POROSITY AND PERMEABILITY INVESTIGATION This investigation covers Skill P and E SKILL P: Planning SKILL E: Evaluating evidence and procedures Make sure that you are familiar with the full details of these skills and their mark schemes. Your task is to devise a method of assessing the porosity and permeability of a variety of rocks, put it into action, evaluate the data it generates and the methods you used. You should also discuss the relevance of porosity and permeability to economic geology. For this, you might consider its impacts on: : water supply, springs, and aquifers : reservoirs and leakage below dams : oil reservoir rocks within an oil trap : underground mining – especially coal-and the flow of water in mines : waste disposal in quarries and the flow of leachate into water supplies : civil engineering: water tables flooding and the stability of slopes Pages 72 –73 of Geological Science by McLeish may provide some useful ideas from which you might formulate hypothesis. As a starting point, you may wish to consider hypotheses which relate porosity and/or permeability with one or more variables, such as grain size and shape, degree of sorting, pore space, packing, cementation, rock type, etc. You can choose from the equipment listed below to design experiments to test hypotheses. Consult NJA for advise/help. Sieve stacks Unconsolidated sediments Containers of different shapes Plastic measuring cylinders Balances Marbles Polystyrene Spheres Rock types Devise a hypothesis that relates to porosity and one or more variables and / or Devise a hypothesis that relates permeability to one or more variables Design experiments to test your hypotheses. Describe the geological aims of your hypotheses by relating it to specific geological issues. You can choose the same variables for each hypothesis or entirely different variables that can be tested are – Grain size, degree of sorting, pore space/packing/cementation, rock type as groups igneous/sedimentary/metamorphic or specific rocks, grain shape For Skill P: Develop hypotheses for porosity/permeability and relate these to a geological situation demonstrating scientific knowledge and understanding. Devise and carry out experiments using appropriate methods/equipment, describe/explain these clearly refering to number/range of observations/measurements, refer to safety issues, make predictions where relevant. Work should be written as a clear account using specialist terms, with accurate spelling, punctuation, grammer. For Skill E: Show clear evaluation of the methods used in the experiments carried out:- their suitability, limitations, sources of error, possible improvements, overall reliability, and effect on the conclusions related to the original hypotheses Set out your work with clear introduction, method, results, conclusion, evaluation sections .Make sure you include the evidence for skills P and E above outlined above.