Human Body Research Project and Game

Human Body Research Project and Game
 Describe the functions(jobs) of the following systems
 Describe the functions(jobs) of the major organs within each system
o Skeletal (bones, ligaments, joints, bone marrow, cartilage)
o Muscular (smooth muscle, skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, tendon)
o Integumentary (dermis, epidermis, melanin, sweat glands, hair
o Nervous (neuron, brain, spinal cord, cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla
oblongata, central nervous system, peripheral nervous system)
o Cardiovascular (blood, platelet, arteries, capillaries, veins, heart,
ventricle, atrium, valve)
o Respiratory (nose, mouth, trachea, lung, bronchi, alveoli,
o Urinary (kidney, nephron, urine, urinary bladder, ureter, urethra)
o Digestive (mouth, teeth, salivary gland, esophagus, stomach, liver,
pancreas, gall bladder, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus)
 Explain how each system interacts and depends on other systems
Group Project – Build a Body (2/22, 2/23, 2/24)
1. Trace the outline of a group member onto a large piece of paper.
2. Research the systems and organs that you have been assigned.
a. Major function of the system
b. Functions, size and locations of each of the organs associated with
the system
3. Make life-size cutouts of each organ in your system. Place the cutouts
onto the body.
4. Label each organ with its name and function. You may have to make
some organ parts larger than normal so that you can see them and label
the functions.
5. Write the functions of each system on Post-It notes and attach them to
the border of the body.
6. Review the functions of the systems and organs with the members of your
group and record notes and information on the notes sheet. (2/25)
7. Additional notes will be provided by the teacher (2/26)
Individual Project – Body Board Game (3/1-3/5)
1. Design and build a board game based on the systems and organs of the
human body.
2. Your board game must include 4 questions from each system
o The questions should vary in difficulty (easy, medium, hard)
o The answers to the questions must be available within the game
o You may use the notes from your note sheet or any other resource
to help you.
3. You also need to include 2 additional question categories containing (4
questions each)
o questions concerning how the systems depend on and interact with
each other
o questions about weird and/or bizarre facts about the human body
(you will have to research these on your own)
4. Your game must be pleasing and neat to look at and it must include all
parts needed to play.
5. Your game needs to be packaged; it should come in some sort of box or
container. The name of the game, a graphic, and your name should be
on the outside of the package.
Play Games (3/8, 3/9)
o Group project counts as 2 lessons (formative)
o Game counts as a major project (summative)
o Each project will be worth a total of 10 points broken down as follows:
Accuracy (correct facts) = 3 points
Thoroughness (how well you follow directions) = 3 points
Neatness = 2 points
Creativity = 2 points
The following will be provided:
o Construction paper (various colors)
o Rolls of white paper
o Scissors
o Colored paper
o Yarn
o String
o Post-Its
You may want to gather:
o Glue
o Dice
o Cardstock(stiff paper)
o Shoe boxes
o Spinners
o Markers
o Stencils
o Stickers