Migration A Webquest for 5th Grade Inquiry Throughout history, people have moved for many reasons. This has changed us and the world. Designed by Karen Choan kchoan@amersol.edu.pe _____________________ ______________________ _____________________ Introduction Hello 5th Graders! You are here to look into why people have migrated. You will also find and record some information about who, what, where, when, and how they moved. As you look at the stories of migration, you're going to skim and scan for information. At the end, you'll have a mind map. Good luck and good hunting for treasure!! (Leave the trash behind.) _____________________ ______________________ _____________________ Task You will be working in groups of 3. Each person will have a different job. Read about each job here, then talk in your group to decide who will do each one. PUSH/PULL INVESTIGATOR You need to be good at reading and inferring (figuring out) what made people leave where they lived and what made them choose a new place to live. FACT CHECKER You need to skim and scan well. Your job is to find out and take notes on Who left – be detailed and specific Where these people were living – again, detailed and specific When they left How they left – how did they travel? How long did it take them? Where they went – detailed and specific BACKGROUND DIGGER You’re going to set up the mind map for your group, but you’re also going to research about what was happening in the world while your migration was going on. You’ll be looking at timelines and the library’s research sites and taking notes. You need to be good at searching. _____________________ ______________________ _____________________ _____________________ ______________________ _____________________ PUSH/PULL INVESTIGATOR FACT CHECKER BACKGROUND DIGGER EVERYBODY This is your first job Now you're going to look at some of the migration events on this Webquest. Each of you, by yourself, will make a list of 3 or 4 events to take back to your group. Look for articles that are JUST RIGHT for you to read and use for the information you need. Don’t think about anyone else in your group. Just find articles that are good for your job. That means you need to skim and scan for the keywords for your job. Right now, stop and write down some keywords. After looking at a few events, write down 3 or 4 with good information for you. Later, you and your group will be agreeing on one migration event to focus on. MIGRATION EVENTS Remember that if you’re at home, you might have to LOG-IN to see these pages. The school log-in is colegiofdr and the password is fdrlib. Stone-age Migration Africans in America Leaving England to go to Australia in the 1850s American Dust Bowl (E) African Americans from South to North (you must use Internet Explorer for this link) Germans to Minnesota The Mormons Move West Mormon Migration Forced Native American Migration (start reading where it says Territorial Period) Rural to Urban Americans to Canada (E) Chinese to Texas (E) The Orphan Train Modern Day Africans to America (click and listen to the article… you can still use Trash and Treasure) Pilgrims from England Opportunity in the West Dutch Immigration to New York German Immigration to Pennsylvania Opportunity in Appalachia Modern Immigration Out of Africa Modern Movement Out of Big Cities Move to Harlem The Oregon Trail Early Settlers in the US Illegal Immigration Today Legal and Illegal Immigration Today Central and South Americans to the US Once you have 3 or 4 events written down, see if everyone else in your group is ready to decide on one migration event. _____________________ ______________________ _____________________ PUSH/PULL INVESTIGATOR FACT CHECKER BACKGROUND DIGGER EVERYBODY This is your second job MEET with your whole group. Pick one migration event. Pick an event that has good information for ALL the jobs!! Listen to other people when they say an article will or won’t work for them! Look at some articles together to see which has the best information for everybody!! _____________________ ______________________ _____________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PUSH/PULL INVESTIGATOR This is your third job Now go find your own computer, open up the link for your group’s event, and take notes!! Make a bulleted list of what you find about the PUSH and PULL factors. There may be quite a few… write down the interesting details. You can also go to FDR Research Sites if you want more information about your migration event. Consider using World Book or SirsDiscoverer or netTrekker. Write down your sources (get a Bibliography paper from your teacher). _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ FACT CHECKER This is your third job After your group chooses an event, you'll go to your own computer and open the article on the event. Skim and scan for the following information. Your job is to research and take bulleted notes on Who left – be detailed and specific Where these people were living – again, detailed and specific When they left How they left – how did they travel? How long did it take them? Where they went – detailed and specific Make sure you write down your source (get a Bibliography paper from your teacher). _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND DIGGER This is your third job You're going to start by getting your group’s mind map ready. Go to KIDSPIRATION (or INSPIRATION) and make a center shape. Put the name of your migration event there. Make shapes for the rest of the information your group will Where they went be finding. Save to your own file. Push Factors How long it took to travel Push factors Pull factors Who left Where these people were living When they left How they left How long did it take them? Where they went Pull Factors Name of Migration Event Background and History Background and History Sources How they left When they left Who left Where they were living Sources: Names of people in your group BACKGROUND DIGGER This is your fourth job Open up the link to your migration event. Scan for when it happened (the FACT CHECKER is also looking for this information -- check to see if you agree). Write down the year or the range of years. Now skim and scan the article to see what was happening in the world at that time. There may not be much there. But there may be some clues, like a reference to a war or a famous person. Make a list of your clues, using a few treasure words. Now go to the Timeline link to find out more about what was happening in the world at that time. You have to be able to think and infer about dates and what might have been important to the people who were migrating. If they moved in 1770, for instance, you might find something in the timeline for 1748 - 1790. Use the different searches on the Timeline…. Events, or Disasters or All Events. You'll make a bulleted list of what was going on in the world, using a few treasure words. Make sure to include the year(s) of the event. Timeline Remember that you can go the Media Center Research page, to World Book or SirsDiscoverer or netTrekker, to find out more about what was happening in history at that time. You should be able to use some keywords from your Timeline search. Make a bulleted list, using treasure words. Write down your sources (get a Bibliography paper from your teacher). FDR Research Sites ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ ______________________ _____________________ PUSH/PULL INVESTIGATOR FACT CHECKER BACKGROUND DIGGER EVERYBODY This is your last job MEET with your whole group. Check to see if everyone has done all their research and made notes. Decide how to get it all on the mindmap the BACKGROUND DIGGER has already set up. Think about spelling, organization and making sense to other people. Remember to write down your sources. (You only need the title of the articles). _____________________ ______________________ _____________________ Evaluation You will be assessed as a group, using this rubric. 1 Teamwork 2 3 4 All members All members All members Some of the group of the group of the group members of completed completed completed the group did their jobs on their jobs on their jobs on not complete time, time, and time, and their jobs, problems solved thought about disagreements were solved problems how to were common with teacher independently cooperate help Students did not refer to Webquest Completeness of Research directions and did not use Tasks websites. Tasks were incomplete. Student Student Student used needed some looked back the Webquest reminders of at directions independently, Webquest on the and used all directions and Webquest for the relevant used some of guidance, websites. As a the websites. used most of result, tasks Some of the the websites were tasks were and completed. Score complete. Grammar, Organization of Mind Map, Spelling The final assignment has major errors in grammar, organization, and spelling. completed most of the tasks. The final The final The final assignment assignment assignment is has 6-10 has 1-5 errors free of errors errors in in grammar, in grammar, grammar, organization, organization, organization, and spelling. and spelling. and spelling. Student could Student could Student could Student could not identify converse converse converse and facts or about a few about display deep Understanding Push/Pull facts or significant knowledge of factors factors to do facts and about their the Migration with their factors to do migration Event migration with their event event migration event Sources No sources are listed Students have Students have Students have listed all their a clear and an incomplete sources, complete list list of sources missing some of sources information Conclusion Finding out about other people’s lives is one way of understanding our own lives. And finding out world history is one way of feeling like a citizen of the world. What else might you want to know about a particular migration? Think of some of your own questions and skim and scan other links above for the information. Interested in who is migrating today? Look here: DE Streaming Put “immigration” in the Search box, and choose “DE Streaming” and “Video Segment” from the dropdown menus. Watch the short videos that come up. Credits & References Thanks to WebQuest for the template and start of a rubric. The WebQuest Page Thanks to QuestGarden for the collaboration page. QuestGarden We all benefit by being generous with our work. Permission is hereby granted for other educators to copy this WebQuest, update or otherwise modify it, and post it elsewhere, provided that the original author's name is retained. On the line after the original author's name, please add Modified by (your name) on (date). If you do modify it, please let me know and provide the new URL.