________________________________________________________________________ 2005 OCCC Officers President: First Vice Pres: Second Vice Pres: Secretary Pro Tem: Treasurer Pro Tem: William Rosenbach Jerry Staples Joe Baker Dick Fritz Roger Zaner 303-233-8374 303-340-0557 303-637-0765 303-774-9710 303-426-8843 Colorado Motorsports Council Colorado Cougar Club Rocky Mtn. Reg. AACA MG Car Club Studebaker, Pikes Peak Committee Chairs and Appointed Positions Legislative Affairs: Don Whissen Legislative Information: Leo Boyle Membership: Jerry Staples Swap Meet: Shirley Zaner Car Show: Rick Nelson Data Base Manager: Harry Tran SEMA Representative: Jerry Staples 303-733-0649 303-321-6611 303-340-0557 303-426-8843 303-423-3147 303-894-9456 303-340-0557 Mile High Model T Club Colorado Cougar Club Studebaker, Conestoga Denver Roadsters Sunday Afternoon Car Klub Colorado Cougar Club Minutes of Meeting – 6 July 2005 The July 2005 meeting of the Old Car Council of Colorado was called to order by President William Rosenbach at 7:33 pm at the Forney Transportation Museum, 4303 Brighton Blvd., Denver. 41 member clubs were represented. Guest Speaker: Sara Chapman and other members of the Formula SAE Team at the CU-Boulder Mechanical Engineering Dept. described the team’s construction of an open wheel formula race car which is entered in a national SAE competition for university teams from across the country. This is an engineering competition, with judging in 7 areas such as presentation, design, acceleration, skid pad, autocross, endurance, and fuel economy. Motor of the car is from a 610cc Honda motorcycle. The SAE Chapter at CU is holding a fund-raiser car show at the Boulder campus on September 11th. 1955 Showroom: Ted Rossi (AACA Colorado Region) is still trying to round up 1955 cars (and trucks) to include in the “1955 Showroom” car display as part of the AACA Grand National and Western Region Meets in Northglenn. The 1955s show will be Saturday, July 30th, 8 am to 3 pm. Ted’s phone is 303-457-2373, or Rich Rossi at 303-452-5501. Minutes: Minutes of the June meeting were approved as published. Membership in the OCCC is now at 56 clubs and 7 individuals. 1 SWAP MEET & CAR SHOW: Shirley Zaner recounted the rain-soaked frustrations of the swap meet on June 3 and 4. Thunderstorms made move-in difficult on Friday, and Saturday saw a steady drizzle, but still people did come. The inside vendors had a better time of it. The sun did come out after mid-day, but most outside vendors had packed up. The question of continuing as a one-day meet was discussed and feedback from clubs is requested. Sunday might have been better, but the event has never broken even on Sunday expenses. There may not be any proceeds from this year’s meet to return to clubs. Legislative Issues: Don Whissen reported on a meeting with representatives of the Colorado Department of Revenue (Title & Registration Section) and the Colorado State Patrol to discuss the unresolved problems with obtaining titles for lost title vehicles and assembled replica type vehicles. Don, Leo Boyle, and Harold Naber represented OCCC. While the bonding requirement for lost title vehicles has been removed, the CSP maintains that the “roadworthiness” requirement for these vehicles must be met before a clear title can be issued. We do not believe this is authorized in the Colorado Statutes. Year designation for Street Rod registration is based on year of chassis, but the proper year for a replica vehicle is not clarified. Finally, county clerks do not all interpret requirements the same way. More meetings and possible assistance from legislators will be needed. Recurring Events: Second Saturdays: Antique & Collector Car Corral at Forney Museum, 10 am – 4 pm. Second Fridays: Cruise Night at Big Daddy’s Diner, Canon City (719-372-3766) Every Saturday afternoon (1-4 pm): Mr.Lucky’s Cruise-In at Fazoli’s, Parker & Iliff in Aurora Every Saturday evening (6-10 pm): Mr.Lucky’s Cruise-In at Sonic Drive In., Main St. (US287) north end of Longmont. Events: July 8-9: Thin Air Nats at Green Mtn. Falls CO, Colo.Spgs. Rod & Custom, 719-210-0013 July 13: Craig Hospital Motorsports Day, Englewood. 303-789-8467. July 22-23: Kruse Auction, Merchandise Mart, Denver. July 23-24: 35th Annual Rod Festival, ColoRODans, Boulder County Fairgrounds 303-682-0320. July 29-30: AACA Grand Nat’l and Western Div.Meets, Northglenn. Ted Rossi 303-457-2373 July 31: Orphan Car Show, Golden Buffalo Bill Days. Carl Nordin, 303-237-4076 Aug.5: Wheels of Blue Car Show at Air Force Academy. 719-333-4579. Aug.6: Aurora High School Reunion Classic Car Show, 15051 E.Alameda Pkwy, Aurora Aug.7: Denv.Roadsters 40th Anniversary Celebration, Car Show & Picnic. 303-697-6488 Aug.7: All GM Fun Day, at Home Depot in Englewood, by Vintage Chev. Club 303-420-5545 Aug. 12-14: American Power Cruise, Breckenridge Aug.14th: Pacifica-Laredo Car Show & Family Day at 6th & Laredo in Aurora. 303-361-6829. Aug.28: All Ford Day Extravaganza, Hudson Gardens, Littleton. Larry Rankin, 303-922-5447 Sept. 1-4: Classic Chevy Meet at Beaver Creek Sept. 2-4: Steamboat Springs Fly-in & vintage car meet. Kendra: 970-879-0882, ext.208. Sept.11: SAE/CU 8th Annual Buffalo Racing Car Show, Boulder. Sara Chapman, 720-565-6888. Sept.17: Wild West AutoFest at Clement Park, Littleton. Denv.Mustang Club 303-972-7006 Sept.24: 10th Annual Family Heritage Day, Adams County Museum Complex. 303-659-7103. Next Meeting: 7:30 pm, August 3rd, 2005, at the Forney Transportation Museum, 4303 Brighton Blvd., Denver. The meeting was adjourned at 8:48 pm. Submitted by: Richard Fritz, Secretary Pro Tem. E-mail: RBFritz@comcast.net. 2