MEMORANDUM 12 December 2006 ___________________________________________________________________________ To: All Members of the Panel, Derrick Ashley, Stuart Pile, John Wood, Jan Hayes-Griffin, Jon Tiley, John Pryor, Sue Davidson, Dave Humby From: County Secretary’s Department Ask for: Neil Terry Ext: 25413 My ref: Your ref: PLANNING AND PARTNERSHIPS PANEL 4 DECEMBER 2006 MINUTES ATTENDANCE MEMBERS OF THE PANEL N E Agar, M V Bayes, C L Berry, R S Clements, A D Dodd, D S Drury, S E Jones, J T Metcalf, A Mitchell, R Roberts (Chairman), P A Ruffles, R A C Thake, C J White Upon consideration of the agenda for the Planning and Partnerships Panel meeting on 4 December 2006 as circulated, copy annexed, conclusions were reached and are recorded below: PART 1 ACTION 1. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held on 8 November 2006 were confirmed as an accurate record. 2. PRESENTATION FROM THE HERTS CVS GROUP (Officer contact: Andrew Burt 01992 555213) Ann Jansz, Laura Cronshaw and Ian Richardson represented the Hertfordshire Voluntary & Community Sector (VCS) Group at the meeting. The Panel were shown a promotional DVD (copies available from Neil Terry) and received a presentation. An information pack was also distributed at the start of the meeting. NT Conclusions The Panel thanked CVS for their presentation and agreed that a further presentation be delivered at the end of the CVS’ third year of funding. The Panel requested that ‘real numbers’ be included in any 061204 Minutes 1 MEMORANDUM 12 December 2006 ___________________________________________________________________________ ACTION future presentation. 3. PLANNING OBLIGATIONS (Officer contact: Jonathan Tiley 01992 556292) Chris White registered a non-prejudicial interest as a member of the Audit Commission and remained in the meeting. Jon Tiley presented a report updating the Panel on key issues which have affected the operation of the planning obligations system for the County Council. The report identified future challenges, and a programme of work to ensure the County Council is well positioned to take advantage of future opportunities to ensure new development contributes fully to the infrastructure demands it generates. The Report set out that whilst planning obligations had been subject to Scrutiny in recent years, and a number of significant improvements had been introduced to the ways in which the County Council works, there was still room for improvement. In addition, recent Government guidance and Audit Commission best practice had recently been published, which highlighted other improvements which could be made. The Panel were informed that the Government still appears committed to the principle of introducing Planning Gain Supplement (PGS) to help fund strategic infrastructure with contributions raised from the development process. However, planning obligations would still exist to deal with site specific infrastructure. The Report set out a set of outcomes to focus future work on planning obligations, together with issues which would have to addressed in the longer term, such as the suitability of a tariff approach for growth areas in the County, and how to operate if PGS is introduced. Members expressed concerns at the thought of losing Section 106 funding and the problems of PGS being distributed by Government. It was however noted that not every development generates large levels of Section 106, and that the Government’s objective was to collect PGS from the majority of new developments. The Panel considered the short comings of the current system and the overall strategic problems caused by the cumulative effect of small projects, concluding that each dwelling should contribute financially to the strategic pot. 061204 Minutes 2 MEMORANDUM 12 December 2006 ___________________________________________________________________________ ACTION The Milton Keynes Tariff approach was discussed. It was explained that whilst this was an interesting initiative, it was subject to a special set of circumstances which does not make it directly applicable to other locations. This included the fact that there was only one landowner, a small consortium of developers and that Government had agreed to pre-fund key elements of infrastructure. There is no guarantee that the government would take the same approach with other schemes, such as A1M widening. The Panel considered recent work with North Herts District Council which resulted in a Supplementary Planning Framework. More joint working with the Districts is expected. The Executive Member agreed that there was a need to progress this work. It was acknowledged that some Districts are better at dealing with planning obligations than others, and there was a need for County wide guidance and buy in to a more effective approach to planning obligations. Conclusions The Panel agreed the list of outcomes and the programme for taking forward work on planning obligations, tariffs and planning gain supplement. The Panel concluded that it was unnecessary to set up a small Topic Group to provide input to the development of proposals at this time. 4. NOTTINGHAM DECLARATION ON CLIMATE CHANGE (Officer contact: John Rumble 01992 556296) A report was presented to the Panel by John Rumble regarding the Nottingham Declaration. It sought the Panel’s advice on issues which may arise for the County Council if it agrees to sign up to the Nottingham Declaration on Climate Change. The Panel expressed support for signing the declaration. However it was acknowledged that more work was required to establish and understand the financial implications of the various initiatives which may be associated with such a commitment. Two specific resolutions were tabled for discussion as follows:1. That the County Council become a signatory to the Nottingham, Declaration on Climate Change. 2. That the County Council incorporate the commitments contained within the Nottingham Declaration on Climate Change into a Climate Change Strategy and action plan for 061204 Minutes 3 MEMORANDUM 12 December 2006 ___________________________________________________________________________ ACTION Hertfordshire to encompass the following activities: the direct impacts that arise through the activities of the County Council in the operation of its own services; the impact and influence the County Council has with its partners through policies and strategies for Hertfordshire; and the development of greenhouse gas reduction targets for the County Council and Hertfordshire Conclusions The Panel confirmed its support of the Council signing the declaration and the way forward as set out in the resolutions. 5. DRAFT FURTHER ALTERATIONS TO THE LONDON PLAN (Officer contact: Paul Donovan 01992 556289) Jon Tiley presented a report to assist the Panel in advising the Executive Member on a County Council response to the Mayor of London’s consultation on his Draft Further Alterations to the London Plan (Spatial Development Strategy for Greater London). The Panel welcomed the response to the Mayor of London’s consultation and were happy with its content but recommended that the reference to past under provision of housing be removed. Paragraphs relating to airport policy and the proposed London - Bedford growth corridor should be strengthened. The Executive Member considered the airport issue to be interesting and asked that this should go on the agenda for the next inter regional forum. The Panel agreed the response to the consultation subject to some paragraphs being strengthened. 6. DATES FOR FUTURE MEETINGS A meeting will be required in early February to consider the Regional Spatial Strategy. Neil Terry will establish the most suitable date and email members accordingly. NT Andrew Laycock County Secretary 061204 Minutes 4