Chapter 1 Review Guide - Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology 1. Describe the difference between ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY 2. Know the levels of organization, from simplest to most complex 4. Define homeostasis. Know the components of a negative feedback loop and be able to label them on a sample pathway. Control center, Target organ, Receptor, Sensory pathway, Efferent Pathway 5. Describe how negative feedback and positive feedback act to regulate body function. Ex/ Calcium homeostasis- A rise in blood calcium levels causes a release of a hormone from the thyroid gland. This hormone then promotes Calcium deposition in the bone, removing it from the blood. Is this an example of negative or positive feedback? Could you draw a diagram of this feedback loop? 6. Describe the body cavities, what organs are found in each and be able to identify them on a diagram. (See handouts, diagram below, and flow chart notes) 7. Describe the 11 organ systems (MURDERS LINC), their functions, and organs found in each 8. Describe the ANATOMICAL POSITION, know its importance 9. Know the relative directional terms: deep/superficial lateral/medial superior/inferior proximal/distal anterior/posterior cranial/caudal dorsal/ventral prone/supine 2. 8. 14. 3. 9. 15. 4. 10. 16. 5. 11. 17. Ex/ The lungs are _______ to the stomach. The ankle is ____to the toes. 6. 12. A scrape is ____to a stomach cramp. The chest is ___to the shoulder blades. Name a position where the body is laying down, face down, belly to the floor. A nurse of informs you that is about to body give you the lateralusing femoral region. What portion of Be able to describe the exact2.position an injury or she point on the in a3shot or 4insentences your body should you uncover? See warm up “Anatomical Terms 2” BOTH body regions and directions (or planes & cavities). _________________________________________________ ____ 3. Correctly each of the internal body planes by inserting the appropriate term 10. Understand the body planes (sections)identify used to observe structures, be able to label them onfor a each on answer line below the drawing. diagram or create them on a claythe model (sagittal, transverse, coronal/frontal) A. 11. Describe the body regions and be able to identify them on a diagram B. Cephalic, frontal, buccal, nasal, mental, orbital, oral, occipital, cervical, sternal, thoracic, acromial, axillary, scapular, lumbar, sacral, umbilical, abdominal, coxal, inguinal, C. carpal, manus, antecubital, olecranal, brachial, antebrachial, femoral, fibular, pedal, tarsal, digital, plantar, calcaneal, sural, crural, patellar 12. Know the 4 abdominal quadrants and 9 abdominopelvic regions Ex/ If a patient is feeling pain in their liver, which quadrant would be effected? If a patient is complaining of pain in their right lumbar region, which organs would you be concerned about? Study Tips 1. Spend at least one hour reviewing your notes, pay special attention to terms 2. Review your handouts, practice naming (labeling) without looking at the answers 3. Use flash cards and try the practice Quizlet