8th Grade Earth Science – Ms. Salvatoriello Franklin Middle School Room 203 SUPPLIES Pencils Pens - blue and red Composition Notebook 2- pocket folder Box of tissues (optional) GRADING Grading will occur on a variety of assignments including projects, class work, tests, quizzes, lab reports, presentations, and homework. A test or quiz will usually be given each Friday to review material learned during the week. Homework will be assigned at least once per week. A current event in science assignment will be given once a marking period and interactive science notebooks (ISNs) will be collected and graded each marking period. Students will make a word for the word wall at least twice over the course of the year and will have a midterm and final over the course of the year which each count as two test grades. Grade breakdown: o Homework: 10% o Class work: 23% (participation, assignments completed in class) o Projects: 16% (group/individual, science notebook, current event, word wall) o Labs: 17% o Quizzes: 10% o Tests: 24% It is your responsibility to keep track of your grades using your grade folder. If you have a question or concern about your grade, you must make an appointment to see me after class, during lunch, before school, or after school. DO NOT ASK ME ABOUT YOUR GRADE DURING CLASS TIME. Scores will be recorded into my grade book and Genesis, and then papers will be returned to you. Tests may be reviewed but will be kept in your grade folder; otherwise, all papers will be glued into your Interactive Science Notebook. ASSIGNMENTS All assignments are due at the beginning of class. Write legibly. If you prefer to, you may type assignments. Correct heading is required on every assignment as follows: Name Date Period Assignment MAKEUP WORK You have as many days to make up missed work as you have been excused for your absence. Labs will not be made up. I will not pursue you about your missed work. Get any notes or explanations of assignments from a trusted classmate and get missed handouts from the missed work folder. If you are confused, make an appointment to meet with me. LATE WORK POLICY Homework – 1 day late unexcused will earn a -- or 60%, 2 or more days unexcused will earn a 0. Long-term assignments – I will deduct 10 points per day late without an excuse. RULES Be on time. You must be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings. Be prepared to do your work. Your grade depends on being ready to get to work and putting forth your best effort. Raise your hand and don’t interrupt. If everyone speaks at the same time, no one is heard. Pay attention. You cannot learn anything if you do not try. Respect each other, your teacher, and the classroom materials. Leave class when I dismiss you. DAILY DISCIPLINE POLICY FOR RULE VIOLATION 1st offense: Verbal warning. 2nd offense: Minus 5 points off daily class participation grade. 3rd offense: Minus 5 more points off daily class participation grade and contact home. 4th offense: Minus 5 more points off daily class participation grade and teacher detention. **If consequences/teacher detentions become a trend, you will be referred for administrative action.** REWARDS Class “Good” day = 1 star, very minor/few distractions/disruptions, everyone working hard and cooperating “Bad” day = 1 x, several distractions/disruptions, groups not working together or paying attention. Week of 5 stars = homework pass or healthy snack for each student Individual/Group Prize from prize box – score a 100% or better on any test or quiz (100 club) Prize from prize box - when “caught” working well together ________________________________________________________________________ Please return to Ms. Salvatoriello by Monday 9/12/11. I have read and understand the guidelines and procedures for Ms. Salvatoriello’s 8th grade earth science class. Student’s name: _____________________________ Period: _______________ Student’s signature: ________________________________ Parent’s signature: _________________________________ Thank you! I look forward to working with you and your child this year!