Richland College Biol. 2401 Marieb A&P Lab Manual - 11th Edition ACTIVITY 5: Audiometry THE LANGUAGE OF ANATOMY OBJECTIVES 1. To describe the anatomical position, and explain its importance. 2. To use anatomical terminology to describe body directions, planes, and surface anatomical landmarks. 3. To name the body cavities and identify the major organs within. 4. To name the human organ systems and indicate the major functions of each. 5. To list and identify the major organs of each system. ACTIVITY 1: BODY REGIONS Describe location of organs/body parts in reference to others using appropriate medical terminology. Name major landmarks of the body as listed in lab. ACTIVITY 2: BODY ORIENTATION AND DIRECTION Describe body orientation and direction in reference to the anatomical position. ACTIVITY 3: BODY PLANES AND SECTIONS Identify planes of dissection and the cut (sectioned) specimens. ACTIVITY 4-5: CAVITIES AND ABDOMINAL REGIONS Identify cavities and organs within. Name the 9 abdominal regions and MAJOR organs within. The 2 layers of serous membranes, where these membranes are found within the body, and the specific names of them. In the next exercise titled ORGAN SYSTEMS ACTIVITY 5: ORGAN SYSTEMS OVERVIEW You are not responsible for the organs on the rat, but you will be using human models instead. Identification of the 11 organ systems, summary of major functions of each system, and identification of the MAJOR organs on models 1