STA 2122 Section 04 – INTRODUTION TO APPLIED STATISTICS Spring 2003 MW 5:15 - 6:55 Instructor: Katherine Zimmer Office: 104F OSB Office Hours: by appointment E-mail: Phone: 644-6039 Teaching Assistant: Eduardo Melendez will be responsible for grading your work and for keeping the following hours in the Help Room (to be announced). Prerequisite: MAC 1105 or college algebra equivalent Required Course Materials: 1. Elementary Statistics 8th Edition—Mario Triola 2. A scientific calculator Course Objectives: This class will provide students with the opportunity to learn statistical tools that can be used to systematically improve the quality of their professional and personal lives. Topics covered will include data collection, sample variation, basic probability, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, contingency tables, correlation, and regression. Examinations: There will be three exams. Each exam will be worth 250 points. Makeup examinations will not be given. A comprehensive exam will be given at the end of the semester for anyone missing a test. This comprehensive test will count as the third test as well as the missed test. Quizzes: There will be 4 quizzes administered throughout the semester. Quizzes will generally encompass material covered in previous classes and will be approximately 15 minutes in length. No make-up quizzes will be given. Each quiz is worth 35 points. Homework Quizzes: You are required to keep a current homework notebook throughout the semester. This notebook should be exclusively for your class homework, and should be brought to class each day. Periodically we will have homework quizzes where you will be asked to copy your solution and working directly from your homework notebook. Textbooks will not be allowed for these quizzes. It is recommended that students purchase the accompanying students’ solutions manual available in the FSU bookstore. Otherwise 2 copies are on reserve in the Dirac Science Library. There will be 4 homework quizzes each worth 35 points. The lowest of the nine quizzes will be dropped. Grading: Your final grade will be based on 750 test points and 250 quiz points. The grading scale is as follows. 930-1000 = A 900-929 = A870-899 = B+ 830-869 = B 800-829 = B770-799 = C+ 730-769 = C 700-729 = C670-699 = D+ 630-699 = D 600-629 = D0-599 = F There is no curving of grades in this course. Grading complaints—Give your work in question and a written explanation of why you think you deserve additional credit within one week from the time the work is graded and available to you. American Disabilities Act: Students with disabilities needing academic accommodations should: 1) register with a provide documentation to the Student Disability Resource Center; 2) bring a letter to me from the SDRC indication that you need academic accommodations. This should be done during the first week of class.