757 presented at the SPE Western Regional/ AAGP Pacific Section Joint Meeting held in Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 20 – 22 May 2002. 6. Ali, L., personal communication with T. Blasingame (1995) 7. Archie, G.E.: "The Electrical Resistivity Log as an Aid in Determining Some Reservoir characteristics," JPT (1942), 5:1-8 8. Neasham, John W.: "The Morphology of Dispersed Clay in Sandstones Reservoirs and its Effect on Sandstones Shaliness, Pore Space and Fluid Flow Properties," Society of Petroleum Engineers, paper SPE 6858, Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in Denver, CO, October 9-12, 1977. 10 NOMENCLATURE k = Permeability, md n = Geometrical constant in the model porous medium pd = Displacement pressure, psia pc = Capillary pressure, psia Swi = Irreducible saturation, fraction Sw = Water saturation in the actual porous medium, fraction = Water saturation in the model porous medium, fraction = Geometrical factor in the model porous medium = Interfacial tension, dynes/cm = Contact angle, degrees = Pore geometric factor = Porosity S * w 11 APPENDIX A DERIVATION OF PERMEABILTY AND RELATIVE PERMEABILITY FROM CAPILLARY PRESSURE Introduction By definition, relative permeability is a measure of the ability of a rock to conduct one fluid when two or more fluids are present. The relative permeability is controlled by pore geometry of rock, wettability characteristics, fluid saturation and saturation history. In the past, many papers about analytical expressions for relative permeability have been published. These relationships are good approximations for “clean” rocks with limited cementation. But these methods are not valid for rocks with high amount of clay or very heterogeneous. In this appendix, we derive the equation estimating permeability and relative permeability from capillary pressure. Derivation of permeability from capillary pressure Derivation of permeability equation follows Willie and Gardner A-1 approach. This approach describes a porous medium as a capillary model with a random connection of pore spaces. Some assumptions are made to simplify the model: 1. two-phase immiscible displacement; 2. one dimensional linear flow; 3. Darcy's law is a valid model to describe the fluid flow. Willie and Gardner introduce the capillary model which consists of a buddle of capillary tubes running parallel to the direction of the flow (Fig. A-1). There are different sizes of capillary tubes. They use a distribution function α(r) — i.e., α(r)dr capillary radii between r and r+dr. This bundle is cut into a large number of thin slices. The short pieces of a tube in each slice are arranged randomly and then are reassembled. So, capillary tubes from one slice to the next are not completely aligned. 12 Figure A-1 — Idealized capillary model of a porous medium showing probability of interconnection of pore spacesA-1 In this model, they assume that when wetting and non-wetting phases flow in the same time in a porous media, each phase flow in different pathways. Since the medium is water-wet, some water stays immobile, that constitutes the irreducible water saturation Swi. In the capillary model, displacement of liquid is complete, so there is no immobile water on the walls of capillary tubes. So the porosity of the model is: * (1 S wi ) ........................................................................................................................................ (A-1) Water saturation for the model is: S w* S w S wi ........................................................................................................................................ (A-2) 1 S wi Two assumptions are that permeabilities and capillary pressures in the model and the porous media are the same. Capillary pressure is given by: pc 2 .................................................................................................................................................. (A-3) r where cos( ) ............................................................................................................................................ (A-4) * They assume that at water saturation S w and capillary pressure pc, water occupies all small pores with radii * from r1 to R and oil occupies larger pores with radii from R to r2. The wetting phase saturation S w is related to the radius R and the pore size distribution by the equation: 13 R r (r )dr 2 S w* r1 ................................................................................................................................... (A-5) r2 r (r )dr 2 r1 The area effectively occupied by water in any slice of the model is ( S w A) , where A is the total area of the * * slice. An equal area is occupied by water in the neighboring slice. Owing to the random distribution of the pores in each slice, these areas have a common part whose area is smaller. Indeed, the probability that it lies in the first area is ( S w ) and the probability that it lies in the second area is ( S w ) , then the probability that lies * * * * both area is ( S w ) . * * 2 Consider a single pore filled with water. This pore abuts against pores in the next slice of which some are filled with water also. Assuming that the water-filled pores are randomly distributed, it follows by a similar argument that the area common to the single pore in the first slice and all water-filled pores may be taken as ( r S w* ) . 2 * Thus the water passes through a pore whose area is πr² but whose ends are constricted to a fraction ( S w ) of * * this area. It is also influenced by the way in which the exit area is distributed over the ends of the pore. A constant n reflects the manner in which the available interconnecting pore is divided (Fig. A-2). If n = 1, it indicate that all the exit area are connected in one pore. It can be expected that n ≥ 1. Figure A-2 — Schematic representation of value of geometric factor β and n: (a) n=1; (b) n>1. Since the flux of water through a constricted pore depends on the distribution of the exit area, it can be expected only on the basis of an average distribution. They defined an equivalent pore radius r . This radius is proportional to the exit area for all pores. 14 1 2 r ( * S w*) r n1 / 2 ........................................................................................................................................... (A-6) Poiseuille law is used to calculate the flow through each pore on the assumption that the effective radius is given by Eq. A-6. q r 4 p ......................................................................................................................................... (A-7) 8 L Since there are n exit areas per pore, Eq. A-7 becomes: q r 4 p .................................................................................................................................. (A-8) 8 L n The parameter β is inserted to recognize the fact that flow through a pore radius r overemphasized the impedance because it ignores the larger areas available for exit flow at either side of the constrictions formed where pores abut. Thus it may be expected that β ≥ 1 and that β is a function of the average shape of pores in the medium that the model represents. By substituting Eq. A-6 into Eq. A-8, we obtain: p * * q Sw L 8 r 2 .................................................................................................................. (A-9) n 4 From the Eq. A-9, the total flow may be computed by integrated for flow rate through pores with radii between r1 and R. p * * Q S wi L 8 n r (r )dr ............................................................................................... (A-10) R 2 4 r1 The total pore area of the cross section may be written as: *A r2 r 2 (r )dr .............................................................................................................................. (A-11) r1 Divide Eq. A-10 by Eq. A-11 to obtain: R Q p *3 *2 Sw A L 8 r (r )dr ............................................................................................... (A-12) n r (r )dr 4 r1 r2 4 r1 By differencing Eq. A-12 and replacing R by r, we obtain: dS w* r 2 (r )dr r2 .............................................................................................................................. (A-13) r 4 (r )dr r1 We can eliminate r from Eq. A-12 by using Eqs. A-3 and A-13 and the fact that R=r1, S w 0 , at R=R, * S w* S w* and at R= r2, S w* 1 . Therefore Eq. A-12 becomes: 15 Q p *3 *2 2 S w A L 2 n S w* dS w* p c2 0 ...................................................................................................... (A-14) With Darcy's law for flow of water Q k rw k p .................................................................................................................................... (A-15) A L Substitute Eq. A-15 into Eq. A-14, we obtain: 2 2 n k rw k *3 S w*2 But S w* dS w* p c2 0 ........................................................................................................... (A-16) krw 1 when S w* 1 ; so, k *3 2 2 n 1 0 dS w* p c2 ............................................................................................................................. (A-17) Converting Eq. A-17 in field units gives: 2 cm 2 *3 k md 9.869 10 12 md n 2 dyne cm 2 1 0 1 dyne / cm p c2 ( psia 2 ) 6.8947 10 4 psia 2 2 dS w* 2 2 psi 1 md 2 dyne 1 1 *3 k md dS w* 2 2 0 p ( psia 2 ) dyne n 2 cm 4 cm 12 c 9.869 10 6.8947 10 cm 2 md 2 md psia 2 1 1 *3 2 dyne k md 10 .66 dS w* 2 2 0 dyne n p c ( psia ) cm cm 2 k 10 .66 *3 n 2 1 1 0 p c2 dS w* ............................................................................................................... (A-18) Now k is in md and pc in psia Isolating the integral in Eq. A-18 gives I 1 1 0 p c2 dS w* ....................................................................................................................................... (A-19) Brook and CoreyA-2 define the following capillary pressure model: pc pd S w*1 / ....................................................................................................................................... (A-20) Substituting Eq. A-20 into Eq. A-19 gives I 1 p d2 1 0 S w*2 / dS w* 16 I 1 p d2 1 S w*(1 2 / ) 1 2/ 1 0 then, I 1 ..................................................................................................................................... (A-21) p d2 2 Substituting Eq. (A-21) into Eq. (A-18) k 10 .66 *3 2 n 1 ............................................................................................................. (A-22) p d2 2 Relative Permeability Correlation From Nakornthap and EvansA-3, the wetting and non-wetting phase relative permeability functions are given as: o * k rw k rw Sw 32 / ................................................................................................................................. (A-23) and 1 S 2 o k rn k rn 1 S w* * 1 2 / w .......................................................................................................... (A-24) Rearranging Eq. B-23 and B-24 we have: k rw o k rw 1 3 2 / S w* 1 .................................................................................................................................. (A-25) and k rn o k rn 1 1 2 S w* 1 S w* 1 2 / 1 ............................................................................................................ (A-26) Setting the equality in the Eq. A-25 for two separate conditions, we have: k rw1 o k rw 1 1 3 2 / 1 S w*1 k rw2 o k rw 2 1 3 2 / 2 S w* 2 ........................................................................................................ (A-27) Solving for k rw2 k rw2 o k rw S w* 2 2 32 / 2 o * 3 2 / 1 k rw 1 Sw 1 k rw1 ................................................................................................................... (A-28) Setting the equality in Eq. A-26 for two separate conditions gives k rn1 o k rn 1 1 1 S 1 S * w1 Solving for k rn2 2 * w1 1 2 / 1 k rn2 o k rn 2 1 1 S 1 S * w2 2 * 1 2 / 2 w2 ....................................................... (A-29) 17 k rn2 o k rn 2 o k rn 1 1 S 1 S 1 S 1 S * 2 w2 * 1 2 / 2 w2 * 2 w1 * 1 2 / 1 w1 k rn1 ........................................................................................... (A-30) For Completeness, we should substitute Eq. A-2 into A-28 and A-30, this gives: k rw2 k rn2 S w2 S wi2 1 S wi 2 o k rw 1 S w1 S wi1 1 S wi 1 o k rw 2 o k rn 2 3 2 / 2 3 2 / 1 k rw1 ................................................................................................... (A-31) S w S wi 2 1 2 1 S wi2 o k rn S w S wi1 1 1 1 1 S wi1 S S 1 2 / 2 wi2 1 w2 1 S wi 2 k ........................................................... (A-32) 2 1 2 / 1 rn1 S w1 S wi1 1 1 S wi 1 2 18 References A.1. Wyllie, M.R.J., and Gardner, G.H.F.: "The Generalized Kozeny–Carman Equation: Part II," World Oil, (1958), 146(5): 210–228. A.2. Brooks, R.H., and Corey A.T.: "Hydraulic Properties of Porous Media," Hydrol. Paper 3, Colo. State Univ., Fort Collins, CO, 1964. A.3. Nakornthap, K. and Evans, R.D.: "Temperature-Dependent Relative Permeability and Its Effect on Oil Permeability and Its Effect on Oil Displacement by Thermal Methods," SPE 11217 SPERE (1986) Nomenclature k = permeability, md krw = relative permeability to wetting phase krnw = relative permeability to non-wetting phase n = geometrical constant in the model porous medium pd = displacement pressure, psi pc = capillary pressure, psi q = volume flow rate in single capillary, B/D Q = flow rate, B/D r = pore radius, in r = radius of an equivalent pore in the modifier porous medium, in R = arbitrary radius, in Swi = irreducible saturation, fraction Sw = water saturation in the actual porous medium, fraction * w = water saturation in the model porous medium, fraction α(r) = distribution function governing capillary radii = geometrical factor in the model porous medium = interfacial tension, dynes/cm = contact angle, degrees = index of pore-size distribution = porosity S 19 APPENDIX B DERIVATION OF A FUNCTION FOR THE NORMALIZATION OF CAPILLARY PRESSURE CURVES Introduction Capillary pressure curves are usually determined in the laboratory by three methods: mercury injection, restored state cell (porous plate) and centrifuge. Reservoir calculations require a normalized curve for the capillary pressure measurements which are obtained from several plug samples. Because of the reservoir heterogeneity, no single capillary pressure curves can be used for the entire reservoir. Several attempts were made to correlate to correlate capillary pressure curves with the petrophysical properties of the reservoir rock. LeverettB-1 was the first to introduce a dimensionless capillary pressure correlation function. This function accounts for change of permeability, porosity and wettability of the reservoir as long as the general pore geometry remains constant. However, this function correlated to a formation fails to correlate capillary pressure data of another formation. An improvement of a J-Function is derived in this Appendix. Derivation of a Normalized capillary pressure function The BurdineB-2 relation is derived from a bundle of capillary tubes model and is given by: k 10 .66 3 1 S wi 3 n 2 1 1 0 p c2 dS w* ................................................................................................... (B-1) The Brooks and CoreyB-3 model for capillary pressure is pc pd S w*1 / ......................................................................................................................................... (B-2) Substituting Eq. B-2 into Eq. B-1 gives: k 10 .66 3 1 S wi 3 n 2 1 ................................................................................................. (B-3) p d2 2 A correlation function for the β/n term has recently been proposed by Liqat Ali of Kuwait University. This relation is given by: n 1 S wi ....................................................................................................................................... (B-4) where α is an empirical adjustment constant. Substituting Eq. B-4 in B-4 gives: k 10 .66 ( ab ) 2 (1 - S wi ) 4 2 1 pd 2 2 ........................................................................................ (B-5) Solving Eq. B-5 for the displacement pressure, pd, gives: p d 10 .66 1 S wi 2 k ................................................................................................... (B-6) 2 20 Eq. B-6 is “semi-analytical” expression for relating the displacement pressure to formation properties. Eq. 6 directly provides. p d1 pd2 1 1 1 S wi ,1 2 1 1 2 k1 2 1 S wi , 2 2 2 2 ................................................................................................. (B-7) 2 2 k2 or p d1 1 1 S wi ,1 2 1 1 k 2 1 2 2 2 1 S wi , 2 2 2 k1 2 1 2 2 p d 2 ................................................................................ (B-8) From Eq. B-7, we can intuitively suggest that: p d1 pd2 p c1 or p c2 p c2 pd2 p d1 p c1 ................................................................................................ (B-9) So by analogy with Eq. B-8, we have p c2 2 2 1 S wi , 2 2 2 1 1 S wi ,1 2 1 1 k1 k2 2 1 2 1 2 2 p c1 ............................................................................ (B-10) where Eq. B-10 could allow to “convert” lab data to reservoir data. This concept is similar to the Leverett “JFunction” which is given by: J L (S w ) 1 k pc ................................................................................................................................ (B-11) Assuming that J L ,1 ( S w ) J L , 2 ( S w ) we have: p c2 2 1 k1 2 p c ............................................................................................................................ (B-12) k 2 1 1 We note that Eq. B-12 is the “standard” application of the Leverett J-Function. Both Eq. B-10 and B-12 "rescale" capillary pressure data in the sense that if we assume that the data have the same character (i.e., shape) then these concepts should suffice. However, we immediately recognize from Eq. B-2 that capillary pressure data will note exhibit the same shape, in a general sense. This forces us to realize that the concept of a "universal" capillary pressure curve — as LeverettB-1 believed he had established using his J-Function. Unfortunately, we cannot establish a "universal" trend, but we can develop an equality condition using the Brooks and Corey capillary pressure relation. Recalling Eq. B-2, we have: pc pd S w*1 / ......................................................................................................................................... (B-2) Setting Eq. B-2 as an equality (i.e. pc / pd S w*1/ 1 ) 21 p c1 p d1 S w*1 / 1 p c2 pd2 S w*1 / 2 ......................................................................................................................... (B-13) or solving for pc2 , we have: p d 2 S w*1 / 1 p c ............................................................................................................................. (B-14) p d1 S w*1 / 2 1 p c2 * Recalling the definition of the "effective" saturation function, S w , we have S w* S w S wi ...................................................................................................................................... (B-15) 1 S wi Substituting Eq. B-15 into Eq. B-14 we have: p c2 pd2 S w S wi ,1 1 S wi ,1 1 / 1 1 / 2 p d1 S S w wi , 2 1 S wi , 2 p c1 ........................................................................................................... (B-16) Substituting Eq. B-7 into Eq. B-16 we have: p c2 2 2 1 S wi ,2 2 2 1 1 S wi ,1 2 1 1 k1 k2 S w S wi ,1 2 1 2 1 S wi ,1 1 / 1 1 2 2 S w S wi , 2 1 / 2 p c1 ............................................... (B-17) 1 S wi , 2 Recall that α1 and α2 ≈ 1; so without any additional information we can assume that 1 / 2 1 . This gives us our final form: p c2 1 S wi ,2 2 2 2 1 S wi ,1 2 1 1 k1 k2 S w S wi ,1 2 1 2 1 S wi ,1 1 / 1 1 2 2 S w S wi , 2 1 / 2 p c1 ........................................................ (B-18) 1 S wi , 2 References B.1. Leverett, M.C.: "Capillary Behavior in Porous Solids," Trans, AIME 142, 152. (1941). B.2. Burdine, N. T.: "Relative Permeability Calculations from Pore Size Distribution Data", Trans. AIME, (1953), 198, 71 B.3. Brooks, R.H., and Corey A.T.: "Hydraulic Properties of Porous Media," Hydrol. Paper 3, Colo. State Univ., Fort Collins, CO, 1964. 22 Nomenclature k = permeability, md n = geometrical constant in the model porous medium JL(Sw) = Leverett J-Function pd = displacement pressure, psi pc = capillary pressure, psi Swi = irreducible saturation, fraction Sw = water saturation in the actual porous medium, fraction = water saturation in the model porous medium, fraction α = empirical adjustment constant = geometrical factor in the model porous medium = interfacial tension, dynes/cm = contact angle, degrees = index of pore-size distribution = porosity S * w 23 APPENDIX C COMBINATION OF MODELS AND COMPARISON WITH TIMUR’S MODEL Introduction Based on the work of Kozeny and Wyllie and Rose, Timur proposed a generalized equation in the form: kA B C S wi ......................................................................................................................................... (C-1) that can be evaluated in terms of the statistically determined parameters A, B, and C. He applied a reduced major axis method of analysis to data obtained by laboratory measurements conducted on 155 sandstone samples from three different oil fields from North America. Based both on the highest correlation coefficient and on the lowest standard deviation, Timur has chosen from five alternative relationships the following formula for permeability. - k 0.136 4.4 2 S wi .................................................................................................................................. (C-2) and for residual water saturation: S wi 3.5 1.26 k 0.35 1 ............................................................................................................................ (C-3) with a standard error of 13 percent pore volume. This model is applicable where condition of residual water saturation exists. Definition of models of permeability, displacement pressure and pore geometric factor This study focuses on permeability and its prediction — the first part of the derivation follows the work of Wyllie and Gardner. This approach describes the porous media as a bundle of capillary tubes model featuring a random connection of pore spaces. The derivation is developed in the Appendix A. The model is: k a1 p d a2 a3 1 S wi a4 a5 ............................................................................................................ (C-4) To validate the model, we used a selection of a large range/variety of samples to provide a representative data sample over several orders of magnitude in permeability. The only "easily" accessible sources of data are for mercury injection capillary pressure data. We selected data sets from literature (Purcell, Neasham,…). We also included fifteen data sets form industry. Sandstones and carbonate rocks are represented. The rocks (about 120 data points) used have permeabilities ranging from 0.04 md to 8700md and porosities ranging from 0.3 to 34 percent. Fig. C-1 presents the results of this optimization — these results indicate excellent agreement between the measured permeabilities and those calculated from Eq. 4. 24 Figure C-1 — Permeability correlation based on mercury capillary pressure data. Note an excellent correlation of calculated permeability data over 7 log-scales of variation in permeability. We also correlate displacement pressure with permeability, porosity and irreducible saturation. The model is defined as: p d b1 b2 k b3 1 S wi b4 .................................................................................................................. (C-5) Fig. C-2 presents the results of this relation. We can observe a good correlation of data over 3 log-scales of displacement pressure. 25 Figure C-2 — Displacement pressure correlation — mercury pc data. Good correlation of data over 3 log-scales of displacement pressure. We also correlate pore geometric factor () with permeability, porosity, irreducible saturation and displacement pressure. The model is defined as: c1 c2 k c3 1 S wi c4 p dc5 ............................................................................................................... (C-6) Fig. C-3 presents the results of this relation. The average error is about 18 percent. 26 Figure C-3 — Pore geometric factor — mercury pc data. Derivation of permeability The objective is combining Eq. C-4, C-5 and C-6 to obtain a simplified permeability equation. c1 c2 k c3 1 S wi c4 p dc5 p d b1 b2 k b3 1 S wi b4 c1 c2 k c3 1 S wi c4 b1 b2 k b3 1 S wi b4 c5 c1 c2 k c3 1 S wi c4 b1c5 b2c5 k b3c5 1 S wi b4c5 c1b1c5 k c3 b3c5 c2 b2c5 1 S wi c4 b4c5 Then, by substituting pd and in k equation: 1 S wi c b c 1 S wi a k b a c a a b c a b a c a b c a 1 S wi a a b a c a b c k a1 b1 b2 k b3 1 S wi b4 k a1b1 a2 c5 a3 c1 a3 3 2 c b a2 3 3 c5 c3 b3c5 c2 b2 c5 1 1 k 3 3 5 2 2 3 2 3 2 5 4 5 4 5 4 a3 2 4 3 4 3 4 5 4 a5 27 k A1 S wi B C 1 b3a2 c3a3 a3b3c5 1 A a b a2 c5 a3 c a3 1 1 1 ................................................................................................ (C-7) a 4 a 2 b4 a 3 c 4 a 3 b4 c 5 B b3 a 2 c 3 a 3 a 3 b3 c 5 C a 2 b2 a 3 c 2 a 3 b2 c 5 a 5 b3 a 2 c 3 a 3 a 3 b3 c 5 Fig. 4 presents the results of the C-7 relation and also the Timur’s equation. We can observe that they are similar. Moreover the coefficients are on the same order. 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