HP Enterprise Services Summary Report of LTC Facilities Reviewed Tracking Number E20110270 October 2011 HP Restricted 1 Contents Contents Overall Summary for Long Term Care Health Services Introduction – Long Term Care Unit ..................................................................................................................... 4 Volume ............................................................................................................................................................ 4 Quality ............................................................................................................................................................. 5 Validation rate and Reconsiderations ....................................................................................................... 5 MDS 2.0 – MDS 3.0 Comparison .............................................................................................................. 5 Training ........................................................................................................................................................... 5 Audit variations – October 2011...................................................................................................................... 6 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 Findings .......................................................................................................................................................... 6 Analysis by Risk Category ........................................................................................................................ 6 Top Problem Elements .............................................................................................................................. 7 Recommendations .......................................................................................................................................... 7 Statistics by Class Categories ........................................................................................................................ 8 Level of Care Statistics ................................................................................................................................... 9 PASRR Level II Statistics................................................................................................................................ 9 HP Restricted 2 April 2011 Overall Summary for Long Term Care Overall Summary for Long Term Care The Long Term Care (LTC) Unit completed nineteen Minimum Data Set (MDS) audits, during the month of October 2011. The mean validation rate for the providers audited during the month was 89.9 percent. The threshold during an audit is currently 80 percent. The LTC Unit received two requests for reconsideration of audit findings in October. The validation rate and minimal requests for reconsideration indicate that LTC continues to be successful in helping providers achieve compliance with IHCP rules and regulations. HP Restricted 3 October 2011 Health Services Health Services Introduction – Long Term Care Unit The HP LTC Unit performs retrospective service provision and case-mix auditing functions. The LTC staff members conduct on-site audits of Medicaid-certified LTC facilities. Oversight is provided for the Division of Aging (DA), helping providers achieve compliance in documentation and billing, as well as helping ensure the health and safety of the Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) members. Volume Figure 1 illustrates the number audits completed by month. For the period of November 2010 through October 2011, HP completed 212 audits. Figure 1 Number of case-mix audits completed HP Restricted 4 October 2011 Health Services Quality Validation rate and Reconsiderations The HP LTC Unit has a respected presence in the provider community, as evidenced by the relatively small number of requests for reconsideration (refer to Table 1) and overall validation performance (refer to Table 2). Less than 5 percent of audits result in facilities requesting reconsideration of audit findings. Following each case mix audit, nursing facilities receive final results with instructions on how to request informal reconsiderations for records that were reviewed and failed to support. The reconsideration request must include specific audit issues that the facility believes were misinterpreted or misapplied during the audit. It should be noted that MDS supporting documentation that is provided after the audit exit conference shall not be considered in the reconsideration process. Facilities may request reconsideration of audit findings for specific records within 15 business days of receiving their initial findings from HP. Table 1 Reconsideration requests Reconsiderations October 2011 Number Received # of Requests Upheld 2 1 Table 2 Monthly validation rate statistics Validation Threshold, per IAC Audit Timeframe Average Monthly Validation Rate 80 percent Nov 2010–Oct 2011 86.3% MDS 2.0 – MDS 3.0 Comparison Comparative analysis was done of the validation rate before and after the advent of MDS 3.0. The 16 months prior to MDS 3.0 revealed an average validation rate of 91.1 percent. From October 2010 thru October 2011 the rate was 86.6 percent. Training LTC auditors discuss with providers audit decisions and provide education throughout the audit process. Providers have shown appreciation for these discussions. The LTC Unit has successfully helped facilities achieve increased compliance thru educational training during audits, thru Virtual Room online training and in conjunction with Myers & Stauffer trainings. In October, the HP LTC unit completed one Supportive Documentation Guidelines (SDG’s) training in conjunction with Myers & Stauffer. The LTC Unit also participated on the panel during PASRR training. HP Restricted 5 October 2011 Health Services Audit variations – October 2011 Introduction The Audit Variations report provides information on nursing facilities (NFs) that demonstrate a variation between their previous case-mix audit validation rate and the current validation rate. NFs that exceed the 20 percent error threshold rate as outlined in the Indiana Administrative Code (IAC) receive a 15 percent Administrative Component Corrective Remedy penalty applied for one quarter, have all unsupported worksheets reclassified, and are subject to a Case Mix audit within 12 months. Findings HP completed nineteen NF audits in October 2011. The Case Mix audit validation rate average was 89.91 percent. That is an increase of less than one percentage point over last month’s average. Seven NF’s validated higher than the previous audit. The validation ranged between 3 and 47 percentage points higher than the previous audit. Eleven NF’s reflected a decrease in the validation rate from the previous audit, ranging from 2-38 percentage points. One NF audit was expanded. It had previously been Low risk. These results moved it into the High risk group. ○ The elements at issue were Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s), Impaired Cognition (the Brief Interview for Mood), Diagnosis, Respiratory Therapy, Physician Orders, Therapy and Nursing Restorative. Analysis by Risk Category Seven audits remained in the Low Risk category. Three Low Risk providers became Medium Risk. One Low Risk providers became High Risk. One Medium Risk provider stayed Medium Risk. Five High Risk providers were audited resulting in Low Risk for their next audit. One High Risk provider became Medium Risk. One New provider was audited and became Low Risk. HP Restricted 6 October 2011 Health Services Top Problem Elements Twenty-two elements appeared with greater than 20 percent inconsistency with the MDS coding. These elements resulted in 20 percent or greater unsupported where at least 10 or more records were reviewed this month. The following analysis was completed on the Top Ten problem elements. Table 3 Top Ten problem elements on the MDS 3.0 found during audits completed in Oct 2011. Percent of Element Unsupported Records NF’s 38% 5 3 O0500E TRANSFER 35% 6 3 O0500G DRESSING/GROOMING 33% 9 5 O0500F WALKING 31% 15 6 I4900 29% 11 6 O0500B 27% 3 2 I2000 PNEUMONIA 26% 37 16 O0700 PHYSICIAN ORDERS 25% 3 3 C1000 DECISION MAKING 23% 3 3 O0500A PROM 20% 2 1 D0500E APPETITE PROBLEMS Element Description HEMIPLEGIA/HEMIPARESIS AROM oThe most pervasive issue appearing on the Top Problem Elements list is Physician Orders with problems occurring in 16 out of 19 NF’s reviewed. Five of those sixteen NF’s had nine residents records that were specifically unsupported due to Physician Orders. In the remaining 28 records Physician Orders being unsupported did not negatively impact the RUG class. Recommendations 1. HP will continue to emphasize the following requirements during provider training: ○ MDS 3.0 requires individualized, measureable care plans for nursing restorative and evaluations completed in the 7 day assessment time frame. ○ Residents who do not participate in the BIMS may still RUG for impaired cognition reasons. Those MDS items require examples within the 7 day assessment time frame. ○ RUGgable diagnosis has two parts, physician signature within 70 days and “Active” meaning documentation within the 7 day time frame of the direct relationship of the diagnosis to the resident’s current status. 2. Additionally HP will stress the CMS parameters for Physician Orders. 3. Encourage NFs to review the MDS 3.0 updates on the CMS Web site. 4. Refer NF’s to and continue to update the Long Term Care page of indianamedicaid.com with relevant topics and links. 5. Encourage LTC providers to attend the Indiana Case Mix workshops provided by Myers & Stauffer. 6. HP will continue to schedule Virtual Room trainings. HP Restricted 7 October 2011 Health Services Statistics by Class Categories The Statistics by Overall Validation Rate and Class Categories table summarizes monthly statistics for all facilities reviewed, including number of records reviewed and the percentage of records fully supported. Resource Utilization Groupings (RUG) further breaks down the statistics. RUG Category TOTAL 11/10 12/10 1/11 2/11 3/11 4/11 5/11 6/11 7/11 8/11 9/11 10/11 EXTENSIVE SERVICES 1,262 75 151 113 92 70 77 104 143 102 80 144 111 FULLY SUPPORTED 1,105 63 137 104 85 63 69 85 122 89 70 119 99 88% 84% 91% 92% 92% 90% 90% 82% 85% SPECIAL REHABILITATION 2,155 77 82 93 165 168 160 256 276 152 249 280 197 FULLY SUPPORTED 2,022 71 74 91 148 156 153 238 255 147 230 271 188 94% 92% 90% 98% 90% 93% 96% 93% 92% SPECIAL CARE 1,908 77 82 93 165 168 160 256 276 152 249 122 108 FULLY SUPPORTED 1,759 71 74 91 148 156 153 238 255 147 230 105 91 92% 92% 90% 98% 90% 93% 96% 93% 92% CLINICALLY COMPLEX 2,085 123 134 150 191 142 137 167 231 149 171 230 260 FULLY SUPPORTED 1,778 107 122 138 154 124 113 131 191 123 152 199 224 85% 87% 91% 92% 81% 87% 82% 78% 83% IMPAIRED COGNITION 662 33 43 62 40 64 43 42 61 49 59 75 91 FULLY SUPPORTED 510 20 32 54 31 42 34 31 48 44 45 53 76 77% 61% 74% 87% 78% 66% 79% 74% 79% BEHAVIOR 25 0 2 6 2 4 1 1 2 0 2 2 3 FULLY SUPPORTED 17 0 2 5 2 4 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0% 100% 50% % % % % % % 68% 100% 100% 83% 100% 100% 87% 88% 97% 92% 97% 92% 83% 89% 90% 76% 0% 50% 83% 89% 97% 95% 86% 84% 87% 86% 71% 84% 0% 33% REDUCED PHYSICAL 1,268 131 98 109 135 92 82 114 156 84 93 118 56 FULLY SUPPORTED 1,045 123 85 85 107 76 77 101 106 79 74 87 45 82% 94% 87% 78% 79% 83% 94% 89% 68% % HP Restricted 94% 80% 74% 80% 8 October 2011 Health Services Level of Care Statistics The Level of Care Statistics reports data for nursing facilities reviewed onsite during the month. The number of IHCP members reviewed is delineated into the following categories: total audited, those having a Medicaid number, those not having a Medicaid number, those no longer in NF, discharge recommendations and MI/DD recommended for discharge. TOTAL FACILITIES Total MA REVIEWED Audited Residents Others 19 826 622 Res No Longer in NF 47 159 MI/DD Recomm D/C No LOC Ref DMHA 0 0 PASRR Level II Statistics The PASRR/Level II Statistics reports information for nursing facilities reviewed onsite during the reporting month. The audit team requests documentation from the nursing facility identifying residents that have a PASRR Level II due to mental illness (MI) or mental retardation/developmental disability (MR/DD) or those dually diagnosed (MI/MR/DD). The audit team compares the list provided by the nursing facility with the actual PASRR Level II documents for verification. Also included are Level II referrals made by the audit team. TOTAL FACILITIES REVIEWED 19 Referrals for new Level II’s MI Residents 33 MR/DD Residents 263 MI/MR/DD Residents 36 21 In twelve of the NF’s audited this month thirty-three residents were referred for Level II’s and the reasons are: ○ One was referred to the local Diagnostic and Evaluation (D&E) Team. Documentation states MR from birth with a dual diagnosis of mental illness. ○ Twenty had a diagnosis of Depression with ongoing psychotropic medication administration and psychiatric intervention noted in the charts. ○ Eight residents were noted to have diagnosis of Depression and Anxiety, with medication administration, symptoms, and some had ongoing Psychological services. ○ One resident has psychiatric consult every few weeks and is depressed about her cancer diagnosis and a grandson who is on a waiting list for kidney transplant. ○ One resident has a diagnosis of Depression and Schizoaffective Disorder is on medication and charting reflects resident is currently hearing voices. ○ One resident has a diagnosis of Schizophrenia, takes medication and has ongoing services. ○ One resident has a diagnosis of Anxiety, with ongoing medication administration and symptoms. HP Restricted 9