Personal Supplies - Effingham County Schools

Dear Parents,
Welcome to third grade! My name is Ms. Jameson and I will be your child’s teacher
this year. I look forward to working with both you and your child. I am very excited
about the beginning of the school year and look forward to having a fun and
productive year. The best way to contact me is through email. I check my email
frequently and will do my best to respond in a timely manner. My email address is You can also contact me by calling the school.
The phone number is 754-3326. Please keep in mind that phone calls may not be
returned until after the school day is over. You may also schedule a time to meet
with me in person. This can be done through email or by phone. I believe that
strong parent/teacher communication is a major factor in student success.
Third grade is a very important year. The curriculum is rigorous, expectations are
high, and students are given more independence. Students are expected to work
hard, complete all class and homework assignments, follow rules and directions,
and be respectful to both adults and peers.
Below you will find brief explanations about various aspects of the school and
classroom. Please let me know if you have any questions. My school website is
also a great place to find information and will be updated weekly. It can be
accessed by going to .
1. Attendance:
A good attendance record is crucial to student success. Students must be in school
to receive the educational opportunities that they need. Please make sure that your
child makes it to school each day on time and stays for the entirety of the school
day. When your child is absent from school, you must send a note explaining the
absence within 3 days. This lets us know if the absence is excused or not. Any
absences without a note will be counted as unexcused. Students may not miss
more than 14 days of school; no more than 7 may be unexcused. Please note that
tardies and early departures can accumulate to form absences. A thorough
explanation of the attendance policy can be found in the Student/Parent Handbook.
2. Dress Code:
Students are expected to follow the county dress code policy. Students who are not
dressed appropriately will be sent to the front office, and you will receive a phone
call asking for you to bring the appropriate clothing for your child. During these
warm months please keep in mind that students are not allowed to wear open-toed
shoes. A detailed description of the dress code policy can be found in the
Student/Parent Handbook.
3. Arrival:
Students may enter the school building beginning at 7:30. Please refrain from
dropping off children before this time because supervision is limited. Students need
to be in their seats and ready to learn by 8:10. Please make sure that your child is
on time for school. Upon the third and any subsequent unexcused late arrival per 9week grading period, students will receive a zero for the first or last subject of the
4. Breakfast:
Students eating breakfast need to be in line by 7:55. Accommodations will be made
for students on late buses.
5. Specials:
Monday: Media Center/ Fitness
Thursday: Art
Tuesday: P.E.
Friday: Music
Wednesday: Computer
Please Note:
Our class will be going to P.E. on Tuesdays. We will also have Fitness on
Mondays for the first semester. Please make sure that your child
wears tennis shoes on these days. Students not wearing tennis shoes
will not be allowed to participate.
6. Lunch:
Our class will be going to lunch at 10:55. You are welcome to come and eat lunch
with your child. However, I ask that you please meet our class in the commons area
so that instructional time is not interrupted. Lunch pricing information can be found
in the Student/Parent Handbook.
7. Transportation:
You must send a note with your child if they will be going home in a way that
deviates from their normal routine. Please include a telephone number on the note
where you can be reached. Our school secretary will call you during the day to
verify the transportation change.
8. Visitors:
When visiting our school, please sign in at the front office and receive a visitor’s
pass. No exceptions. It is important that we know who is in our school so that it can
be a safe environment for all students.
9. Toys & Games:
Please do not allow your child to bring toys or unnecessary items to school. The
school cannot be responsible for lost or broken toys. Items such as radios, video
games, etc. will be sent to the office and will have to be claimed by the parents.
10. Ice Cream:
Third grade students will have the opportunity to purchase ice cream every
Wednesday. Ice cream is $1. I ask that students do not bring in this money earlier
in the week so that we do not risk it getting lost/stolen.
11. Binder:
Each student will need a 3-ring binder. This notebook will be used for all subjects.
All homework and class work will be kept in this binder for review and studying at
home. Once papers have been moved to the Keep At Home pocket, they may be
removed, kept for review, or trashed. Please pay close attention to papers in the
Return to School pocket. These papers must be read, signed/filled out, and
returned as soon as possible. This notebook will also serve as daily communication
between the teacher and parents.
I hope I have answered all questions. If you have any additional questions, please
feel free to contact me and I will be happy to answer them. Thank you for your
support of the students at Springfield Elementary. I am excited and look forward to
a great year!
Ms. Jameson
Third Grade Supply List
Personal Supplies
These materials will be used by your child only and will be kept with
them or inside their desk at all times.
• Pack of #2 pencils and erasers
• Paper (wide ruled)
• Scissors
• 3 composition notebooks
• 2-inch 3-ring binder (trapper keepers optional)
• 8 dividers for notebook
• Pencil bag to fit in binder (helps keep up with supplies)
• Crayons, markers, or colored pencils
•Index Cards
Class Supplies
These materials will be considered “community property”. Please do
not write individual names on these items because they will be used by
all students.
• Dry erase markers
• Glue sticks
Optional Donations
Donation of these items will be greatly appreciated but are not
• Clorox wipes
• Boxes of tissues
• Liquid hand soap
• Germ-X
• Ziploc bags
•Baby wipes
•Bags of Skittles or
chocolate M&Ms (no
peanut or peanut
•Homework will be assigned every night with the exception of
•Students are expected to do their homework at home.
•Homework is to be completed by the student. Parents are
encouraged to check over homework when it is completed or
show your child how to do the problem when they get stuck.
Remember, your child has to be able to do these types of
assignments independently.
•Students who do not complete homework will do so at recess.
No exceptions.
•Students will receive a grade for every 10 homework
assignments in every subject. The assignments will count 10
points each. If a student does all ten days of homework they will
receive a 100 as a homework daily grade. The grade will drop ten
points with every missed day of homework.
•Parents, please note that homework grades count as 10% of
your child’s overall grade in each subject.
•A parent note is required for missing homework in the case of
an emergency. Your child will not be docked points on their
homework grade if they bring in a parent note indicating the
emergency. Students will still be expected to complete their
homework at recess.
• If your child leaves their homework in the classroom
they will lose points.
•Homework will be recorded in the student’s agenda daily.
Homework will NOT be posted on the webpage. Students are
responsible for writing down their own homework assignments.
Students will be monitored during the first 9 weeks to make sure
they are writing down their assignments neatly and accurately.
•Tests will be on the weekly newsletter and will be written in
student agendas.
•Study materials will go home prior to the test so that students
are given time to study at home.
•Tests will not be sent home; due to county policy. If you would
like to come to the school and look at your child’s tests please
make an appointment with the teacher. All test scores will be
sent home on the child’s weekly report which will be in the red
•Projects will also be listed in your child’s agenda as well as on the
•When students are assigned a project it will come with a list of
requirements and a rubric that will be used to grade the project.
•Parents are encouraged to HELP students with projects.
• If you are having difficulty purchasing materials for the project
and need assistance please contact me immediately.
• Projects are worth 1 test grade.
•There will be one project per 9 weeks (if this changes parents will
be notified).
•Parents will be notified about any reading projects in advance.
What is in the “Red Folder”?
• Your child’s red folder contains their weekly reports and their
homework/worksheets/tests that have been graded for the week.
They will also contain any important information or notes that
need to be signed.
When does the “Red Folder” come home?
• The red folder goes home every Monday.
When do I return the “Red Folder”?
• The weekly reports sheet inside of the red folder needs to be
signed and returned the following day. If the sheet is not returned,
the teacher will call home to remind the parent about the folder.
What about daily behavior?
• Students will not receive daily behavior notes unless there is a
behavior problem. We will be using class DoJo this year and
parents can access their child’s daily behavior online (see
behavior section of the packet.)