Press Release

Oracle® CRM On Demand Adoption Gains Global Momentum
Fidelity Institutional Wealth Services, Experian, The Economist, GMAC, Kodak
GCG, Quanam Mexico, ABA Seguros, 3M Taiwan and Other Major Organizations
Worldwide Achieved Cost-Effective Business Value with Oracle CRM On Demand
in 2008
Redwood Shores, CA – December 19, 2008
News Facts
The growth and rapid adoption of Oracle® CRM On Demand continues to
increase with substantial customer traction of major enterprise and midsize organizations worldwide in 2008.
Thousands of customers have adopted Oracle CRM On Demand,
providing further testament to Oracle’s industry leadership and
unparalleled choice for application deployment and integration.
Companies expanding or establishing their Oracle CRM On Demand
deployments included Fidelity Institutional Wealth Services, First Niagara,
DPS Sporting Club Development, Experian, MoreVisibility, Siemens,
Ambu, ARM, INTERSEROH, InFact Group, Travelport, SAS Cargo Group,
Kodak GCG, Hotels B&B, Business & Enterprise North East, Atlantic
Technologies, Holcim Lanka, The Economist, GMAC, VicUrban,
AlphaWest/Optus, Artha Money, 3M Taiwan, Hitachi Consulting Co., Ltd.,
Quanam Mexico, Gazit Brasil Ltda, Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras,
Companhia de Telecomunicações do Brasil Central, ABA Seguros and
Oracle CRM On Demand provides a scalable, flexible platform backed by
powerful analytics that enables companies to change, analyze, and
monitor their customer-facing processes and simplify their customer data
management. In addition, it leverages the latest Web 2.0 capabilities for
boosting collaboration and productivity through social CRM.
Only Oracle CRM On Demand provides embedded analytics and a data
warehouse, and Enterprise Grade SaaS with the Single Tenant Enterprise
Edition. Coupled with one-stop integrations to JD Edwards Enterprise,
Oracle E-Business Suite, and Siebel CRM adopters of Oracle CRM On
Demand can easily extend their existing Oracle technology investments.
Supporting Quotes
“Oracle CRM On Demand has, once again, demonstrated an incredible,
upward trajectory of growth and customer success in 2008 as leading
organizations around the world reaped the benefits of flexibility, power,
and value for critical business applications,” said Oracle Senior Vice
President of CRM Anthony Lye. “We are pleased to see the immense
success from these global Oracle CRM On Demand customers, and look
forward to helping them drive further value through innovation over the
coming year.”
JAPAC Customer Supporting Quotes
“Within a very short span of time, we are seeing benefits from the use of
Oracle CRM On Demand,” said Ameya Kapnadak, Chief Marketing
Officer, Artha Money. “The tools have already helped us become a more
strategic player in the highly competitive retail finance space. Our
customers are experiencing greater responsiveness with our teams as we
reduce costs and improve our time to reach each customer.”
“Oracle CRM On Demand substantially reduced the amount of
infrastructure we needed to deploy to make it available to our staff. The
speedy implementation and early delivery of business benefits was a
deciding factor to go with CRM On Demand as opposed to a traditional,
full service, internally run solution,” said Sam Sangster, Finance and ICT
Director, VicUrban. “We’re delighted with our return on investment so far.
Our marketing campaigns have been more targeted. We’ve been much
more effective and are spending marketing funds in the places they need
to be spent. Rather than just managing customer contacts we now have a
tool that gives us confidence we are capturing all interactions and working
through the sales process efficiently to qualify leads. We also have a
better understanding of product demand, so we can deliver what our
customers want.”
“In China our business has grown from 4000 to more than 8000 loans per
month in just a short time frame and with Oracle CRM on Demand we
certainly have been able to process the business faster and more
efficiently,” said Lou Polite, Regional CIO, GMAC. “At GMAC, we have
taken advantage of Oracle technology and Oracle CRM On Demand to
actually process more loans with less resources and less burden on our
resources. We are leveraging Oracle’s SaaS model to build high quality,
timely and cost-effective solutions for our dealers across the Asia Pacific
“Being part of a global leader in cement manufacturing, it is imperative that
we facilitate and adopt the use of best practices in our operations,” said
Smriti Kingsley, Marketing Head, Holcim Lanka Pvt Ltd. “Our investment in
the Oracle CRM On Demand solution, especially the Oracle Mobile Sales
Assistant, is expected to greatly improve field sales productivity and
customer responsiveness, even in areas without network coverage. We
are confident the use of Web 2.0 will foster more collaborative
engagements with our customers, suppliers, employees and partners,
resulting in increased profitability for our business.”
EMEA Customer Supporting Quotes
"The Oracle CRM On Demand offering is set to become a mission critical
part of our business. In today's market we need to optimize every
opportunity we have and we believe that in replacing the incumbent SAP
solution we are providing our sales teams with a significant advantage in
terms of customer visibility and intelligence, in a cost effective and agile
way. In turn, we should be able to better serve our customers creating the
perfect win/win situation,” said Dr. Torsten Becker, Corporate Program
Director CRM, Siemens.
“The primary business drivers for adoption of Oracle CRM On Demand
were sales forecasting and management of the sales pipeline,” said Alex
Nancekievill, VP Operations, ARM. “The ability for sales people to share
information in a common place was an immediate win and we now have a
level of detail in our forecasts we never had before. What we have been
most impressed about with Oracle CRM On Demand is how quickly we
were able to pick it up and make it useful. It has almost set new standards
within ARM on how business systems ought to be”
“Using Oracle CRM On Demand, InFact reduced the time it takes to close
a sales opportunity by 15 percent and reduced sales training and support
costs by 18 percent annually,” said Richard Napier, Director of Business
Development, InFact Group.
“The collaborative Social CRM capabilities in Oracle CRM On Demand
Release 15 meshes extremely well with Business Link North East’s goals
to provide our customers with the services they need in a timely manner
so they in turn are successful in the marketplace. We believe that the
enhanced collaboration capabilities release 15 brings to the table will
further unite our 140 field-based staff and their headquarters-based
colleagues to create more value for all parties,” said Gary Slater, Head of
Business Systems, Business & Enterprise North East.
“We implemented Oracle CRM On Demand mainly for the sales force but
other functional departments will definitely follow in future. The biggest
impact has been on forecast management, as it is now generated
automatically and information that has not been shared before can now be
seen. Because of the user-friendliness and immediate benefits gained the
impact on the users was very positive and acceptance has been high.
After only four months of using Oracle CRM On Demand we have been
tracking over 1000 projects in system, showing further acceptance by the
users,” said Elmar Junger, IT Project Manager, Steelcase.
Latin America Customer Supporting Quotes
“We chose Oracle CRM On Demand as the main tool to manage our sales
processes,” said Luis Avila, Director, Quanam Mexico. “In less than 8
weeks we implemented Siebel Marketing, Siebel Sales and Siebel
Analytics in 10 offices in Latin America. This solution enables us to easily
access all customers’ and prospects’ information, giving us complete
visibility of each sales opportunity.”
“Oracle CRM On Demand has enabled integration and transparency
throughout the stages of every business opportunity at Gazit Brasil by
providing detailed reports, enhancing communication between parties and
helping the company meet deadlines and commitments more efficiently,”
said Fábio Vernalha, Treasury Analyst, Gazit Brasil Ltda.
"In line with investment demands and implementation timeframe, Oracle
CRM On Demand’s proposal has allowed for the fulfillment of our primary
goals related to operational control, streamlined workflows and extraction
of timely reports. In addition, the compliance with minimum requirements
provided for in Law #6532/08 was crucial to this decision. Oracle’s Siebel
is also responsible for the integration between different processes within
the company through the workflow, establishing a single point to
consolidate clients’ information,” said Paulo A. Engelmann, Customer
Relationship Manager, Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras.
“The reason that led CTBC to adopt Oracle CRM On Demand was for the
solution’s fast implementation capabilities,” said Osvaldo Carrijo, Chief
Commercial Officer, Concession Department, CTBC - Companhia de
Telecomunicações do Brasil Central. “The solution minimizes investment
requirements as it allows for prior demand monitoring and sales
management, also enabling the adoption of best practices.”
North America Customer Supporting Quotes
“As a leader in luxury real estate marketing and development, DPS
Sporting Club Development must be on the cutting-edge to maintain and
grow personal customer relationships and provide the highest service for
our elite clientele,” said Robert Rippee, Chief Marketing Officer, DPS
Sporting Club Development. “Oracle CRM On Demand has enabled DPS
to see our customers with a 360-degree holistic view, while providing
increased sales and revenue, contact and campaign management, better
reporting and lead tracking and fast ROI.”
“As one of the world’s leading search engine marketing, optimization and
design firms, MoreVisibility required a new, reliable and seamless system
to benefit both our marketing and sales organizations for a variety of
critical business applications,” said Dennis Pushkin, Chief Executive
Officer, MoreVisibility. “The choice of Oracle CRM On Demand has
proven to be of tremendous strategic value with an extremely easy
migration of more than 8 years of data from our old system to the new
Oracle CRM On Demand. Additionally, we now benefit from an exciting
array of reporting, tracking and management tools that provide utmost
value to our teams, our clients and the bottom line.”
Supporting Resources
Oracle CRM On Demand
About Oracle
Oracle (NASDAQ: ORCL) is the world's largest enterprise software company. For
more information about Oracle, please visit our Web site at
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates.
names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Contact Info
Susie Penner
Aaron Wessels
Blanc & Otus