Petroleum Engineering 311 — Reservoir Petrophysics — Spring 2006 Revised Schedule (updated 3/29/06) Date Topic Reading Assignment (prior to class) March 29 W 31 F LAB Capillary Pressure/Saturation Relations Capillary Pressure Averaging and Correlations Lab 8: Capillary Pressure (cont’d) ABW 150-155 ABW 155-161 April 3 M 5 W 7 F LAB Capillary Pressure/Permeability Relations Effective and Relative Permeability Three Phase Relative Permeability Lab 9: Relative Permeability ABW 167-174 ABW 174-181 ABW 181-184 10 M 12 W 14 F LAB Laboratory Measurement of Relative Permeability Laboratory Measurement of Relative Permeability No Class, Reading Day Lab 9: Relative Permeability (cont’d) ABW 184-195 ABW 184-195 17 M 19 W 21 F LAB Relative Permeability from Capillary Pressure Data ABW 195-199 Field Determination of Relative Permeability Ratios, ABW 203-209 and Correlation of Relative Permeability Ratios Use of Relative Permeability Data ABW 203-209 No Lab 24 M 26 W 28 F LAB Relative Permeability Correlations Optional Attendance, Review for Exam 3 Relative Permeability Correlations No Lab Handout … Handout 1 2 Relative Permeability Correlations Last Class; Redefined Day (Friday Classes), Review for Final Exam Handout May M T Petroleum Engineering 311 — Reservoir Petrophysics Examination Schedule — Spring 2006 Common Exams: Exam 3: Thursday, April 27, 2006, 7-9 p.m., 106 RICH Final Exam: (if necessary) Sections 901/902: Tuesday, May 9, 2006, 8:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m. (classes meeting MWF 10:20 a.m.-11:10 a.m.) Sections 903/904: Monday, May 8, 2006, 10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. (classes meeting MWF 12:40-1:30 p.m.)