Class Outline: Chapter 3 – Population

Class Outline: Chapter 3 – Population
Global Population
World Population =
Largest Countries & Gee Whiz Facts
Population Density =
Factors Affecting Population Distribution
1. Environment
2. Economic Factors
3. Historical/Political Factors
4. Demographic Factors
5. Urbanization
Urbanization =
Correlates with Urbanization (Benin vs. Belgium)
Population Growth Over Time & Space
 Fundamental Demographic Equation
 Crude Birth Rate:
 Crude Death Rate:
 Rate of Natural Increase
 Doubling Time (“Rule of 70”)
Population vs. Resources (Thomas Malthus)
Malthus could not predict:
Theory of Demographic Transition (Population Change over Time)
Stage 1 – Low Growth:
Stage 2 – High Growth:
Stage 3 – Decreasing Growth:
Stage 4 – Low Growth:
Population Pyramids: What do they tell us about demographic transition?
Human Migration: Population Change Over Space
What is it?
Migration Trends and Patterns
Major Issues in Migration
1. Who Moves?
2. Why Move?: Push & Pull Factors
Push Factors
Pull Factors
3. Where Do People Move? (Direction of Migration Flow)
Classical Theory of Labor Migration
1. Wages are the primary motivating factor in migration
2. Workers have perfect (good) information about prevailing wage rates in other
3. There is free mobility between regions -- No barriers to movement.
4. Workers also accurately incorporate other costs into their migration decision
- Costs of moving
- Transactions costs (selling property, search costs)
- "Psychic costs" (cost of leaving family/friends, familiar surroundings,
4. Impact of Migration on Origin and Destination
(Note: Assume move from Region A to Region B)
Impact on Region A
Impact on Region B
Death Rate
Birth Rate
Note: Retirement migration has exactly the opposite effect as above.